Страница 1: ... EyeProtection WARNING READTHEOPERATOR S MANUALANDFOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS FAILURETODO SOCAN RESULTINSERIOUS INJURY CRRFTSMRN 2 0 2 75cc MOTOR 14 16 inchGuideBar ELECTRICCHAINSAW Assembly Operation Customer Responsibilities Serviceand Adjustments Table of Contents Inside Back Cover Sears RoebuckandCo HoffmanEstates IL 60179 USA _30 083031 8_0 94 ...
Страница 2: ...s ormedication You must beIngood physical condition and mentally steal Chaln saw v or isstrenu cos Ifyou have anycoedltlonthat mightbe aggravated bystrenuous work check with your doctor before oper ating achain saw Oonotattempt touseyourchain sawduring bad waathercondgions such asstrong wJndl rain snow Ice etc oratnight Carefully planyoursawing opemtlca inadvance Donot start cutting until youhave ...
Страница 3: ...of Make certain the chain stops movingwhen the throttletriggeris released Stopthe sawif the chain strikes a foreign object i nspectunitandrapairorreplacepattsas necesca_y Disconnect the unit from the powersourcebefore pedormlngany maintenance Nevermodifyyoursawin any way Useonlyaitaeb mentssupplied or specifically recommended bythe raanofaoturec TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE Stoptheunitbeforstraosporti...
Страница 4: ...rreach Youcould bedrawn orthrownoff balanceandrosecontrol ofthesaw Do not cut above shoulderheighL It is difficult to maintain control ofsawaboveshoulder height UNDERSTANDINGREACTIVEFORCES Pinch Kickback endPug In occur whenthechainIS suddenly stopped bybathspinched caught or by contacting aforeign ob_eof Inthewood This stoppfng ofthechain results inareversal ofthechain force used to cut wood andc...
Страница 5: ...34251 t0 5 358 34180 12 358 34260 12 358 34491 12 GUIDE BAR 358 34111 14 358 34251 14 358 34180 16 358 34260 16 358 34491 16 CHAIN Low Profile3 8 Pitch OILER Manual DRIVESYSTEM Gear Drive M_NUFACTIJREPUH_ER1HE FO_ _G PAT_N_ CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Readandobserve thesafetyrules Followa regular schedulein maintaining caringIor andusing your unit Fofl0wtheinstructionsunder CustomerRespensibili ties...
Страница 6: ...ed Kickback Bar anda Low KickbackChain Alwaysusethe Reduood Klekbeck GuidoBarand Low Kickback Chainspecifiedfor yourchainsaw modelwhenreplacing theseparts Seethe Speci fications section Turn the unitupside downons flatsurface Straighten outchain thenlay Itona flat surface Removebarrnoundng nutsandbarclampplate TurntheedJusfing screw Rfiure6 counterc nckwise tomovetheedjuuting pin almost astarasitw...
Страница 7: ...ature o Chain tension is correct when the chain canbe liftedabout1 8 fromthe GuideBarat a pointnearthe middle ofthebarandwillmovefreelyaroundthebar it is recommended that the sawbe turnedupside downfor chaintensioning o Chaintensioningprocedure NOTE Make surethebarmounting nuts arenomore than t_nger tight T umthe adiuslingscrewclockwise until thelangs on thechainenter theguidebargroove Figure11 in...
Страница 8: ...gconnectors mustbe undamaged Secureextensioncordtothe PowerCordasshown inFigure13 toprevent disconnection Insertthe cordsocketInto the recessed plugon the unit Figure13 To reduce the risk of electrfoshock thisunithasa polarized plug onebladeiswider thantheother This plug wiflfitlnapoladzedextension cord onJy onsway lftheplug doesnotglfullyintotheextension cord reversethecord If it stilldoesnot fit...
Страница 9: ...AROIL FILL CAP HANDGUARD ADJUSTING SCREW CHAdN FRONT BehindBaD l HANDLE REAR HANDLE GUIDE BAR eAR CLAMp ON STOP SWITCH THROT LE TRIGGER BARC_MP NUTS TheON STOPSWITCHis usedtostoptheengine TheTHROTTLETRIGGERcontrols engine speed The GUIDEBARIs designedtocanythechain TheCUTTERSaredesigned tocutthewood Figure 15 TheBARCLAMPNUTSaredesigned leholdtheguide bar alteradjustments havebeen completed TheADJU...
Страница 10: ...L SAFETY Keepmbioratfu_lthruttledudngcutt ngprecedura Aliowthecheintocutthryou exertonlylightdowaward pressure you ore thecut damage tothebar chain ormotor canresult Releasethethrottte tdgger as econas theoutis cony pleted aUowing themotor toidle Ifyouruntheunit atfull throttle without cutting unnecessary wearcanoccur to thechain bar andmotor Toavoid losing control whencompleting thecut doect putp...
Страница 11: ... ofthe frordsawtameagalost thelog Oudng cutting keepthefrontsawframe against thelog _ FmrdSawFrame Figure20 CUTrlNG SPEED Accelerate motorto fullthrottle beforeentedngcutb squeezing thethrottle trigger Never cutwithmotor atpadialthrottlespeed USING THE MANUAL OILER Fig 21 Your sawisequipped withanoileractaatadfillor cap which manual lysupplies oiltothebarandchain The oiler sctuatedfiltarcap must b...
Страница 12: ...wedges hutnever steeloriron toavoidkickback and chaindamage Cracking soundswidening ofthefellingcut movement intheupper branches areallsigns thorthetree s ready tofall Astreebeginstofall tumoffsaw setitdown andmove quicklyawayfrom direction offall 211 Top Felting Notch_ f Cut Cut BoHom Notch Cut Figure22 If yourchainsawbinds in thefelling cul youhavethree optons Ifthewrongdimotionof faUis acceptab...
Страница 13: ...n ovemut AreaB Ovemutl 3ofthewaythroughthelog Finish withanundercut lstCu CUt Figure25 1 _cut 12ndcut I __ lstCu Another Log _ Figure26 OPERATING USE TIPS CUtonlyonelogata time Cutshattered woodYeW camfuny Sharppfcoes ofwood could beflung toward theoperator Usea sawhorse tocutsmalllogs Neverallow another pemon toholdthelogwhite cutting andneverheldthe logwithyourlegorfooL Donotcutinanareawherelogs...
Страница 14: ...vethelargerlimbsundemesth thefelledh eetosup portthetreeasyouwork S_art atthebaseofthe idledtreeendworktoward the top Keepthetreebetween youandthe chain Cutfrom the sideofthetreeopposite the b anch youera cuttthg Limitpruning tolimbsshoulder height orbelow Keepoutofthewayofthefalling limb OPERATION SAFETY PRUNING AND LIMRING SAFETY _ IL WARNING NEVERCLIMBINTOATREETO LIMBOR PRUNEUNLESSSPECIRGALLY T...
Страница 15: ...ld bechecked atleastonceeachsea son Follow themaintenance schedule inthismanuel CLEAN UNIT ANDLABELS C een theunitusing a damp cloth witha milddetergent Wipeofftheunitwitha dean drycloth BEFORE EACH USE CHECK FORDAMAGED WORN PARTS The followingdamaged worn partsshou_l bereferred to yourSearsServiceCenter NOTE ftfscormelfor asmarl amountofoilta apeear un derthesawaftermotor stops Donotconfuse thisw...
Страница 16: ...SULT INSERIOUSINJURY ALWAYS WEARGLOVESWHEN HANDLING THECHAIN THECHAINCAN BESHARPENOUGH TO CUTYOUEVEN THOUGHIT ISTOODULL TOCUTWOOD Cutter Movestopswitch tothe STOP position Adjust chainforproper tension SeeChainTension Poaigon thefileholder level 90 sothatil rests onthe topedgesofthecutter anddepthgauge FileHolder _ Depth Gauge Chain Figure32 Align the25 fileholder marksparallel withthebar 25 File ...
Страница 17: ...ND CHAIN OIL TheGuldeBesandCuttth_Chathrequirecontinu ouslubrication to remainIn operatingcondition Lackofoil wglquicklyrule the Sar and Chain Tee little oll will cause overheatingshownby smokecoming from thechainand or disooiormioo of theguide barrails GenuineSEARSCraftsmenBar and Chath Oilis recommended to protectyour unit againstexces sive wearfromheatand friction SEARSCraftsman oilresists high...
Страница 18: ...s Sen iceCenlsrwhen installing anewchaintoavoidex cessive weartothechain Cutters DepthGauge DriveUeks SPROCKET GEAR ASSEMBLY Fig 42 Cleanthesprucketandsurruundingarsadailydur ingheavyuseof the saw Inspect the sprocketregularly for wear A worn sprocket willcausethechainto rune raticalJy and wilt shoden thelifeofthebarandChain Figure 42 fsprocket is worn Figure 42 havethesprocket replaced byyourSEAR...
Страница 19: ...id sawdust grass ordebds thathascoitected Inspect the guide barandchain replace a guidebarthatisbent warped cracked broken ordamaged inanyotherway Replace a damaged orworn chain tJghtly oi_ external metal suitaces toprevent resttrem forming _ AUTION Wearprotective gloveswhen handlingchain The chainis sharpand cancutyouevenwhenit Is not rnovin q Appfyacastiogofoiltotheentiresutfaeeofthegu de barand...
Страница 20: ...maged or oneside i 2 Chaindull ononeside 3 Guidebarben orworn REMEDY I Fill oiItank 2 ContactyourSEARSServiceCenferlDept 3 Remove barandclean i See ChainTensioo 2 Repairorreplace 3 Conlaet yourSEARSServiceCenter Dept 1 See ChainTension 2 Contact yourSEARSServiceCenter Dept 3 Reeharpen orreplace chain 4 Seethechainsharpening instructions 5 ContactyourSEARSServiceCenter Dept 1 Seethechainsharpeningi...
Страница 21: ... 8 K KnowYourGasCbeinSew 9 L Umbing 14 M Maintenanca Schedule 18 ModelNumber 4 O Operation 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ordedng RepairParts BackCover P Pruning 14 R RepeirPads _ ackCover S ServiceandAdjustments 18 Specifications 4 Starter Rope 23 Starting 11 Biomge 19 T TreeFelting 12 Tmubioshoottng 20 W Warranty 4 ACCESSORIES T_eseaccessories andattachments wereavailable whentheunitwasoriginally purchased Th...
Страница 22: ...II ...
Страница 23: ...III ...
Страница 24: ...na decal attached totheunit Allpar_lisied herein mayheordered through Sears Roebuck and Co Se_iceCenters andmost Retail Stores WHE N ORDERING REPAIRPARTS ALWAYS GIVETHEFOLLOW iNGINFORMATION PRODUCT GASOLINE CHAINSAW MODELNUMBER 358 34111 358 34251 358 34180 358 34260 358 344910 PART NUMBER PARTDESCRIPTION Your Se_ts merchandisehasaddedvaluewhenyouconsider that Searshasservice unitsnationwide staff...