Craftsman 247.883550 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.883550

Страница 1: using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPA_IOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsrnan com FORMNO 769 01888D 7 19 2007 ...

Страница 2: ... necessary because ofoperator negligence including but not limited to electrical and mechanical damage caused byimproper storage bent crankshafts failure touse the proper grade and amount ofengine oil orfailure tomaintain the equipment according tothe instructions contained inthe operator s manual Engine fuel system cleaning orrepairs caused by fuel determined tobecontaminated oroxidized stale Ing...

Страница 3: ...earstechnicianon productsrequiringin homerepair plusconvenientrepair scheduling Purchase a RepairProtectionAgreementnowandprotectyourself fromunexpectedhassleandexpense Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor you to scheduleservice Youcan call anytimeday ornight or schedulea serviceappointmentonline Searshas over12 000professionalrepairspecialists who have accessto o...

Страница 4: ...Stop machineif anyoneentersthe area Exercisecaution to avoidslippingorfalling especiallywhenoperatingin reverse PREPARATION Thoroughlyinspecttheareawheretheequipmentis to beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbythe auger impeller Alwayswearsafetyglassesoreyeshieldsduringoperationandwhile performinganadjustmentor repairto prot...

Страница 5: havestoppedbefore unclogging Useonly attachmentsand accessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabsetc If situationsoccurwhich are notcoveredinthis manual usecareand goodjudgment Contactyour SearsServiceCenterfor assistance MAINTENANCE STORAGE Nevertamperwith safetydevices Checktheir properoperation regularly Referto the maintenanceandadjustmentsectionsof this manual B...

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Страница 8: ...ngit LOOSE PARTS Tworeplacementaugershearpinsare includedwiththis manual Refer to ReplacingShearPinsinthe Operationsectionfor moreinformation regardingshearpin replacement ASSEMBLY 1 Observethelowerrearareaof the snowthrowerto besure both cablesarealignedwithrollerguidesbeforepivotingthe handle upward SeeFigure1 Figure1 NOTE Makecertaintheupperendsof eachcableare seatedproperly in itsbracket 2 Sec...

Страница 9: ... intoplace use the palmof your handto applyswift firm pressureto the backof each 5 a b Removetheflat washerand hairpinclip fromthe endof the chutedirectionalcontrol Insertthe endof the chutedirectionalcontrolintothe lower bracketandsecurewiththe flatwasherandhairpinclip just removed SeeFigure5 If necessary the lowerbracketcan be adjusted Referto ChuteBracketAdjustmentinthe Service Maintenancesecti...

Страница 10: ...d Shoes Thesnowthrowerskidshoesareadjustedupwardatthe factoryfor shippingpurposes Adjustthemdownward if desired priorto operat ingthe snowthrower It is notrecommended thatyou operatethissnowthrowerongravel as it can easilypickupandthrowloosegravel causingpersonal injuryordamageto thesnowthrowerandsurroundingproperty Forclosesnowremovalona smoothsurface raiseskidshoes higheron theaugerhousing Usea ...

Страница 11: ...peration section Makesurethe throttleis setin the FAST_p position 3 Whilestandinginthe operator sposition behindthe snow thrower engagethe auger 4 Allowthe augerto remainengagedfor approximately ten 10 secondsbeforereleasingthe augercontrol Repeatthisseveral times 5 Withthethrottlecontrolinthe FAST rabbit _ positionand the augercontrolin the disengaged up position walkto the front of the machine 6...

Страница 12: ...ositionone 1 is the slowestand positionfive 5 isthe fastest Reverse Yoursnowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 is the slower andtwo 2 is the faster IGNITION KEY The ignitionkeyisa safetydevice It mustbe fullyinsertedinorderfor the engineto start Removethe ignitionkeywhenthe snowthroweris notin use NOTE Donot turnthe ignitionkeyinanattemptto startthe engine Doingso maycauseit to break CHOKE CONTR...

Страница 13: ...Unthreadthe gascap to addgasolineto thefuel tank AUGER CONTROL f_ _ J DRIVE CONTROL AUGER CONTROL LOCK f DRIVE CONTROL The drivecontrolis locatedon the righthandle Squeezethe control gripagainstthe handleto engagethe wheeldrive Releaseto stop NOTE Alwaysreleasethedrive controlbeforechangingspeeds Failureto doso will resultinincreasedwearon yourmachine sdrive system CHUTE DIRECTIONAL CONTROL CHUTE ...

Страница 14: ... aclean approvedcontainerandkeepthecap in placeonthe container Makesurethatthe containerfrom whichyou pourthe gasolineis cleanandfreefromrustor otherforeignparticles Alwaysfill thefuel tankoutdoorsanduse a funnelor spoutto preventspilling Fillfuel tankwithclean fresh unleadedgasoline Neverfill thefuel tankcompletely Fillthe tankto within1 2 from the top to providespacefor expansion of fuel Makesur...

Страница 15: ...ff any moistureonthe engine Movethrottlecontrolto STOP 1 position 2 Removethe ignitionkeyandstoreina safeplace 3 Wipeall snowandmoisturefromthe areaaroundthe engineas wellas the areainand aroundthe drivecontrolandaugercontrol Also engageandreleasebothcontrolsseveraltimes TO ENGAGE DRIVE 1 Withthethrottlecontrolinthe Fast_ position moveshift lever intooneof the fiveforward F positionsor two reverse...

Страница 16: ...ween FULL and ADD Changing Engine Oil Toavoidenginedamage it is importantto Checkoil levelbeforeeachuse andeveryfiveoperatinghours Changeoilafterfirst two 2 operatinghoursandevery25 operat inghoursthereafter Engineshouldstillbe warmbut nothot fromrecentuse 1 Locatethe oildrainplug SeeFigure13 2 Besurethe gas cap is onand istightenedsecurely 3 Cleanareaaroundoil drainplug 4 Placeapprovedrecyclableo...

Страница 17: ...dangerous LUBRiCATiON Gear Shaft The gear hex shaft shouldbe lubricatedat leastoncea seasonor afterevery25 hoursof operation 1 Topreventspillage placea pieceof plasticwrap underthegas capand tightensecurely 2 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerup andforwardso that it restson the augerhousing 3 Removethe lowerframecoverfromthe undersideof the snow throwerby removing the four self tappingscrewswhichsecure...

Страница 18: ... shouldNOTbetight Also if there is excessiveslackin the drivecableor if the unitexperiences intermittentdrivewhileusing thecable mayneedto beadjusted Checkthe adjustmentof the drivecontrolas follows 1 Withthedrive controlreleased pushthe snowthrowergently forward The unitshouldrollfreely 2 Engagethe drivecontrolandgentlyattemptto pushthe snow throwerforward The wheelsshouldnot turn The unitshouldn...

Страница 19: ...rolcable Skid Shoes Referto the Assemblysectionfor instructionsonadjustingthe skid shoes f BELT REPLACEMENT Auger Belt To removeand replaceyoursnowthrower saugerbelt proceedas follows 1 Topreventspillage placea pieceof plasticwrap underthegas capand tightensecurely 2 Removethe plasticbelt coveronthe frontof the engineby remov ingthe twoself tappingscrews SeeFigure20 3 Rollthe augerbelt off the eng...

Страница 20: ...portbracketandtheaugerpulley SeeFigure24 8 Reassemble augerbeltby followinginstructionsin reverseorder NOTE Do NOTforgetto reinstallthe shoulderscrewandreconnect the springto theframeafter installinga replacementaugerbelt Drive Belt Toremoveand replaceyoursnowthrower sdrive belt proceedas follows 1 Topreventspillage placea pieceof plasticwrap underthe gas capand tightensecurely 2 Removethe plastic...

Страница 21: ...belt FRICTION WHEEL REMOVAL If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewiththe drivecontrolengaged andperformingthe drivecontrolcableadjustmentfailsto correct the problem the frictionwheelmayneedto be replaced Followthe instructionsbelow Examinethe frictionwheelfor signsof wearor crackingandreplaceif necessary 1 Topreventspillage placea pieceof plasticwrap underthegas capand tightensecurely 2 Placetheshift lev...

Страница 22: redisassembling the frictionwheelandreplacingonlythe rubber ring proceedas follows 1 Removethe four screwswhichsecurethe frictionwheel sside platestogether SeeFigure30 2 Removethe rubberringfrombetweenthe plates 3 Reassemble the side plateswitha newrubberring NOTE Whenreassembling the frictionwheelassembly makesure thatthe rubberringis centeredandseatedproperlybetweenthe side plates Tighteneac...

Страница 23: ...he ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrack of completedmaintenance tasks To locate the nearestSears Service Centeror to scheduleservice simplycontactSears at 1 800 4 MY HOME EachUse 1st2 hours 25 hours 50 hours Annuallyor 100hours BeforeStorage Underheavyloador inhightemperatures 1 Engineoil level 2 Looseor missinghardware 3 Unitandengine 1 Engineoil 1 Engineoi11 2 Controllinkagesand pivots 1 Engineoil 1 Spa...

Страница 24: ...n afurnace waterheater clothesdryer orgas appliance PREPARING SNOW THROWER Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilatedor metalstor ageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe equipment Using a light oilor silicone coatthe equipment especiallyanychains springs bearingsandcables Removealldirt fromexteriorof engineandequipment Followlubricationrecommendations Storeequipmentin a clean dry area Alcoholble...

Страница 25: ... Foreignobjectlodgedinauger 3 Augercable inneedof adjustment 4 Augerbelt looseor damaged 5 Shearpin s sheared 1 Movechokecontrolto ON position 2 Connectwire to sparkplug 3 Clean adjustgap or replace 4 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 5 Primeengineas instructedin the OperationSection 6 Insert keyfullyintothe switch 1 Movechokecontrolto OFFposition 2 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 3 Drainfuel tank...

Страница 26: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 883550 9 26 ...

Страница 27: ...earPin 25 x 1 50 Bearing HexFlangex 75 ID Bearing Ball 75IDx 1 85OD FlatPulley Idler 2 75OD Housing Bearing 1 85ID Bracket AugerIdlerw Brake GearboxAssembly Auger 24 684 04265 29 684 04107 30 684 04108 31 731 04870 32 736 0188 33 741 0493A 34 790 00087A 35 790 00120 36 784 5580 3_ 618 0123A 38 618 0124A 39 721 0338 40 741 0662 41 710 0642 42 711 04285 43 714 0161 44 715 04021 45 717 04126 46 717 0...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 883550 28 ...

Страница 29: ...Shoulder 1 4 20 437 Lever Shift Panel Handle Panel SpeedSelect 5FW 2 RV CrankAssembly Chute Screw Carriage 5 16 18 2 25 710 04484 23 714 0104 24 720 0201A 25 720 0284 26 726 0100 2Z 735 0234 28 736 0185 29 736 0159 30 74_04263 31 749 04138A 32 749 04141A 33 749 04142A 34 731 04912B 35 710 0276 36 710 04071 37 710 0451 38 731 04426A 39 731 04869 40 741 0475 41 784 5647 42 631 04131B Screw 5 16 18 2...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 883550 3O ...

Страница 31: ...95 Rubber FrictionWheel 5 50D Spacer 508IDx 75OD x 68 Roller Cable FrontGuideBracket AugerCable Frame GuideBracket AugerCable 790 00207A 35 790 00316 36 634 04167A 634 04168A 3_ 731 04873 38 738 04168 39 735 04100 40 710 0809 41 710 0191 42 710 0672 43 710 0654A 44 710 1245B 45 710 0896 46 726 04012 4_ 731 04792A 48 732 04308A 49 736 0247 50 736 0119 51 736 0505 52 748 04053A 53 748 04112A 54 750 ...

Страница 32: ...Craftsman Engine Model LH195SP 67514 For Snow Thrower Model 247 883550 254 25s 600 69 219 370B 220 26 _ _ 186_ 209_5_ 25 2OO 203 0A 900 287 390 370K 32 ...

Страница 33: ...97 Oil Seal 80 30574A GovernorShaft 81 30590A Washer 82 30591 GovernorGearAssembly Incl 83 30588A GovernorSpool 86 650488 Screw 1 4 20x 1 1 4 33 D _ 610961 FlywheelKey 90 611195 Flywheel 92 650815 BellevilleWasher 93 650816 FlywheelNut 100 34443C SolidState Ignition 101 610118 SparkPlugCover 102 651024 SolidState MountingStud 103 651007 Screw 7 15 10 24x 15 16 110 35182 GroundWire 110A 36874 Groun...

Страница 34: ...4 20x 1 2 342A 660675 Washer 345 33344 HeatBaffle 360 i 670682A PrimerAssembly 351 321800 PrimerLine 355 1590574 StarterHandle Mitten Grip 364 33333 CarburetorCoverBracket 364A 37673 LockingPlate 365 660735 Screw 10 24x 3 8 370A 36261 InstructionDecal 370B 35282 SpeedControl Decal 3700 36501 PrimerDecal 370D 36534 CautionDecal 3701 37119 WarningDecal 370K 36696 StarterDecal 380 640084B Carburetor ...

Страница 35: ...itting ThrottleCrackScrew IdleSpeedScrew TensionSpring IdleRestrictorScrew IdleRestrictorScrewCap FloatBowlAssembly Incl 32 33 FloatShaft 1 Float Plastic FloatBowl O Ring1 InletNeedle Seat Clip Incl 31 1 SpringClip BowlDrainAssembly DrainPlungerGasket1 MainNozzleTube O Ring MainNozzleTube1 HighSpeedBowlNut BowlNutWasher1 Welch Plug IdleMixtureWell 1 Welch Plug AtmosphericVent1 Repairkit Incl Items...

Страница 36: ...y Defectsare judgedon normalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto anin use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition to theSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyex...

Страница 37: ...mple a typical walk behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emiss...

Страница 38: ...ones necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluyendo entre otros dahosmec_mico y electricoocasionadoporunalmace namientonoapropiado abolladuracigOehal falla porel usode aceitedegradoy o cantidadno apropiadao fallaporno darmantenimiento al equipodeacuerdocon las instruccionescontenidasenel manualdel operador Limpiezao reparaciones al motor sistemadecombustible provocadasporuncombustiblecontamin...

Страница 39: ... pot tel_fono asistenciatelef6nicaa cargode un tecnicode Searsparalos productosquerequierenreparaci6n a domicilio adem_ts deunaprogramaci6n convenienteparala reparaci6n Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelserviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquier momentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicioen line Searsdisponedem_ sde 12 000especialistasenreparaciones profes...

Страница 40: ...azona Seaprecavidoparaevitarpatinarseo caerseespecialmentecuando operala maquinaenreversa PREPARATIVOS Inspeccione minuciosamente elAreadondeutilizaraelequipo Saque todoslosfelpudos peri6dicos trineos tablas cablesy otrosobjetos extra_osconlos quepodriatropezaro quepodrfanserarrojadosper la barrena motor Paraprotegerselos ojosutilice siempreanteojoso antiparrasde seguridadmientrasopera la maquinao...

Страница 41: ...jedelcanal mientrasel motorestaenfuncionamiento Antes dedestaparlo apagueel motory permanezcadetrasdelas manijashastaquetodas laspartesmovilesse hayandetenido Usesolo unionesy accesoriosaprobadosper elfabricante perejemplo pesasparalas ruedas cadenasparalos neumaticos cabinas etc Si se presentansituacionesqueno esta n previstasenestemanual sea cuidadosoy useel sentidocomun Contacteconsu centrodese...

Страница 42: ...uyendos pasadoresdecuchillade barrenade repuesto Consultela secci6n Barrenas en lasecci6ndeServicioy Mantenimiento paraobtenerm4sinformaci6nsobreel reemplazode los pasadoresdecuchillade barrena MONTAJE 1 ObserveelAreainferiortraseradela m4quinaquitanievepara asegurarse de queamboscablesestenalineadosconlas gufas rotatoriasantesdegirar lamanijahaciaarriba Yealafigura 1 Figura1 NOTA Aseg0resede quel...

Страница 43: ...tilicelapalmadesu manoparaaplicarunapresi6nr_tpida y firmeen laparte posteriordecada uno Quitela arandelaplanay el brochede horquilladelextremo delcontroldireccionaldel canal Inserteelextremodelcontroldireccional delcanalenelsoporte inferioryasegOrelo mediante laarandela planayel broche dehorquilla queacabade retirar Vealafigura5 Sies necesario puedeajustarse elsoporteinferior Consulte Ajuste dels...

Страница 44: ...izantes Las zapatasantideslizantes de lam_tquina quitanievese ajustanpara arribaen f_tbrica paraelenvio Si Iodesea puedeajustarlashacia abajoantesde hacerfuncionarlam_tquina quitanieve Nose recomiendaqueopereestam_ quina quitanievesobregrava ya quees posiblequela m_tquina quitanievetomelagravasueltay labarrenalaexpulse Io cualpodriacausarlesionespersonales o daharla m_tquina quitanieve Sideseaquit...

Страница 45: ...secci6n AsegOrese dequedel estrangulador ester ajustadoen posici6n FAST_ 3 Paradoen la posicidndel operador detr_ts dela m_tquina quitanieve engranelabarrena 4 Dejela barrenaengranadaduranteaproximadamente diez 10 segundosantesde soltarel controlde labarrena Repitaesta operaci6nvariasveces 5 Conel controldelestrangulador en posici6nr_ pida _ dibujo deun conejo y la barrenaen posici6ndesengranada a...

Страница 46: ...lam_tsr_tpida LLAVE DE ENCENDIDO LaIlavedeencendidoes undispositivode seguridad Debeestar completamente insertadaparaque elmotorarranque Retirela Ilave de encendidocuandonouse la m_tquina quitanieve NOTE Nogirela Ilavedeencendidoparaintentararrancarel motor AI hacerlopodrfaromperla CONTROL DE OBTURACION I11 Elcontroldeobturaci6nse encuentraen la parteposteriordel motor y se activahaciendogirarlape...

Страница 47: ...a travesdel Ilenadodeaceite TAPON DE COMBUSTIBLE Desenrosque el tap6ndecombustibleparaagregargasolinaal tanque decombustible ZAPATAS ANTIDESLIZANTES Ubiquelaszapatasantideslizantes enfunci6nde lascondicionesde lasuperficie Ajustehaciaarribasi la nieveestfi muycompactada AjClstelas haciaabajosi usala maquinaengravaso superficiescon piedrastrituradas CONTROL DE LA BARRENA CONTROL DiE LA BARRENA Elco...

Страница 48: ...elagasolina estelimpioy noesteoxidadonicontaminado conotrasparticulas extrahas Tengaextremocuidadocuandomanipulegasolina La gasolinaes altamenteinflamable y susvaporespuedencausarexplosiones Nuncaagreguecombustible a la mAquinaeninterioreso mientras lel motorestAcalienteo en funcionamiento Apaguelos cigarrillos Icigarros pipasy otrasfuentesde combusti6n NOTA Dentrode laaperturaparaIlenadode combus...

Страница 49: ...asf comotambienenel _ rea yalrededordeesta del interiorde los controlesde latransmisi6ny de la barrena Asimismo enganche y suelteamboscontrolesvariasveces PROCED MIENTO PARA ENGRANAR LA TRANSMISI6N 1 Con elcontroldelestrangulador enposici6nrapida_ dibujo de unconejo muevala palancadecambiosa unadelas cinco posicionesdeavarice F o de lasdos posicionesdereversa R Seleccionelavelocidadadecuadaparaele...

Страница 50: ...ntre FULL lleno y ADD agregue Figura11 J Cambio de aceite del motor Paraevitarqueel motorresultedahado es importanteque Controleel nivelde aceiteantesde cadauso y cadacincohoras deoperaci6n Cambieel aceitedespuesde lasdos 2 primerashorasde operaci6ny despuesdecada25 horasdeoperaci6n Elmotordebeestartibio peronocalienteporsu usoreciente 1 Localiceel tap6nde drenajedelaceite Vealafigura 12 2 AsegOre...

Страница 51: ...graveso la muerte NO modifiqueel motorbajo ningunacircunstancia Sicambiala configuraci6ndelregulador el motory elequipopuedenoperara velocidadesinseguras NUNCA cambiela configuraci6n def_ bricadelreguladordel motor Hacer funcionarel motora unavelocidadsuperiora laestablecidaen f_tbrica es peligroso LUBRICACION Eje de engranaje Elejede engranaje hexagonal se debelubricaral menosunavezpor temporada ...

Страница 52: ... la transmisJ6n Cuandose sueltael controlde latransmisi6ny est en posici6n desenganchada arriba el cabledebetenermuypocojuego NOdebe estartenso Tambi6n si hayexcesivoflojoen elcable depaseoo si la unidadexperimenta el paseointermitente usando elcable puede tenerqueserajustado Compruebe el ajustedel controlde latransmisi6ndela siguiente forma 1 Cuandosuelteel controlde latransmisi6n empujesuavement...

Страница 53: ...araajustarLaszapatasantidesli zantes REEMPLAZO DE LA CORREA La Correa de la barrena Pararetirary reemplazarlacorreadela barrenade su m_tquina quitanieve procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Drenelagasolinade la m_tquina quitanieve o coloqueuntrozode pl_ stico debajodel tap6nde Ilenadodel combustible 2 Saquela cubiertapl_tstica de lacorreaubicadaen el frentedel motor Paraellosaque losdos tornillosa...

Страница 54: ...arealizarel reensamblado de lacorreade labarrenasiga las instruccionesenordeninverso NOTA NOolvidevolvera instalarel tornillocon rebordey volvera conectarel resorteal marcotrasinstalarunacorreadela barrenade repuesto La correa de la transmisi6n Pararetirary reemplazarlacorreadela barrenade su m_tquina quitanieve procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Coloqueun trozode pl_tstico debajodeltap6nde Ilen...

Страница 55: ... RUEDA DE FRICCl6N Si lam_tquina quitanievenose accionacuandoelcontroldela trans misi6nest engranado y sial realizarelajustedel cabledecontrolde la transmisi6n queapareceel problemanose corrige tal vezse deba reemplazarlaruedadefricci6n Sigalas instruccionesqueaparecen a continuaci6n Examinela ruedade fricci6nen buscade signosde desgasteo grietasy reemplacesi es necesario 1 Coloqueuntrozode pl_tst...

Страница 56: ...ruedadefricci6n parareemplazar Onicamente el anillodegoma procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Saquelos cuatrotornillosdemantienenunidaslas placas lateralesde la ruedadefricci6n Veala figura29 2 Retireel anillode gomadeentrelas placas 3 Reensamblelas placaslateralescon un nuevoanillode goma NOTA AI reensamblar el conjuntode la ruedade fricci6n asegOrese dequeel anillodegomaestacorrectamente centra...

Страница 57: ...doa unaparadacompleta Desconecteel alambrede bujfay b_tselo contrael motorparaprevenirel comienzo involuntario SiempreIlevepuestoscristalesinastillablesdurantela operaci6no realizandocualquierajusteo reparaciones CadaUso los 5 8 horas 25 horas 1 Niveldel aceitede motor 2 Hardwaresueltooausente 3 Unidady motor 1 Elaceitedemotor 1 Elaceitedemotort 2 Filtrode aire 3 Encadenamientosde control y pivote...

Страница 58: ...o silic6npararecubrirel equipo especialmente las cadenas losresortes loscojinetesy los cables 2 Eliminetodo el polvodelexteriordel motory delequipo 3 Sigalasrecomendaciones delubricaci6nen la secci6nde mantenimiento deestemanual 4 Almaceneel equipoen unAreadespejaday seca Nuncaalmacenelam_ quina quitanievecon combustible enel tanqueen unespaciocerradooen Areascon pocaventilaci6n dondelosgasesdelco...

Страница 59: ...araciones Sears 1 Contactecon uncentrode partesy servicioSears El motorfuncionademanera err_ttica 1 Elcablede la bujiaestgtflojo 2 Elorificiode ventilaci6ndel tap6nde Ilenadodelcombustibleester obstruido El motorrecalienta Demasiadavibraci6n Perdidade potencia La unidadnose autopropulsa La unidadnodescargala nieve 1 2 1 Detengael motorde inmediatoy desconecteel ester dahada cable dela bujia Ajuste...

Страница 60: ...r defectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantianoestArelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controlde emisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seencue...

Страница 61: ... Por Io tanto el Pedodo de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia serJa equivalente a entre 10y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aire es un nemero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en la etiqueta de ...

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