Craftsman 247.886911 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.886911

Страница 1: ...Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FORMNO 769 05134B 5 17 2010 ...

Страница 2: ...ment or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproperoperationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby over speeding the engine or fromimpacting objectsthat bendthe frame augershaft etc Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence incl...

Страница 3: ...owhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadult Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Thrownobjectscan causeseriouspersonalinjury Planyour snow throwing patternto avo...

Страница 4: ...hileunderthe influenceof alcoholor drugs Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn Do not touch Keepchildrenaway Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon orcrossinggravel surfaces Stayalertfor hiddenhazardsor traffic Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionandwhileoperatingon slopes Planyoursnow throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards windows walls carsetc Thus avoidingpossibleproperty damageor person...

Страница 5: ...ff seasonstorage Checkfuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks Replaceif necessary Do notcrankenginewithsparkplugremoved Accordingto the ConsumerProductsSafetyCommission CPSC andthe U S Environmental ProtectionAgency EPA thisproduct hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven 7 years or 60 hoursof operation At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannuallybyan authorizedservi...

Страница 6: ...let and discharge openings while machine is running There are rotating blades inside WARNING ROTATING AUGER Do not put hands or feet near rotating parts in the auger impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE All...

Страница 7: ...NIS13 F80 NMOUHIQIOAV 01 t_ _ NiHOV_ 9Ni31Atd_S UO9NI99013NI I IUO J3g Q3dd01S 3MH S LUVd 9HJAOI_ 1WlJlHn S31QNVH QNIH38 NiV_ t_l QNV lNiON l dOlS SH3A rl H31R13 3OVON lSl _ 11AH3 3OSVHOSiQ 90 13NI3 01 1001 lflO NV rl3 lSfl _ 1 13d QNV 8QHVH 11vlrld_V HVO U39flV JO _13l13dL_l HJ IM IOVlN03 U3911V QNV 1 131 13dlAIJ 9NllVlOldINO_J J _VMV d 13 t L 7 ...

Страница 8: ...ard a Placethe shiftleverin the F6position b Pullupandbackon upperhandleas shownin Figure1 As youare raisingthe handleupward makesurethat bothends of the centercablearepositionedproperlyinthe brackets Alignupperhandlewiththe lowerhandle c Tightenhandknobssecuringupperhandleto lowerhandle Removeanddiscardany rubberbands if present Theyare for packagingpurposesonly 2 Removecotterpin wing nut andhexs...

Страница 9: faceforward The holesinthe chutecontrol inputwill befacingup SeeFigure5 NOTE The chutewill not rotatewithoutsqueezing the triggeronthe joystick 6 Rotatethejoystickto the oneo clockpositionso the silver indicatorarrowonthe inputshaft belowthe controlpanelpoints upward SeeFigure6 NOTE Thejoystickwillbe angledslightlyto the right SeeFigures5 6 Figure4 f Chute Controlf TopView _i t _i Figure5 f Fro...

Страница 10: ...haft 8 Nowpushthe roundend of chuterod backtowardsthe handle paneluntilthe holein the rodlinesupwiththe holein the chute controlinputclosestto the chutecontrolhead Insertthe cotter pin SeeFigure8 NOTE The secondholeis usedto achievefurtherengagement of the hex endof chuterodintothe inputshaft if requiredandcan be usedlaterforadjustmentif thechutedoesnot fullyrotate Refertothe Service Maintenance s...

Страница 11: ...rightandleft 11 Theextensioncord forthe electricstarteris fastenedwitha cabletie to the rearof the augerhousingfor shippingpurposes Cutthe cabletie and removecord beforeoperatingthe unit SET UP Shear Pins Holesare locatedinthe handlepanelfor convenientshearpin storage SeeFigure11 Referto the Operationsectionfor moreinformation regardingshearpin replacement i I Figure10 f Figure11 J 11 ...

Страница 12: ...iresas necessary NOTE Equaltire pressureis to be maintained at alltimesfor perfor mancepurposes ADJUSTMENTS Skid Shoes The snowthrowerskidshoesareadjustedupwardat thefactoryfor shippingpurposes Adjustthemdownward if desired priorto operat ingthe snowthrower It is not recommended thatyouoperatethis snowthrowerongravel as it can easilypickup andthrowloosegravel causingpersonal njuryordamageto the sn...

Страница 13: ... Allowtheaugersto remainengagedfor approximately ten 10 secondsbeforereleasingthe augercontrol Repeatthisseveral times 5 Withtheaugercontrolin thedisengaged up position walkto the frontof the machine 6 Confirmthatthe augershavecompletelystoppedrotatingand showNOsignsof motion If anyaugershowsANY signof rotating immediatelyreturnto the operator spositionandshutoff the engine Waitfor ALLmovingpartst...

Страница 14: ... engineand is activated 4 by turningthe rotarychokeknobto the CHOKEposition Activating the chokecontrolclosesthe chokeplateon thecarburetorandaids in 3 startingthe engine Yoursnowthrowerhas sixforward F speeds Positionone 1 is t 2 the slowestand positionsix 6 is the fastest F 1 Reverse Yoursnowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 is the slowerandtwo 2 is the faster KEY The keyisa safetydevice It m...

Страница 15: ...augercontrolis locatedon the lefthandle Squeezethe control gripagainstthe handleto engagethe augerand startsnowthrowing action Releaseto stop DRIVE CONTROL AUGER CONTROL LOCK DRIVE CONTROL The drivecontrolis locatedon the righthandle Squeezethe control gripagainstthe handleto engagethe wheeldrive Releaseto stop The drivecontrolalso lockstheaugercontrolso youcan operate the chutedirectionalcontrolw...

Страница 16: ... Avoidgetting dirt dust or waterinthefuel tank DO NOTuse E85gasoline Refuelina well ventilated areawiththe enginestopped Do not smokeorallowflamesor sparksin the areawherethe engineis refueledor wheregasolineisstored Donot overfillthe fueltank After refueling makesurethe tank cap is closedproperlyandsecurely Becarefulnotto spillfuel whenrefueling Spilledfuel orfuel vapor mayignite ifany fuelis spi...

Страница 17: ...ers Do notpullthe starterhandlewhilethe enginerunning 1 Movethrottlecontrolto FAST rabbit _J_ position 2 Movechoketo the CHOKEI_ 1 position coldenginestart If engineis warm placechokein RUNposition 3 Pushprimerthree 3 times makingsureto coverventholewhen pushing Ifengineiswarm push primeronlyonce Alwayscover ventholewhen pushing Coolweathermayrequireprimingto be repeated 4 Pullgentlyonthe starterh...

Страница 18: ...movingpartshavecometo a complete _stop NOTE Checktheoil levelbeforeeachuseto besurecorrectoil level is maintained Whenaddingoilto the engine referto viscositychart below Engine oilcapacityis 600 ml approx 20 oz Donot over fill Usea 4 stroke oran equivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertified to meetorexceedU S automobilemanufacturer s requirements for serviceclassification SG SR Motoroils...

Страница 19: ...oensureproperengineoperation the sparkplugmustbe properly gappedandfreeof deposits 1 Removethesparkplugbootanduse a sparkplugwrenchto removethe plug See Figure19 2 Visuallyinspectthe sparkplug Discardthe sparkplugif thereis apparentwear orif the insulatoris crackedor chipped Cleanthe sparkplugwitha wirebrush if it is to be reused 3 Measurethe pluggapwitha feelergauge Correctas necessary by bending...

Страница 20: ...rereinstalling wheels Auger Shaft At leastoncea season removethe shearpinson augershaft Spray lubricantinsideshaft andaroundthe spacersandflangebearings foundat eitherendof the shaft SeeFigure22 SHAVE PLATE AND SKID SHOES The shaveplateand skidshoesonthe bottomof the snowthrowerare subjectto wear Theyshouldbecheckedperiodicallyandreplaced whennecessary NOTE Theskidshoeson thismachinehavetwowearedg...

Страница 21: ... pushthe snow throwerforward Thewheelsshouldnotturn The unitshouldnot rollfreely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movethe shift leverbackand forthbetweenthe R2positionandthe F6 positionseveraltimes Thereshouldbeno resistance in the shiftlever 4 If anyof the abovetestsfailed the drivecable is in needof adjust ment Proceedas follows 5 Loosenthe lowerhexbolt onthe drivecable bracket SeeFigure 25 6 Posit...

Страница 22: ...2 Removethe plasticbelt coveronthe frontof the engineby remov ingthe twoself tappingscrews SeeFigure27 3 Rollthe augerbeltoff theenginepulley See Figure28 4 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerupandforwardso that itrestson theaugerhousing 5 Removethe framecoverfromthe undersideof the snowthrower by removingthe self tappingscrewswhichsecureit SeeFigure 29 6 Removethe beltas follows Referto Figure30 a Loos...

Страница 23: ...he drivebelt off enginepulley 4 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerupand forwardsothat itrestson the augerhousing 5 Removetheframecoverfromthe undersideof the snowthrower by removingthe self tappingscrewswhichsecureit Referto Figure29 6 Backoutthe stopbolt to increasethe clearancebetweenthe frictionwheeldiscandfrictionwheel SeeFigure33 7 Slipthe drivebelt offthe frictionwheeldiscandbetweenfriction wheel...

Страница 24: ...d reinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleandebrisfromaroundengine andunder around andbehind muffler Applya lightfilmof oilon anyareasthatare susceptible to rust Storeina clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromanyap pliancethatoperateswithaflameor pilotlight suchas a furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidany areawitha spark producingelectricmotor or wherepowertoolsareoperated Neverstoresnowthrowerwithfuel ...

Страница 25: ...hree prong 120 volt grounded ACoutlet 1 Movechokecontrolto RUNposition 2 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 3 Drainfueltank Refillwithfreshfuel 4 ContactyourSearsParts RepairCenter 1 Stopengineimmediately and disconnectsparkplug wire Tightenall boltsand nuts Ifvibrationcontinues haveunit servicedbya SearsParts RepairCenter 1 Connectandtightensparkplugwire 2 Removeiceand snowfromgascap Becertainvent ...

Страница 26: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 886911 26 ...

Страница 27: ...75 Housing Bearing 1 85ID 26 790 00080A 0637 Bracket AugerIdlerw Brake 27 J 918 04172B J GearboxAssembly Auger 26 28 684 04264 0721 HousingAssembly Auger26 D O O SpiralAssembly LH 30 SpiralAssembly RH 31 Spacer 1 25OD x 75IDx 1 00 32 Washer Flat 76x 1 49x 06 33 Bushing Flange 80ID x 91OD 34 Housing 1 HexBearing 684 04107 0637 684 04108 0637 731 04870 736 0188 741 0493A 790 00087A 0637 35 790 00121...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 886911 28 i _ _ 7 _7 7 ...

Страница 29: ...15 Hi LoScrew 1 4 15x 75 HexScrew 1 4 20x 3 00 UpperChute 4 WayChuteGearboxAssembly Hi LoScrew 1 4 15x 0 5 4 WayChuteControl TM Assembly UpperHandleLH D W O 710 04326 Screw 8 16x 0 50 39 732 04219C ClutchLockSpring 40 712 3087 Wing Nut 1 4 20 41 714 04040 42 710 0262 43 631 04133A 44 684 04111B 45 784 5594 0637 46 720 0284 4_ 712 04063 48 731 06451 BowTie CotterPin CarriageBolt 5 16 18x 1 50 Handl...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower IViodel 247 886911 _dJ_ _ i_o_ 42_ i4o 3O ...

Страница 31: ...y AugerCableGuideBracket Spacer ShoulderScrew FrameCover FrictionWheelDiscAssembly DriveShaftAssembly 31 m _ O 684 04159 FrictionWheelAssembly 43 716 0136 RetainerRing 44 726 0221 SpeedNut 45 790 00183B 0637 WheelDriveFrame 46 756 04109 AugerPulley 47 736 0505 FiatWasher 48 738 04439 ShoulderScrew 49 936 0119 LockWasher 50 684 04169 IdlerPulleyAssembly 51 790 00289A 0637 Pit Cvr 52 750 04571 Space...

Страница 32: ...0 9Nl_ iOlONn 3UO_t38 Q3ddOIS 3AVHSlUVd9NJAO_ 1IV lllNnS3 QNVH QNiH38 NiViN3EI QNV 3NIGH3 dOlS SEJ3A3 I HOlfl 3 gVSN3SBQ _ 31fIH33_UVH3SJQ 9013Nfl01 JO01 lflO NV3133Sn Z 133 1 QNV ONYH 31 VJ fldlNV NV3EI39nV ElO U3TI3dWI HIIM 13VlN09 EB_ nv ONV EI3rl dl_l9NllVlOEII_lOEl l _VMV d_13 W_ 777Dl1443 777S32236 J 777122339 777Dl1431 777D12683 777122363 777D12657 777i22430 777X43688 USEE85ORFUEL CONTAININ...

Страница 33: ...33 ...

Страница 34: ... your smalloff roadengineto an AuthorizedMTDServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists Thewarranted repairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time notto exceed30 days Ifyou haveanyquestionsregarding yourwarrantyrightsand responsibilities you shouldcontacta MTDServiceRepresentative at 1 800 800 7310 andaddressis MTDCONSUMER GROUP RO Box361131 ClevelandOH 44136 0019 DEFECTS WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS F...

Страница 35: ... without charge tothe owner Such use will not reduce the warranty obligations ofMTD 10 Add on ormodified parts that are not exempted bythe AirResources Board may not beused The use ofany non exempted add on or modified parts shall begrounds fordisallowing awarranty claim made inaccordance with this article The engine manufacturer shall not be liable under this article towarrant failures ofwarrante...

Страница 36: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 37: we call it RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull r...

Страница 38: ...causadaporpinchazosdesdefuerade objetos cornou_as espinas tocones ocristal Neurnaticoo reernplazo de ruedao reparaci6nqueresultade ropanormal accidente u operaci6nirnpropiao rnantenirniento Las reparaciones necesariasdebidoal abusodeoperador inclusoperono lirnitadoparada_arcausadoafectandoobjetosquedoblanel marcoo la barrenaeje o elsobreexceso de velocidaddel motor Reparaciones necesariasdebidoa n...

Страница 39: ...ontrolesr_ pidarnente No perrnitanuncaque los ni_osrnenoresde 14a_osutilicen estarn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osen adelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny norrnasdeseguridad contenidaseneste manual yen la rn_ quina ydebenser entrena dosy supervisados porun adulto Nuncaperrnitaquelos adultosoperenestarn_ quina sin recibir antesla instrucci6napropiada Losobjetosarrojadosporla rn_ qui...

Страница 40: regresarautorn_ ticarnente a la posici6nde desengrane cuandose lassuelta Nuncaoperela rn_ quina si faltaunrnontajedelcanalo si el rnisrnoest daSado Mantengatodoslosdispositivosde seguri daden su lugary enfuncionarniento Nuncaenciendaelmotorenespacioscerradoso en unazona con pocaventilaci6n Elescapedel motorcontienernon6xidode carbono ungas inodoroy letal Noutilicela rn_ quina bajola influenciad...

Страница 41: quese congelela barrena irnpulsor SegOn laCornisi6nde Seguridad de Productosparael Consu rnidorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y la Agenciade Protecci6n Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediadesiete 7 a_os 660 horasdefuncionarniento AI finalizarlavida Otilmedia adquieraunarn_ quina nuevao hagainspeccionaranualrnente _staporun distribuidordeservicio autorizadoparacercio...

Страница 42: ...turas de descarga mientras la m_iquina corre Alli hacen girar I_iminas dentro LA ADVERTENCIA TALADRO ROTATIVO No ponga manos o pies cerca del giro de partes en el alojamiento de taladro aspa o asamblea de tolva Contacto con las partes rotativas puede amputar manos y pies OBJETOS LANZADOS POR ADVERTENCIA Esta m_iquina puede recoger y lanzar objetos que pueden causar la herida personal seria GASOLIN...

Страница 43: ...ciaatrAsde lamanijasuperior tal y comese muestraen la figura1 Cuandoustedlevantael mangohaciaarriba asegQrese queambosfinalesdel cable decentresoncolocadoscorrectamente en lossoportes Ninee la manijasuperiorconla manijainferior c Aprietelasperillasmanualesquesujetanlamanijasuperior a lamanijainferior Retirey descartetodoslas bandasde plAstico si Las hubiera 0nicamentese utilizanparael empaque 2 Re...

Страница 44: ... para que mire hacia delante Los orificios enel cabezal decontrol del canal estar_ n mirando hacia arriba Vea la figura 5 NOTA El canal nogirard sin que se haya apretado eldisparador enla palanca decontrol 6 Gire lapalanca decontrol alauna osici6n tan que laflecha indicadora plateada enelengranaje delpi56n por debajo del panel decontrol seSale hacia arriba Vea lafigura 6 NOTA Lapalanca decontrol g...

Страница 45: ...arilla hexagonal se alinee con el orificio en la entrada de control del canalIo m_is cercaposible del cabezalde control del canale inserteel pasador dechaveta Veala figura8 NOTA Elsegundoorificiopuedeutilizarsem_stardepararealizar ajustessi el canalno giratotalmente Veala secci6nde Servicioy Mantenimiento paraIo referente a Ajustesdela Varillade Controldel Canal 9 Termineasegurandoel cabezaldecont...

Страница 46: ...starnediante unauni6ndecablea la parteposteriorde la cajade la barrena paraelernbarque Cortela uni6ndecable y refirelaantesde operarla rn_ quina quitanieve CONFIGURACI6N Pasador de cuchilla Enel panelde instrurnentos de pl_ stico hay orificiosparael alrnace narnientoconvenientedelpasadordecuchilla Vealafigura 11 Consultela seciondeservicioy rnantenirniento pararn_ s inforrnaci6n encuantoel reernpl...

Страница 47: ... los fiancosde los neurn_ ticos de la presi6nrecornendada Losneurn_ ticos sondernasiadoinfladosparaprop6sitosde envio Revisela presi6nde los neurn_ ticos antesdela nievelanzador Se refierena la paredlateraldel neurn_ tico parael fabricantede neurn_ ti cosrecornendado psi y desinfiar o inflar los neurn_ ticos segQnsea necesario Herramienta de Limpieza del anal Figura12 NOTA Laigualdaddela presi6nde...

Страница 48: ...tenet rnuypocojuego NO debeestartenso 2 Enun _ rea bienventilada arranqueel motorde larn_ quina quitanievesegt nse indicaanteriorrnente en estarnisrnasecci6n 3 Paradoenla posici6ndel operador detr_ s de la rn_ quina quitanieve engranelabarrena 4 Dejela barrenaengranadaduranteaproxirnadarnente diez 10 segundosantesde soltarel controlde la barrena Repitaesta operaci6nvariasveces 5 Con labarrenaenpos...

Страница 49: ...Haycincoposicionesdeavance F Laposici6nuno 1 es la rn_ s t 2 F1 lenta y la posici6nseis 6 es la rn_ s r_ pida Retroceso R 1 Haydosvelocidadesde retroceso R Launo 1 es la rn_ s lenta y la dos 2 es larn_ s r_ pida R2 Figura15 LLAVE J LaIlavees undispositivode seguridad Debeestarcompletarnente insertadaparaque elmotorarranque Retirela Ilavecuandonouse la rn_ quina quitanieve NOTE Nogirela Ilaveparain...

Страница 50: ... enviacombustibledirectarnente alcarbura dordel motorparaayudaralencendidocuandoel clirnaes frio LLENADO DE ACEITE Es posiblecontrolarel nivelde aceitedel motor asi cornotarnbi_n agregaraceite a travesdel Ilenadodeaceite TAPON DE COMBUSTIBLE Desenrosque el tap6ndecombustibleparaagregargasolinaaltanque decombustible ZAPATAS ANTI DESLIZANTES Ubiquelaszapatasantideslizantes en funci6ndelas condicione...

Страница 51: ...e la barrena insertede nuevolaIlavede encendidoy enciendael motordela rn_ quina quitanieve 6 Parado enlaposici6n deloperador detr_ s dela rn_ quina quita nieve engrane elcontrol de labarrena durante unossegundos para elirninar lanieveo elhieloquehayanquedado enelconjunto del canal ANTES DE ENCENDER EL MOTOR Lea cornprenday sigatodaslas instrucciones y advertencias que aparecenenla rn_ quina yen es...

Страница 52: ...conectadoa tierraen todomornentoparaevitarla posibilidadde descargasel_ctricas Sigatodaslasinstruccionescuidadosarnente paraoperarelarrancadorel_ctrico Determinesi el cableadode su hogares un sisternade trescables conectadoa tierra Consultecon unelectricistarnatriculado si no est seguro Si cuentacon un recept_ culo de tresterrninales sigalos siguientes pasos Siel cableadode su hogarnoes el adecuad...

Страница 53: ...dejesin vigilanciarnientrasest en rnarcha Apagueel motorluegodeusarlo y saquela Ilave DETENCION DEL MOTOR Dejeencendidoel motordurantealgunosrninutosantesdedetenerlo paraperrnitirquese sequela hurnedad en elrnisrno 1 Muevael controldel regulador a laposici6nOFE 2 RetirelaIlave AI retirarla Ilavese reducela posibilidadde queel motorseapuestoen rnarchasinautorizaci6nrnientrasel equipo noest enuso Gu...

Страница 54: ...1 Elaceitede motor 1 Carnbio Anualrnenteo100horas 1 Bujfa 1 Carnbio AntesdeAlrnacenaje 1 Sisternade combustible 1 Elmotordirigidohastaqueestose pareafaltadelcombustible iVlANTENIlVlIENTO DE MOTOR Antesde realizartareasde lubricaci6n reparaci6no inspecci6n desengranetodosloscontrolesy detengael motor Esperea quese detengantodaslas piezasrn6viles Control del aceite del motor NOTA Verifiqueel nivelde...

Страница 55: ...ade UsodelAceiteRecornendada Lacapacidaddel aceitedel motor es20 onzas F 40 20 0 200 400 oc 300 200 100 0o NOutiliceaceitessin detergente o paramotorde dostiernpos Podria acortarlavida Otildelmotor 7 Vuelvaa colocary ajustarel tap6nde Ilenado lavarilladenivel deaceite Tap6n de Drenaje de Aceite Figura17 ia de encendido jr Fundade la bujia L_ vese bienlas rnanoscon aguay jab6n inrnediatarnente desp...

Страница 56: ...rribay hacia delantede maneraquequedeapoyadasobrela cajade la barrena 2 Retirela cubiertadelmarcoinferiorquitandolos tornillosquela aseguran 3 Apliquealeje hexagonalunacapaligeradeunagrasa multiusos aptaparacondicionesclim_ ticas mOltiples Vealafigura20 NOTA Evitelos derramesdeaceitesobrela ruedadefricci6nde cauchoy sobrela placadetransmisi6ndealuminio Ruedas Retireambasruedasal menosunavezcada te...

Страница 57: ...ios Vealafigura23 3 Gireel soportehaciaabajoparareducirel juegodel cable 4 Vuelvaa apretarla tuercahexagonal Control de la transmisi6n Cuandose sueltael controlde latransmisi6ny est en posici6n desenganchada arriba el cabledebetenet muypocojuego NOdebe estartenso Tambi_n si hay excesivoflojoen elcable depaseoo si la unidadexperimenta el paseointermitente usando elcable puede tenetqueser ajustado C...

Страница 58: ...gundoorificioen el rnontajede rotaci6n delcanal 3 Vuelvaa insertarel pasadordechavetaa travesde esteorificioy lavarillade controldelcanal Control de la barrena Consultela seciondernontajeparaajustardichocontrol Zapatas antideslizantes Consultelaseciondernontajeparaajustarlaszapatasantideslizantes REEMPLAZO DE LA CORREA La Correa de la barrena Pararetirary reernplazar la correade la barrenade su rn...

Страница 59: ...ra 30 8 Para realizar elreensamblado delacorrea delabarrena siga las instrucciones enorden inverso 9 Realice laprueba deControl deTaladro perfilada enlasecci6n deAsamblea deeste manual NOTA NO olvide volver ainstalar eltornillo con reborde yvolver a conectar elresorte almarco tras instalar una correa delabarrena de repuesto La correa de la transmisi6n Pararetirary reemplazar la correadela barrenad...

Страница 60: ...areceel problernanose corrige tal vezsedeba reernplazar la ruedade fricci6n Examinela ruedade fricci6nenbusca de signosdedesgasteo grietasy reernplacesi es necesario NOTA Paracarnbiarla gornade la ruedadefricci6ndela rn_ quina quitanieve es necesarioretirarvarioscornponentes y se requieren herrarnientas especiales Sinecesitareernplazar la gornade su rueda de fricci6n contactecon el centrode partes...

Страница 61: ...r_ s del silenciador ApNqueunacapa delgadade aceiteen todaslas _ reas quepuedenNegar a oxidarse Alrnaceneenun sectorlirnpio secoy bienventilado lejosde cualquierartefactoquefuncioneconunaNarna o luz pilotocorno unhomo calentadordeaguao secadorde ropa Evitecualquier sectorcon un motorel_ctricoqueproduzcachispaso dondese utilicenherrarnientas el_ctricas Nuncaalrnacenelarn_ quina quitanieveconcombust...

Страница 62: ...omose indicaen lasecci6nde operaci6n 6 Insertela Ilavetotalmente dentrodelinterruptor 7 Conecteunextremodel cablede extensi6na la salidadearranqueel_ctricoy el otto extremoa un triplede 120 voltios detierra tomade CA 1 Cambiela palancade obturaci6na la posici6nOFF apagado 2 Lleneel tanquecongasolinalimpiay fresca 3 Vacieel tanquedelcombustible Vuelvaa Ilenarlo con combustible limpio 4 Contactecon ...

Страница 63: ... centrode partesy reparaciones Sears 1 Detengael motorde inrnediatoy desconecteel cablede la bujia Lirnpieel rnontajedelcanaly el interiorde la cajade labarrenacon laherrarnienta de lirnpiezao unavarilla 2 Detengael motorde inrnediatoy desconecteel cablede la bujia Retireelobjetode la barrenacon la herrarnienta de lirnpiezao unavarilla 3 Ajusteel cabledelcontrolde la barrena Consultela secci6nde r...

Страница 64: ...te porlafaltade reciboso porsu imposi bilidaddeasegurarque se realizar_ n todoslos serviciosde mantenimiento programado Comopropietariodelmotorpeque5oparaequipotodo terreno sinembargo ustedtambi n debesaberque MTDpuededenegarlacoberturadela garantiasi su motorpeque5oparaequipotodoterrenoo unapiezadel mismofallandebidoa usoincorrecto negligencia mantenimiento indebido o a modificaciones noaprobadas...

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