Craftsman 247.88999 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.88999

Страница 1: ...Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPArqOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FORMNO 769 03955 2 4 2009 ...

Страница 2: ...shearpins sparkplug air cleaner belts andoilfilter Standardmaintenanceservicing oil changes ortune ups Tire replacementor repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps orglass Tire orwheel replacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident or improper operationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse including but not limitedto damagecausedby impacting obje...

Страница 3: ...ontrolsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury Pl...

Страница 4: ...orking Neverrunanengineindoorsor ina poorlyventilatedarea Engine exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide anodorlessanddeadlygas Do notoperatemachinewhileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn Do not touch Keepchildrenaway Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon orcrossinggravel surfaces Stayalertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionandwhileo...

Страница 5: ...ff seasonstorage Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif necessary Do notcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S Environmental ProtectionAgency EPA thisproduct hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven 7 years or 60 hoursof operation At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannuallybyan authorizedservi...

Страница 6: ...and discharge openings while machine is running There are rotating blades inside WARNING ROTATING AUGER Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts in the auger impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE All...


Страница 8: ...tleverin the F6position b Pullupandbackon upperhandleas shownin Figure1 As youare raisingthe handleupward makesurethat bothends of the centercablearepositionedproperlyinthe brackets Alignupperhandlewiththe lowerhandle c Tightenhandknobssecuringupperhandleto lowerhandle Removeanddiscardany rubberbands if present Theyare for packagingpurposesonly 2 Removewingnut andhexscrewfromchutecontrolassembly a...

Страница 9: ...ndle See Figure 5 7 The extension cord for the electric starter isfastened with acable tietothe rear ofthe auger housing forshipping purposes Cut the cable tieand remove itbefore operating the unit SET UP Shear Pins Holesare locatedinthe plasticdashpanelfor convenientshearpin storage SeeFigure6 Referto the Operationsectionfor moreinforma tion regardingshearpinreplacement Figure5 f Figure4 Figure6 ...

Страница 10: ...skidshoesareadjustedupwardat the factoryfor shippingpurposes Adjustthemdownward if desired priorto operat ingthe snowthrower lit is not recommended that this thrower you operate snow on gravel as it can easilypickupandthrowloosegravel causingpersonal injuryordamageto the snowthrowerandsurroundingproperty Forclosesnowremoval on a smoothsurface raiseskidshoes higheronthe augerhousing Usea middleor l...

Страница 11: ...auger 4 Allowtheaugerto remainengagedfor approximately ten 10 secondsbeforereleasingthe augercontrol Repeatthisseveral times 5 Withtheaugercontrolin thedisengaged up position walkto the frontof the machine 6 Confirmthatthe augerhas completelystoppedrotatingand showsNOsignsof motion If the augershowsANYsignsof rotating immediatelyreturnto the operator spositionandshutoff the engine Waitfor ALLmovin...

Страница 12: ... the engineand isactivated 4 by turningthe rotarychokeknobto the CHOKEposition Activating the chokecontrolclosesthe chokeplateon thecarburetorandaids in 3 startingthe engine Yoursnowthrowerhas sixforward F speeds Positionone 1 is t 2 the slowestand positionsix 6 is the fastest F 1 Reverse Yoursnowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 is the slowerandtwo 2 is the faster IGNITION KEY The ignition key...

Страница 13: ...he left handle Squeezethecontrol gripagainstthe handleto engagetheaugersandstart snowthrowing action Releaseto stop DRIVE CONTROL AUGER CONTROL LOCK The drivecontrolis locatedon the righthandle Squeezethe control gripagainstthe handleto engagethe wheeldrive Releaseto stop The drivecontrolalso lockstheaugercontrolso youcan operate the chutedirectionalcontrolwithoutinterrupting the snowthrowing proc...

Страница 14: ...ethatthe containerfromwhichyoupourthe gasolineis cleanandfreefromrustor otherforeignparticles Useextremecarewhen handlinggasoline Gasolineis extremely flammableandthevaporsare explosive Neverfuelthe machine indoorsorwhilethe engineis hotor running Extinguishcigarettes cigars pipesandothersourcesof ignition Alwaysfill the fuel tankoutdoorsand usea funnelor spoutto preventspilling Fillfuel tankwithc...

Страница 15: ...istureonthe engine 1 PushStopswitchto OFFposition 2 Removetheignitionkeyandstoreina safeplace 3 Wipeall snowandmoisturefromtheareaaroundthe engineas wellas the areainandaroundthe drivecontrolandaugercontrol Also engageand releasebothcontrolsseveraltimes TO ENGAGE DRIVE 1 Moveshift leverintooneof the sixforward F positionsor two reverse R positions Selecta speedappropriatefor the snow conditionsand...

Страница 16: ...ean 1 Change 1 Change 2 Lubewith lightoil 3 Lubewith multipurpose autogrease 4 Lubewith lightoil 5 Checkfor cableslackness 1 Change 1 Change 1 Runengineuntilit stopsfromlack of fuel ENGINE MAINTENANCE lBefore lubricating repairing or inspecting disengage all controls and stopengine Waituntil all movingpartshavecometo a complete stop Checking Engine Oil 1 Besureengineis uprightandlevel 2 Unscrewoil...

Страница 17: ...ure14inset 4 Removeandinspectsparkplug 5 Replacesparkplugif porcelainiscrackedorif electrodesare pitted burnedorfouledwithdeposits 6 Checkelectrodegapwitha feelergaugeandsetgapto 030 0 76ram if necessary SeeFigure15 7 Reinstallsparkplugandtightensecurely 8 Remountthe snowhoodto the enginewith themountingscrews againmakingsurethe primerbulbhoseandignition wireare connected 9 Connectthe chokecontrol...

Страница 18: ...ubberfrictionwheel Doingsowill hinder the snowthrower sdrive system Wipeoff anyexcessor spilledoil Wheels At leastoncea season removebothwheels Cleanandcoattheaxles witha multipurpose automotivegreasebeforereinstalling wheels Auger Shaft At leastoncea season removethe shearpinson augershaft Spray lubricantinsideshaft andaroundthe spacersandflangebearings foundat eitherendof the shaft SeeFigure17 S...

Страница 19: ...ontrolreleased pushthe snowthrowergently forward The unitshouldrollfreely 2 Engagethe drivecontrolandgentlyattemptto pushthe snow throwerforward Thewheelsshouldnotturn The unitshouldnot rollfreely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movethe shift leverbackand forthbetweenthe R2positionandthe F6 positionseveraltimes Thereshouldbeno resistance in the shiftlever 4 If anyof the abovetestsfailed the drivecab...

Страница 20: ...BELT REPLACEMENT Auger Belt To removeandreplaceyoursnowthrower saugerbelt proceedas follows 1 Topreventspillage removeall fuel fromtank by runningengine until itstops 2 Removethe plasticbelt coveronthe frontof the engineby remov ingthe twoself tappingscrews SeeFigure22 3 Rollthe augerbeltoff theenginepulley See Figure23 4 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerupandforwardso that itrestson theaugerhousing 5...

Страница 21: ...inepulley 4 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerupand forwardsothat itrestson the augerhousing 5 Removetheframecoverfromthe undersideof the snowthrower by removingfour self tappingscrewswhichsecureit Referto Figure24 6 Backoutthe stopbolt to increasethe clearancebetweenthe frictionwheeldiscandfrictionwheel SeeFigure28 7 Slipthe drivebelt offthe pulleyandbetweenfrictionwheeland frictionwheeldisc SeeFigure...

Страница 22: ...kof fuel oradda gasolineadditiveto the gas inthe tank Ifyou usea gas additive runthe enginefor severalminutesto circulate theadditivethroughthecarburetor Neverstoresnowthrowerwithfuel intank indoorsor inpoorlyventi latedareas wherefuel fumesmayreachan openflame sparkor pilol lightas ona furnace waterheater clothesdryer orgas appliance 3 Whiletheengineis stillwarm changethe oil Removethe sparkpluga...

Страница 23: ...Primeengineas instructedinthe OperationSection 6 Insertkeyfully intothe switch 1 Movechokecontrolto OFFposition 2 Filltankwithclean freshgasoline 3 Drainfueltank Refillwithfreshfuel 4 ContactyourSearsParts RepairCenter 1 ContactyourSearsParts RepairCenter 1 Stopengineimmediately anddisconnectsparkplug wire Tightenall boltsand nuts Ifvibrationcontinues haveunitservicedbya SearsParts RepairCenter 1 ...

Страница 24: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 88999 i I 24 ...

Страница 25: ...5 Housing Bearing 1 85ID 26 790 00080A 0637 Bracket AugerIdlerw Brake 27 J 618 04173A J GearboxAssembly Auger 28 28 684 04268 0721 HousingAssembly Auger28 684 04107 0637 30 684 04108 0637 31 731 04870 32 736 0188 33 741 0493A 34 790 00087A 0637 35 790 00118 0721 36 731 05984A 37 618 0123A 38 618 0124A 39 721 0338 40 741 0662 41 710 0642 42 711 04283 D O O SpiralAssembly LH SpiralAssembly RH Spacer...

Страница 26: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88999 26 ...

Страница 27: ...11 0637 ChuteSupportBracket 29 746 04396 SpeedSelectorCable 30 736 0463 FiatWasher 25x 630x 0515 31 710 0895 Hi LoScrew 1 4 15x 75 D O 710 0606 HexScrew 1 4 20x 1 50 33 731 04427A UpperChute 34 790 00155A 0637 JoystickBracket 35 710 04187 Hi LoScrew 1 4 15x 0 5 36 684 04331 4 WayChuteControl TM Assembly 37 749 04191A 0637 UpperHandleLH 38 710 04326 Screw 8 16x 0 50 39 732 04219C ClutchLockSpring 4...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88999 i i 42_ 40 28 ...

Страница 29: ...8 738 04184A ShoulderScrew 39 790 00316 0637 FrameCover 40 656 04025A FrictionWheelDiscAssembly D _ O O 618 04322A DriveShaftAssembly 42 684 04159 FrictionWheelAssembly 43 716 0136 RetainerRing 44 726 0221 SpeedNut 45 790 00183B 0637 WheelDriveFrame 46 756 04109 AugerPulley 47 736 0505 FiatWasher 48 710 1245B HexBolt 5 16 24x 0 875 49 736 0119 LockWasher 50 684 04169 IdlerPulleyAssembly 51 790 002...

Страница 30: ...ow Thrower Model 247 88999 11o58 OPERATOR S MANUALI 48 SHORTBLOCK I I 1329 REPLACEMENTENGINE I I 1330REPAIR MANUAL I 307A 684 _ q 552ii 718 24 0 598 146 741 21 22 _ 742 _9 1219 I _ _1 220 _ 287 _f_ 524 COb II y 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 12 2O 1O22 30 ...

Страница 31: ...Craftsman Engine Model 15C104 0662 E8 For Snow Thrower Model 247 88999 45 _0 1026 _ 36 238 35 238 1034 1O29 _ _ y_ 51 19o _P 957 1022 914 1022 31 ...

Страница 32: ...662 E8 For Snow Thrower Model 247 88999 528 472 1196A _ 731A j_ 976 990 11 281 663_ 604 i o _ _ o 564 _ 1196 347 332 x 731 455 493 604 1252A _ 1251A I 1036 EMISSIONS LABEL I 318 _ _ 832 H 1252 836 _ 65A_i _ 305 610 300 613 _i_ 883 32 ...

Страница 33: ...662 E8 For Snow Thrower Model 247 88999 562 _4 _ 851 578 209 334 GI _ 1347 735 1009 1211 1210 456 689 _ 459 d_ t_ 51 55 592 65 58 3 130 95 127 108 692 276 _ 18J 276 _b J 365_ _ 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 104 127 o 137 276 dQ 633 33 ...

Страница 34: ... 693404 Camshaft 48 N A Short Block 51 791718 Gasket intake 55 696710 Housing Rewind Starter 58 693389 Rope Starter 699334 Grip StarterRope 65 690937 Screw RewindStarter SAE 65A 699228 Screw RewindStarter Metric 95 691636 Screw ThrottleValve 97 690024 Shaft Throttle 98 398185 Kit ldb Speed 104 691242 Pin FloatHinge 108 695807 Valve Choke 109 791954 Shaft Choke 117 691428 Jet Main Standard 118 6900...

Страница 35: ...4 699854 Screw ControlCover 578 791956 WireAssembly 584 791759 Cover Breather Passage 585 791760 Gasket Breather Passage D O O 690800 Nut RewindStarter 597 691696 Screw PawlFrictionPlate 598 220624 Shim EndPlay 601 791850 Hose Clamp 604 793134 Cover Control 604A 790473 Cover Control 608 699335 610 794614 613 791972 615 692576 616 692547 619 699480 632 692653 633 0 691321 Starter Rewind Arrester ln...

Страница 36: ...hRod 1036 Label Emission 1054 280275 Tie Cable 1058 277104 Operator sManual 1070 699201 Screw FlywheelFan 1095 791798 GasketSet Valve 1119 699772 Screw Alternator 1196 696692 Screw SnowHood 1196A 699854 Screw SnowHood 1210 498144 Pulley Spring Assembly Pulley 1210A 498144 Pulley Spring Assembly Spring 1230 699847 Stud ControlBracket 1251 790555 Shield Snow 1251A 790556 Shield Snow 1252 699234 Scre...

Страница 37: ...g your smalloff roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists Thewarranted repairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days Ifyou haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities you shouldcontacta MTDServiceRepresentative at 1 800 800 7310 andaddressis MTDCONSUMER GROUP RO Box361131 ClevelandOH 44136 0019 DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS ...

Страница 38: ... without charge tothe owner Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations ofMTD 10 Add on ormodified parts that are not exempted bythe AirResources Board may not beused The use ofany non exempted add on or modified parts shall begrounds fordisallowing awarranty claim made inaccordance with this article The engine manufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarrante...

Страница 39: ...ind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July 1...

Страница 40: we call it RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull r...

Страница 41: ... aire cinturones y fiitrodelaceite Revisi6nde mantenimiento est_ndar cambiosde aceite opuestasa punto Reemplazo de neum_ticoo reparaci6n causadaporpinchazosdesdefueradeobjetos comou_as espinas tocones o cristal Neum_tico o reemplazode ruedao reparaci6nque resultade ropanormal accidente uoperaci6nimpropiao mantenimiento Lasreparaciones necesariasdebidoalabusode operador incluso peronolimitadoparada...

Страница 42: ...s controlesr_ pidarnente No perrnitanuncaque losni_os rnenoresde 14a_osutilicen estarn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osenadelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny norrnasdeseguridad contenidasen estemanual yen la rn_ quina ydebenserentrena dosy supervisados por unadulto Nuncaperrnitaquelos adultosoperenestarn_ quina sin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Losobjetosarrojadosporla rn_ qu...

Страница 43: ...lonesy regresarautom_ ticamente a la posicidnde desengrane cuandose las suelta Nuncaoperela m_ quina si faltaunmontajedelcanalo si el mismoest da_ado Mantengatodoslosdispositivosde seguri daden su lugaryen funcionamiento Nuncaenciendael motoren espacioscerradosoen unazona con pocaventilaci6n Elescapedel motorcontienemon6xidode carbono ungas inodoroy letal Noutilicela m_ quina bajola influenciadel ...

Страница 44: ...i quese congelela barrena irnpulsor SegOnlaCornisi6nde Seguridadde Productosparael Consu rnidorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Protecci6n Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediade siete 7 a_os 6 60 horasdefuncionarniento AI finalizarla vidaOtilmedia adquieraunarn_ quina nuevao hagainspeccionaranualrnente _stapor undistribuidordeservicio autorizadoparacercior...

Страница 45: ...rturas de descarga mientras la m_iquina corre Alli hacen girar I_iminas dentro LA ADVERTENCIA TALADRO ROTATIVO No ponga manos o pies cerca del giro de partes en el alojamiento de taladro aspa o asamblea de tolva Contacto con las partes rotativas puede amputar manos y pies OBJETOS LANZADOS POR ADVERTENClA Esta m_iquina puede recoger y lanzar y objetos que pueden causar la herida personal seria GASO...

Страница 46: ...erior tal y cornose rnuestra en lafigura 1 Cuandoustedlevantael mangohaciaarriba asegQrese quearnbosfinalesdel cable decentrosoncolocadoscorrectarnente en los soportes Alineela rnanijasuperiorcon la rnanijainferior c Aprietelas perillasrnanualesquesujetanla rnanijasuperior a la rnanijainferior Retirey descartetodoslas bandasde plAstico si Las hubiera Unicarnente se utilizanparael ernpaque 2 Retire...

Страница 47: ...gadorparael arrancadorel_ctricose ajustarnediante unauni6ndecablea la parteposteriorde la cajade la barrena parael ernbarque Cortela uni6nde cabley refirelaantesde operar la rn_ quina quitanieve CONFIGURACI6N Pasador de cuchilla Enel panelde instrurnentos de pl_ stico hayorificiosparael almacenarniento conveniente del pasadordecuchiNa Veala figura6 Consultela seciondeservicioy rnantenirniento para...

Страница 48: ...patas antideslizantes Laszapatasantideslizantes de la rn_ quina quitanieveseajustanpara arribaen f_ brica paraelenvio Si Iodesea puedeajustarlashacia abajoantesdehacerfuncionarlarn_ quina quitanieve Nose recorniendaqueopereestarn_ quina quitanievesobregrava ya quees posiblequela rn_ quina quitanievetomelagravasueltay la barrenalaexpulse Io cual podriacausarlesionespersonaleso da_arla rn_ quina qui...

Страница 49: ...anadaduranteaproxirnadarnente diez 10 segundosantesde soltarel controlde la barrena Repitaesta operaci6nvariasveces 5 Conla barrenaenposici6ndesengranada arriba carninealfrente dela rn_ quina 6 Confirrnequela barrenahadejadode girarporcornpletoy no rnuestraNINGONsignodernovirniento Si labarrenarnuestra CUALQUIER signode rotaci6n vuelvaa la posici6ndel operador y apagueel motorinrnediatarnente Espe...

Страница 50: ...dde piso 3 Avance 2 Haycincoposicionesdeavance F La posici6nuno 1 es la rn_ s _ lenta y la posici6nseis 6 es la rn_ s r_ pida Retroceso R 1 Haydosvelocidadesde retroceso R Launo 1 es la rn_ s lenta y la dos 2 es la rn_ s r_ pida R2 LLAVE DE ENCENDIDO LaIlavedeencendidoes undispositivode seguridad Debeestar cornpletarnente insertadaparaqueel motorarranque Retirela Ilave de encendidocuandono usela r...

Страница 51: ...y ernpiecea quitarnieve Suelteparaquese detenga CONTROL DE LA TRANSMISI6N CONTROL DE LA BARRENA DE CERRADURA S CONTROL DIE LA TRANSMISIbN Elcontroldetransrnisi6nest ubicadoen la rnanijaderecha Presione laernpuSadura decontrolcontralarnanijaparaengranarla ruedade transrnisi6n Suelteparaquese detenga Elcontrolde latransrnisi6ntarnbi_nbloqueael controlde la barrena de rnaneraquepuedeoperarelcontroldi...

Страница 52: ...lmotorse envi6con aceiteenel motor Controleel nivelde aceite antesdecadaoperaci6nparaasegurarse de quehayaaceite suficienteen el motor Paraobtenerrn sinstrucciones rernitasea los pasosqueaparecenen la p gina52 1 Saquelavarilladelnivelde aceitedelorificiode Ilenadode aceite 2 Controley cornpruebequeel niveldeaceiteest_hastaarribaen la rnarcaFULLdela varilladelniveldelaceite 3 Si el niveldeaceitenoI...

Страница 53: ...ENla posici6n 4 Tomelarnanijadelarrancadorde retrocesoy tire de lacuerda haciaafueralentarnente Enel rnornento en elque se haga levernente rn_ s dificiltirarde lacuerda perrnitaque larnisrna retrocedalentarnente 5 Tire dela rnanijadel arrancadorcon unrnovirniento firrney r_ pido No sueltela rnanijani perrnitaquese desenganche Mantenga la rnanijadel arrancadorfirrnernente sujetay perrnita que lacue...

Страница 54: ...ieteo sustituir 3 Lirnpio 1 Carnbio 1 Cornprobar 2 Lubricaci6nconpetr61eoligero 3 Lubricaci6nconautornotores rnultiusos 4 Lubricaci6nconpetr61eoligero 5 Carnbioel estancarniento decable Anualrnenteo50 horas 1 1 Carnbio Anualrnenteo100horas 1 1 Carnbio Antesde Alrnacenaje 1 1 Elmotordirigidohastaqueestose parea faltadelcombustible iVlANTENIlVlIENTO DE MOTOR lAntes lubricaci6n reparaci6no inspecci6n...

Страница 55: ... se aprietanbien Relleneel motorcon el petr61eo recomendado Verlacartade UsodelAceiteRecomendada Lacapacidaddel aceitedel motor es 20onzas Recommended Oil Usage I 6 Borrecualquierpetrdleoderramado Control de la bujia Controlela bujiaanualmente o cada 100horasde operacidn 1 Quiteel botdnde controlde est rtery laIlavede seguridad 2 Sueltey quitelos tornillosque montande la capuchade nieve 3 Despacio...

Страница 56: ...ef_ bricadelreguladordel motor Hacer funcionarel motora unavelocidadsuperiora la establecidaen f_ bricaes peligroso LUBRICACION Eje de engranaje Eleje deengranaje hexagonal se debelubricaral rnenosunavezpor ternporadaotras cada25horasde operaci6n 1 Gireconcuidadolarn_ quina quitanievehaciaarribay hacia delantede rnaneraquequedeapoyadasobrela cajade la barrena 2 Retirela cubiertadelmarcoinferiorqui...

Страница 57: ...ceraposici6nm_ sr_ pida deavance F6 2 Aflojelatuercahexagonaldel soportede posicionamiento del cabledecambios Vealafigura 18 3 Gireel soportehaciaabajoparareducirel juegodel cable 4 Vuelvaa apretarla tuercahexagonal Control de la transmisi6n Cuandose sueltael controlde latransmisi6ny est en posici6n desenganchada arriba el cabledebetenet muypocojuego NOdebe estartenso Tambi_n si hay excesivoflojoe...

Страница 58: ...nente no rn_ s de 1 4de pulgada del cableantesde volvera ajustararnbastuercas hexagonales 3 Repitaenel otto ajustadordelcable hastaqueel rnontajedel canaltengatodoel alcancedeizquierdaa derecha Veala Figura 20 Figure20 Control de la barrena Consultela seciondernontajeparaajustardichocontrol Zapatas antideslizantes Consultela seciondernontajeparaajustarLaszapatasantidesli zantes REENIPLAZO DE LA CO...

Страница 59: ...a25 8 Pararealizarel reensamblado de lacorreade labarrenasiga las instruccionesenordeninverso 9 Realicela pruebadeControldeTaladroperfiladaen lasecci6n deAsambleadeestemanual NOTA NOolvidevolvera instalarel tornillocon rebordey volvera conectarel resorteal marcotrasinstalarunacorreade la barrenade repuesto La correa de la transrnisi6n Pararetirary reemplazar la correadela barrenade su m_ quina qui...

Страница 60: ...apareceel problernanose corrige tal vezsedeba reernplazar la ruedade fricci6n Examinela ruedade fricci6nenbusca de signosdedesgasteo grietasy reernplacesi es necesario NOTA Paracarnbiarla gornade la ruedadefricci6ndela rn_quina quitanieve es necesarioretirarvarioscornponentes y se requieren herrarnientas especiales Sinecesitareernplazar la gornade su rueda de fricci6n contactecon el centrode parte...

Страница 61: ...egasoNna al gasen el tanque Siustedusaunaditivodegas dirigeel motordurantevariosrninutosparaponerencirculaci6nel aditivoporelcarburador Nuncaalrnacenela rn_ quina quitanievecon combustible en el tanqueenun espaciocerradoo en_ reas con pocaventilaci6n dondelos gasesdelcombustiblepuedanalcanzarel fuego chispas o unaluz pilotocornolaquetienenalgunoshornos calentadoresde agua secadoresde ropao algQn o...

Страница 62: ...mpiay fresca 5 Cebeel motortal y comose indicaenla secci6nde operaci6n 6 Insertela Ilavetotalmentedentrodelinterruptor 1 Cambielapalancade obturaci6na la posici6nOFF apagado 2 Lleneel tanquecon gasolinalimpiay fresca 3 Vacieel tanquedelcombustible Vuelvaa Ilenarlo concombustiblelimpio 4 Contactecon su centrode partesy reparaciones Sears 1 Contactecon uncentrode partesy servicioSears Detengael moto...

Страница 63: ...ornpruebe queel orificiode venti laci6nnoest_obstruido 1 Ajusteelcabledel controlde transrnisi6n Consulte lasecci6ndeServicioy Mantenirniento 2 Reernplace lacorreade latransrnisi6n Consultela secci6nde Servicioy Mantenirniento 3 Ruedade fricci6ndecarnbioo contactecon su centrode partesy reparaciones Sears 1 Detengael motorde inrnediatoy desconecteel cabledela bujia Lirnpieel rnontajedel canaly el ...

Страница 64: ...te porlafaltade reciboso porsu imposibi lidadde asegurarquese realizar_ n todoslos serviciosdemantenimiento programado Comopropietariodelmotorpeque5oparaequipotodo terreno sinembargo ustedtambi n debesaberque MTDpuededenegarlacoberturadela garantiasi su motorpeque5oparaequipotodoterrenoo unapiezadel mismofallandebidoa usoincorrecto negligencia mantenimiento indebido o a modificaciones noaprobadas ...

Страница 65: ...te todo elperiodo degaranfia delmotor definido enlaSubsecci6n a 2 MTD rnantendr_ unsurninistro depiezas cubiertas por garantia suficiente para satisfacer ladernanda esperada para tales piezas 9 Cualquier pieza dereernplazo sepodr_ usar para elcurnplirniento del rnantenirniento oreparaciones bajo garanfia yse surninistrar_ sin cargo alpropietario Dicho uso noreducir_ lasobligaciones degarantia deMT...

Страница 66: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire mayor es JaJimpieza deJmotor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del 1 d...

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