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Содержание 247.88705

Страница 1: ...Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FORMNO 769 04081 2 6 2009 ...

Страница 2: ... shearpins sparkplug air cleaner belts andoil filter Standardmaintenance servicing oilchanges or tune ups Tire replacement or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproper operationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse including butnot limitedto damagecausedby impacting ob...

Страница 3: ...ntrolsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury Pla...

Страница 4: ...hileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn Do not touch Keepchildrenaway Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon orcrossinggravel surfaces Stayalertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionandwhileoperatingon slopes Planyoursnow throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards windows walls carsetc Thus avoidingpossibleproperty damageor person...

Страница 5: ...ff seasonstorage Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif necessary Do notcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S Environmental ProtectionAgency EPA thisproduct hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven 7 years or 60 hoursof operation At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannuallybyan authorizedservi...

Страница 6: ...and discharge openings while machine is running There are rotating blades inside WARNING ROTATING AUGER Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts in the auger impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE All...

Страница 7: ...llpackinginserts 2 Movethe snowthrowerout of thecarton 3 Makecertainthe cartonhas beencompletelyemptiedbefore discardingit ASSEMBLY Positioning the Upper Handle 1 Pivotthe upperhandleintothe operatingpositionmakingsurenot to pinchthe cablein the process as illustratedin Figure1 untilit clicksintoplace J Figure2 3 Loosely attachtheeyeboltandplasticwingnut foundinthemanual bag to the handleSee Figur...

Страница 8: ...evaporsare explosive Neverfuel the machine indoors orwhilethe engineishotor running Extinguishcigarettes cigars pipesandothersourcesof ignition Adding Oil The engineis shippedwithoutoil inthe engine Youmustfill the enginewithoil beforeoperating Runningthe enginewithinsufficient _o cancauseserous engne damageandvod the engnewarranty 1 Removethe oilfiller cap dipstickandwipe thedipstickclean See Fig...

Страница 9: ...hrown 1 Loosenthewingknobfound ontheleftsideofthechuteassemblyand pivotthe upperchuteupwardor downward to thedesiredpitch Retightenthe wing knobbeforeoperatingthe snowthrower 2 Positionthe chuteassemblyopeningby usingthe chutehandleto throwthe snowinthe desireddirection See Figure6 F j Figure6 9 ...

Страница 10: ...e ignition Key Gasoline Throttle Electric Control Button Choke Control Starter Oil Drain Outlet Starter Figure7 THROTTLE The throttlecontrolis locatedonthe rearof the engine It regulatesthe speedof the engineandwill shutoffthe enginewhenmovedinto the STOPposition RECOIL STARTER The starterhandleis usedto manuallystartthe engine GASOLINE CAP Removethe gascap to addfuel AUGER Whenengaged the augersr...

Страница 11: ... STARTING THE ENGINE machineand inthismanualbefore 1 Thesparkplugwirewasdisconnected forsafety Attachthe sparkplug wire to the sparkplugbeforestarting STARTING THE ENGINE _ressurized startinc flammable Toavoidcarbonmonoxidepoisoning makesurethe engineis outdoorsina well ventilated area NOTE Allowtheengineto warmup fora fewminutesafterstarting The enginewill notdevelopfull poweruntil it reachesoper...

Страница 12: ...terhandleuntil it beginsto resist then pullquicklyandforcefullytoovercomethe compression Donot releasethe handleandallowit to snapback Returnthe rope SLOWLYto the originalposition If required repeatthisstep 6 As the enginewarms slowlyrotatethechokecontrolto the OFF position Ifthe enginefalters restartthe engineandrunwiththe chokeat half chokepositionfor a shortperiodof time andthen slowlyrotatethe...

Страница 13: ...ce Periodicinspectionandadjustment of the engineis essentialif high levelperformanceis to be maintained Regularmaintenance will also ensurea longservicelife The requiredserviceintervalsandthetype of maintenance to beperformedaredescribedinthe tableabove Followthe hourlyor calendarintervals whicheveroccurfirst More frequentserviceis requiredwhenoperatinginadverseconditions CHECKING ENGINE OIL 1 Rem...

Страница 14: ...dlingusedoil NOTE Pleasedisposeof usedmotoroil ina mannerthat is friendlyto the environment Takeit to a recyclingcenteror othercollectioncenter DONOTcheck fora sparkwiththe sparkplugremoved DONOT cranktheenginewiththe sparkplugremoved Ifthe enginehas beenrunning the mufflerwill beveryhot Becareful not to touchthemuffler Checksparkplugevery25hoursandchangeoncea seasonorevery 100hours Toensureproper...

Страница 15: ...foreServicing repairing or inspectingthe snowthrower disengage the augercontrol Stop theengineand removethe keyto prevent unintendedstarting Shave Plate Tocheckthe adjustment of theshaveplate placethe machineona levelsurface The wheels shaveplateandaugersshouldallcontact the levelsurface Notethatif the shaveplateisadjustedtoo high snowmayblowundertheaugerhousing Ifthe shaveplatewearsout excessivel...

Страница 16: ...rthe beltkeeper SeeFigure16 To replacethe beltfollowtheseinstructionsand referto Figure17 Figure15 Testthe snowthrowerto seeif there is a noticeable difference If aftertheadjustmentto the controlcablethe augerstill hesitateswhen rotating see ReplacingBeltfor instructions on replacingthe belt Chute Assembly Referto the AssemblySectionfor instructions on adjustingthe chute assembly REPLACING BELT Au...

Страница 17: ...ethe replacementrubberpaddlesto the augerusingthe hardwareremovedearlier Toobtainreplacementpaddlescall Searsat 1 800 4 MY HOME Ask for part 735 04033 REPLACING SHAVE PLATE The shaveplateis attachedto the bottomof the augerhousingand is subjectto wear It shouldbe checkedperiodically Therearetwo wearingedgesandthe shaveplatecanbe reversed 1 Removethe four carriageboltsandhexlocknutswhichattachit to...

Страница 18: ...plug 4 Cleandebrisfromaroundengine andunder around andbehind muffler Applya lightfilmof oilon anyareasthatare susceptible to rust Storeina clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromanyap pliancethatoperateswithaflameor pilotlight suchas a furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidany areawitha spark producingelectricmotor or wherepowertoolsareoperated Neverstoresnowthrowerwithfuel intank indoorsor inp...

Страница 19: ...hfresh cleangasoline Drainfuel tank Refillwithfreshfuel Contacta SearsServiceCenter Engineoverheats Contacta SearsServiceCenter Lossof power Firmlyconnectsparkplugwire Clearvent Excessivevibration Stopengineimmediately anddisconnectsparkplug wire Checkfor possibledamage Tightenall bolts andnuts Repairas needed If the problempersists takesnowthrowerto a SearsServiceDealer Snowthrowerfailsto self 1 ...

Страница 20: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 88705 2O ...

Страница 21: ...5 16 18x 1 00 11 710 0451 CarriageBolt 5 16 18x 750 12 712 04063 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 13 731 04388A ChuteHandle 14 731 04426A UpperChute 15 731 1033 ShavePlate 21 16 712 04064 FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 17 710 0134 CarriageScrew 1 4 20 18 736 0176 FiatWasher 265x 938x 120 19 710 0895 HexScrew 5 16 18x 750 20 710 0528 HexScrew 5 16 18x 1 25 21 712 04063 FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 22 720 0279 HandleKnob 23 71...

Страница 22: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 88705 T j 22 ...

Страница 23: ...654A HexScrew 3 8 16x 1 000 22 756 04232 Pulley 1 2 x 6 00 OD 23 710 0106 HexScrew 1 4 20x 1 25 D O 750 04571 ShoulderSpacer 260x 785x 538 25 684 04168 IdlerPulleyAssembly 1 917OD 26 790 00238A 0637 IdlerBracket 27 712 04064 FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 28 710 1005 HexScrew 1 4 14x 500 29 790 00249 0637 BearingCap 30 741 04188A BallBearing 625x 37x 12x 6301 31 738 0924A ShoulderScrew 340x 335x C 32 756 06...

Страница 24: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel ZS365 SUA For Snow Thrower IViodel 247 88705 O3 O3 24 ...

Страница 25: ...1 i77 i _78 1 1 1 _79 1 1 1 i154 i _90 1 1 1 i106 1 1 1107 1 1 1 i108 i 1 1109 1 1 1110 1 1 1 i113 i 1114 1 1 1 1115 1 1 1 i148 i 1153 1 1 1 _36 1 1 1 i37 i _44 1 1 1 i45 i _48 1 1 i 151 1 1 1 i59 i 1 _58 1 1 _57 1 1 1 i64 I 751 10974 751 11020 710 04910 751 10635 751 10637 751 10630 712 04216 751 10636 751 10634 710 04927 751 10643 751 10640 751 10651 751 10307 731 05696 952Z365 SUA 710 04914 751...

Страница 26: ...47 CarburetorInsulatorPlateGasket 61 CarburetorInsulatorPlate 62 MufflerGasket 59 CylinderHeadGasket 170 55 CylinderHead N A ExhaustValveAdjuster 102 ValveSpringRetainer Intake 104 751 10724 714 04074 710 04907 736 04440 715 04092 715 04089 715 04090 710 04932 m O ShortBlock Crankcase Complete OilPipeReserve Crankcase Cover Piston PistonRingSet Complete PistonPin PistonPinClip ConnectingRodAssembl...

Страница 27: ... PushRod FuelCapAssembly FuelCap Complete 111 Packing Gasket N A Clip GasketRetainer N A FuelLineKit FuelLineClamp 117 FuelLine 118 o o 751 10669 OilFill PlugAssembly OilFill Plug 2 O ring 3 751 10644 MufflerAssemblyComplete MufflerAssembly 41 ExhaustPipe 43 751 11098 Crankcase CoverKit 710 04932 Bolt 1 OilFiller Plug 2 O ring Oil FillerPlug 3 OilSeal 4 Crankcase Cover 5 RadialBallBearing 6 Crankc...

Страница 28: ...g your smalloff roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists Thewarranted repairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days Ifyou haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities you shouldcontacta MTDServiceRepresentative at 1 800 800 7310 andaddressis MTDCONSUMER GROUP RO Box361131 ClevelandOH 44136 0019 DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS ...

Страница 29: ... without charge tothe owner Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations ofMTD 10 Add on ormodified parts that are not exempted bythe AirResources Board may not beused The use ofany non exempted add on or modified parts shall begrounds fordisallowing awarranty claim made inaccordance with this article The engine manufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarrante...

Страница 30: ...ind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July 1...

Страница 31: ...apidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Once youpurchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall isall thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreement isa risk freepurchase Ifyou cancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill providea full refund Or a pror...

Страница 32: ...cinturones y filtrodel aceite Revisi6ndemantenimiento est_ndar cambiosdeaceite o puestasa punto Reemplazodeneum_ticoo reparaci6ncausadaporpinchazosdesdefuerade objetos comou_as espinas tocones ocristal Neum_ticoo reemplazo de ruedao reparaci6nqueresultade ropanormal accidente u operaci6nimpropiao mantenimiento Las reparaciones necesariasdebidoal abusodeoperador incluso perono limitadoparada_arcaus...

Страница 33: ...soaclecuado delos mismos Sepac6modetenerlam_quinay desactivarlos controlesr pidamente No permitanuncaque los niSosmenoresde 14aSosutilicen estam quina Los ni5osde 14a5osen adelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny normasdeseguridad contenidaseneste manualyen lamaquinay debenser entrenados y supervisados por unadulto Nuncapermitaquelos adultosoperenestam quinasin recibir antesla in...

Страница 34: ...6n Elescapedel motorcontienernon6xidode carbono ungas inodoroy letal 6 Noutilicela rn_ quina bajola influenciadelalcoholo las drogas 7 Elsilenciadory el motorse calientany puedencausar quernaduras No lostoque Mantenga a los ni_osalejados 8 Seasurnarnente precavidocuandooperelarn_ quina sobreuna superficiecon gravaocuandola cruce Mant_ngase alerta porsi se presentanpeligrosocultoso tr_ nsito 9 Teng...

Страница 35: ...ombustible enun espacio cerrado donde haya fuego chispas oluzpiloto como por ejemplo calentadores deagua hornos secadores deropa etc 11 Consulte siempre elmanual deloperador para obtener instrucciones adecuadas para elalmacenamiento fuera detemporada 12 Verifique frecuentemente lalinea decombustible el tanque el tap6n y los accesorios buscando rajaduras o perdidas Reemplace desernecesario 13 Nodea...

Страница 36: ...funcionamiento mantenga las manos fuera de las aberturas de entrada y de descarga En el interior hay cuchillas giratorias ADVERTENCIA CUCHILLAS GIRATORIAS No ponga las manos o los pies cerca de las piezas rotatorias en la caja de la barrena motor o en el montaje del canal de descarga El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede resultar en la amputaci6n de manos o pies ADVERTENClA OBJETOS ARROJADOS...

Страница 37: ...tanievede lacaja 3 AsegQrese devaciarcornpletarnente la cajaantesdetirarla iVIONTAJE Colocaci6n de la barra de control superior 1 Girelabarradecontrolsuperiorhastalaposici6n deoperaci6n corno se ilustraen la Figura1hastaquequedeensu lugar cuidando de nopeNizcar el cableenel proceso 2 Ajustelas perillasdealetasparasujetarlabarraensu lugar Veala Figura2 Figura2 3 Vagarnente adjuntareyebolty latuerca...

Страница 38: ...o susvaporesse puedenincendiar Si se derrarnacombustible asegQrese dequeel _reaest_secaantes dearrancarel motor Eviteel contactorepetidoo prolongado con la pielo la inhalaci6n delos vapores Carga de combustible Tengarnuchocuidadoal trabajarcon gasolina Lagasolinaes sumarnente infiarnabley susvaporespuedencausarexplosiones Nuncaagreguecombustiblea la rn quina en interioresni rnientrasel motorest ca...

Страница 39: ...n Mantenirniento del motorparavet la viscosidady capacidadde aceitedel motorcorrectas AJUSTES IViontaje del canal Lainclinaci6n delrnontajedelcanalcontrolael _ ngulo conel que se arrojala nieve 1 Aflojela perillaa rnariposaqueseencuentradel ladoizquierdodel rnontajedelcanaly gireelcanal superiorhaciaarribao hacia abajohastaalcanzarla inclinaci6ndeseada Vuelvaa ajustar la perillaa rnariposaantesde ...

Страница 40: ...ite Control del cebador el_ctrico para Tubo de principiantes drenaje del aceite Manija del arrancador de retroceso CONTROL DE VALVULA REGULADORA Elcontroldelaceleradorseencuentraenla partetraseradel motor Se regulala velocidaddelmotory se apagar_ el motorcuandose trasladarona la posici6nSTOR MANIJA DEL ARRANCADOR DE RETROCESO Lamanillase utilizaparainiciarmanualmente el motor TAPA DEL COMBUSTIBLE ...

Страница 41: ...adoa unafuentedealirnentaci6n 120V ANTES DE ENCENDER EL MOTOR en larn_ _ en estemanualantesde operarla 1 Elcabledelabujiaruedesconectado porseguridad Conecte elcable dela bujiaa la rnisrna ENCENDIDO DEL MOTOR Arranque el_ctrico Elarranqueel_ctricoest equipadocon unatierradetreecables cable dealirnentaci6n y enchufe y est diseSadoparafuncionara 120voltiosAChogaractual Debeser usadocon unatierraadec...

Страница 42: ...eradorparael FAST4_ conejo 3 Muevael estrangulador a laposici6nON arranquedelmotor en fr o Si el motorest caliente coloqueel estrangulador en la posici6nOFE 4 Ernpuje el primerdetresa cinco 3 5 veces asegur_ ndose de cubrirel agujerodeventilaci6ncuandoernpujando Siel motor est caliente el primerernpujeunasolavez Siernpre cubrirel agujerodeventilaci6ncuandoernpujando Coolrneteorol6gicas puedenreque...

Страница 43: ...uente COMPROBACION DEL ACEITE DEL MOTOR 1 Retireel tap6ndeldep6sitodeaceite varillay lirnpiela varilla lirnpia Consultela Figura4 2 Insertelatapa varillarnedidoradeaceiteenel cuellode Ilenado peroNOtornilloquepulg 3 Retireel tap6ndeldep6sitodeaceitey varilla Siel niveles bajo agreguelentarnente el aceitehastael niveldeaceiteentre los registrosdealta H y baja L Consultela Figura4 Sigael cronograrna...

Страница 44: ...l motoren la p_ gina 41paraobtenerinstrucciones 7 Vuelvaa colocary ajustarel tap6nde Ilenado lavarilladenivel deaceite L_ vese bienlas manoscon aguayjab6n inmediatamente despu_s detocaraceiteusado NOTA Elimineel aceiteusadodelmotorde unamaneraqueno perjudiqueel medioambiente Ll eloa uncentrode recicladouotro centrode recolecci6n Bujia de encendido NOpruebela chispasi no est la bujiade encendido NO...

Страница 45: ...tenirniento repararo inspeccionarel lanzadordenieve la separaci6ndela barrena Pareel motory quitar la Ilaveparaprevenirnodeseadasa partir Placa de raspado Paraverificarel ajustede la placade raspado ubiquela unidad sobreunasuperficienivelada Lasruedas la placaderaspadoy las barrenasdebentocarla superficienivelada Tengaencuentaque si se afeitanla placaseajustadernasiadoalto la nieveMayogolpeenel ma...

Страница 46: ...s instruccionesparael reemplazodela correa Montaje del canal Consultela secci6nMontajey Configuraci6n paraver las instrucciones paraelajustedel montajedel canal AMBIO DE CORREA Correa de transrnisi6n de la barrena 1 Parasacarlacubiertade lacorreasaquelos cincotornillos hexagonales que lasujetanal bastidor Veala Figura16 Polealoca Guardacorrea J Tornillos de ca beza hexagonal Figura16 2 Retirelacor...

Страница 47: ...roscantes quelasunena labarrena VealaFigura18 f Figura18 autorroscante_ 2 Ajustelas nuevaspaletasde cauchoa la barrenausandolos elementosde ferreteriaquesac6anteriormente REEMPLAZO DE LA PLACA DE RASPADO La placade raspadoest adosadaal fondodela barrenay sujetaa desgaste Sela debecontrolarperi6dicamente Laplacade raspado tienedos hordesde desgastey se la puedeinvertir 1 Quitelos cuatropernosdel ca...

Страница 48: ...r ApNqueunacapa delgadade aceiteen todaslas _ reas quepuedenNegar a oxidarse Alrnaceneenun sectorlirnpio secoy bienventilado lejosde cualquierartefactoquefuncioneconunaNarna o luz pilotocorno unhomo calentadordeaguao secadorde ropa Evitecualquier sectorcon un motorel_ctricoqueproduzcachispaso dondese utilicenherrarnientas el_ctricas Nuncaalrnacenelarn_ quina quitanieveconcombustibleenel tanqueenun...

Страница 49: ...centrodeservicioSears Conectefirmementeel cable dela bujia Destapela ventilaci6n Es necesarioregularel carburador 4 Elmotorrecalienta Es necesarioregularel carburador 1 Perdidade potencia Elcablede la bujiaest_flojo 1 Laventilaci6ndela tapa del combustibleest_ 2 obstruida Vibraci6nexcesiva 1 Haypiezasqueest_nflojas o labarrenaest_ 1 Detengael motorde inmediatoy desconecteelcable dafiada de la buji...

Страница 50: ...50 ...

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Страница 52: ...nte porlafaltade reciboso porsu imposibi lidadde asegurarquese realizar_ n todoslos serviciosdemantenimiento programado Comopropietariodelmotorpeque5oparaequipotodo terreno sinembargo ustedtambi n debesaberque MTDpuededenegarlacoberturadela garantiasi su motorpeque5oparaequipotodoterrenoo unapiezadel mismofallandebidoa usoincorrecto negligencia mantenimiento indebido o a modificaciones noaprobadas...

Страница 53: ...te todo elperiodo degaranfia delmotor definido enlaSubsecci6n a 2 MTD rnantendr_ unsurninistro depiezas cubiertas por garantia suficiente para satisfacer ladernanda esperada para tales piezas 9 Cualquier pieza dereernplazo sepodr_ usar para elcurnplirniento del rnantenirniento oreparaciones bajo garanfia yse surninistrar_ sin cargo alpropietario Dicho uso noreducir_ lasobligaciones degarantia deMT...

Страница 54: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire mayor es JaJimpieza deJmotor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del 1 d...

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