Using the Biamp Capabilities:
Your BT-350 can be used along with an additional power amplifier, to “biamp” your system: that is, using two ampli-
fier/speaker combinations to share the task of reproducing the full range of your bass. Due to increased efficiencies, the
combined output may sound cleaner and more powerful than that of a single-amped system, especially during high-vol-
ume, live performances.
Using the BT-350 as the low-frequency power amplifier:
In the biamp configuration shown below, the BT-350 serves as the system preamp, biamp crossover, and low-fre-
quency power amplifier. A second power amp of 75 to 200 watts (such as the Crate model SPA-200) may be used to
amplify the upper frequencies. The crossover frequency (that point where one amplifier ends and the other amp takes
over) is set by adjusting the BT-350’s Biamp Frequency control (#13).
To connect the unit for biamp operation using the BT-350 as the low-frequency power amp, refer to the diagram below:
Connect a shielded cable from the BT-350’s Biamp HIGH OUT jack and the input of the amplifier which
will be used for the upper frequencies.
Connect a shielded cable from the BT-350’s Biamp LOW OUT jack and its Effects Loop RETURN jack.
Connect the Speaker Outputs of your high-frequency power amp to the speaker cabinet(s) that will be
used to reproduce the upper frequencies. (10” or 12” drivers work well for this.)
Connect the Speaker Outputs of the BT-350 to the speaker cabinet(s) that will be used to reproduce the
low bass notes. (Woofers in the 15” to 18” range work well for these low notes.)
Use the BT-350’s Balance control (#14) to adjust the relative level of lows to highs: to increase the level of low fre-
quencies in the mix, rotate the Balance control to the left (towards “LOW”). To increase the amount of highs in the mix,
rotate the control to the right (towards “HIGH”).
ThunderBass Amplifier
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