Craftsman 247.77641 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.77641

Страница 1: ...Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST Spanish Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www sears com craftsman FORMNO 769 03988A 2 4 2009 ...

Страница 2: ...damagecausedbyobjects suchas stonesor metaldebris oversizedstock impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding theengine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbut not limitedto electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeandamountof engineoil or failureto maintainthe equipmentaccordingto the instructionscontained inthe operat...

Страница 3: ...d safe operation practices in this manual and on the machine and be trained and supervised by an adult 5 Never allow adults to operate this machine without proper instruction 6 Many accidents occur when more than one person operates the machine Ifa helper is assisting in stacking logs never activate the control until the helper is a minimum of 10 feet from the machine Z Keep bystanders pets and ch...

Страница 4: the machine or fuel container inside where there is an open flame spark or pilot light as on a water heater space heater furnace clothes dryer or other gas appliances j Allow machine to cool at least five 5 minutes before storing 1 Before starting this machine review the Safety Instructions Failure to follow these rules may result in serious injury to the operator or bystanders 2 Never leave...

Страница 5: ...f from the engine and muffler areas If the engine is equipped with a spark attester muffler clean and inspect it regularly according to manufacturers instructions Replace if damaged 4 Periodically check that all nuts and bolts hose clamps and hydraulic fittings are tight to be sure equipment is in safe working condition 5 Check all safety guards and shields to be sure they are in the proper positi...

Страница 6: ...rtly split wood and moving parts BYSTANDARDS Keep bystanders helpers and children at least 10 feet away SINGLE OPERATOR Only one person should operate the machine at a time The adult who loads and holds log must be the one who operates control handle WARNING PRESSURIZED FLUID Never check for hose leaks with your hands High pressure fluid can escape through a pin hole leak and cause serious injury ...

Страница 7: ...anicalhandling equipment LOOSE PARTS IN CARTON 1 TongueAssembly Disconnect the sparkplugwireandgroundit againstthe engineto preventunintendedstarting ASSEMBLING THE TONGUE Attaching the Jack Stand Thejackstandisshippedinthetransportposition 1 Removethe springclipandclevis pinandpivotthe jackstand towardsthe groundto the operatingposition 2 Securethejackstandinpositionwiththeclevis pinandspringclip...

Страница 8: ...rtankwiththe hydraulicfluidincludedwiththis machine if equipped or oneof theapprovedfluidswhichinclude Dexron III Mercon automatictransmission fluid ora 10Weight AWhydraulicoil Checkthefluid levelusingthedipstick SeeFigure3 6 Do not overfill Replacetheventeddipsticksecurely tighteningit untilthe topof the threadsareflushwithtop of the pipe 6 Disconnectthe sparkplugand primethe pumpby pullingthe re...

Страница 9: ...Alwayswearsafetyglasseswhenoperatingthisequipmentor while performinganyadjustmentsor repairson it Vertical Beam Lock Befamiliarwithall the controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly J Beam Locks Thesetwo locksareusedto securethe beamin the horizontal or the verticalposition The verticalbeam lockis locatednextto theoil filter The horizontalbeamlockis locatedo...

Страница 10: ...ighten 3 If necessary withthe logsplitteronlevelground usea funnelto fill enginewithoilto the FULLmarkon the dipstick Becarefulnotto overfill Overfillingwill causethe engineto smokeprofuselyandwill resultinpoorengineperformance 4 Checktheoil levelthreetimespriorto startingtheengineto be certainyou vegottenan accuratedipstickreading Runningthe enginewithtoo littleoilcan resultinpermanentenginedamag...

Страница 11: ...nly onthe sidesof the log Neverplace your handon the endbetweenthe log and the splittingwedge 6 Onlyoneadultshouldstabilizethe logandoperatethe control handle so the operatorhasfull controloverthe logand thesplitting wedge Control Handle 1 Movethe controlhandleFORWARD or DOWNto splitwood 2 Releasethe controlhandleto stopthe wedgemovement 3 MovethecontrolhandleBACKor UPto returnthe wedge Log Dislod...

Страница 12: ...ressure gauges 5 Operatewithairin the hydraulicsystem 6 Useteflontapeon the hydraulicfittings 12 Attemptto cutwoodacrossthe grain Attemptto removepartiallysplitwoodfromthe wedgewithyour hands Fullyretractthewedgeto dislodgethe woodwiththe log dislodger TRANSPORTING THE LOG SPLITTER IMPORTANT Alwaysturn the fuelvalveto the OFFpositionbefore transportingthe logsplitter 1 Lowerthe beamto itshorizonta...

Страница 13: leastoncea season Figure 5 1 Do notat any timemakeanyadjustmentswithoutfirststopping theengine disconnecting sparkplugwire andgroundingit against theengine Alwayswearsafetyglassesduringoperationor while performng anyadjustmentsor repars WEDGE ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT As normalwearoccursandthereis excessive play betweenthe wedgeand beam adjustthe boltsonthe sideof the wedgeassembly to eliminateexces...

Страница 14: ...upport bracketandcouplinghalf Tightenthe setscrew 6 Installthe pumpcouplinghalfandkeyon thepump shaft Rotate the couplinghalf untilthe setscrewfaces theopeningin the shield Do nottightenthe set screw 7 Installthe nylon spider ontothe enginecouplinghalf 8 Alignthepumpcouplinghalfwiththe nylon spider by rotatingthe engineusingthe starterhandle Slidethecouplinghalfinto place whileguidingthreemounting...

Страница 15: ... GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS 1 Alwaysobservethe safetyruleswhenperformingany maintenance The warrantyonthis logsplitterdoesnotcoveritemsthathave beensubjectedto operatorabuseor negligence Toreceivefull valuefromthe warranty the operatormust maintainthe equipment as instructedinthis manual 3 Someadjustmentswill needto bemadeperiodicallyto maintain yourequipmentproperly 4 Followthe maintenanceschedule F...

Страница 16: ...e hydrauliccomponentsshouldbe performedby a SearsServiceCenter USE EXTREME CAUTIONWHEN WORKING WITH KEROSENE IT IS AN EXTREMELY FLAMMABLEFLUID Hydraulic Filter Changethe hydraulicfilterevery50 hoursof operation Useonly a 10micronhydraulicfilter Orderpart number723 0405 BEAM AND SPLITTING WEDGE Beforeeach use lubricatebothsidesof the beam whereit comes intocontactwiththe splittingwedge withengineoi...

Страница 17: ...overscrew butdo not removethe screw fromthe cover Swingthe coverdownto removefromthehinge Inspectthe filterfor discolorationor dirt accumulation If eitheris present proceedas follows a Cleanthe insideof bodyandcoverthoroughlyand removethe cartridge b Reassemble the newcartridgein the body Swingthe cover downandtightenthe screwloosenedearlier Temperature of mufflerandnearbyareasmayexceed150 F 65 C ...

Страница 18: ...surethe engineis cool Donot smokewhile handlingthe fuel 2 Startthe engineandlet it rununtil thefuel linesandcarburetorare empty IMPORTANT Neveruseengineor carburetorcleanerproductsin the fuel tankor permanent damagemayoccur Usefreshfuel nextseason 3 Removethe sparkplug pourapproximately 1 2 oz of engineoilinto cylinderandcrankit slowlyto distributethe oil 4 Replacethe sparkplug NOTE Fuelstabilizer...

Страница 19: ...k Refillwith freshfuel Cleanor replaceaircleaner ContactSearsservicecenter 3 Carburetornotadjustedproperly 3 ContactSearsservce center NEED MORE HELP Youll find d_e answer and moe or_mar_agemyl_ome corn k _r Iree Find this and all your other product manuals online Get answers from our team of home experts Get a personalized maintenance plan for your home Find information and tools to help with hom...

Страница 20: 3 Returnunt to Searsservce center 3 Slowenginespeed 4 Returnunt to Searsservce center 4 Damagedreliefvalve 5 ncorrecto eve 5 Checkoillevel Ref l if necessary 6 Dran o c eanreservor andref 6 Contaminated oil I 7 Returnunt to Searsservce center 7 Directionalvalveleaking nternally 8 Returnunitto Searsservicecenter 8 nterna y damagedcy nder Leaking Cylinder 1 Brokenseals 1 Returnunitto Searsservic...

Страница 21: ...talls under lowload Frozenorseizedpump Returnunitto Seaisservicecenter condtons L0whorSep0wer weak engne J 3 Returnunt t0 searsservCecenter i 1 Hydrauliclinesb 0cked 4 Flushandcleanhydraulicsysteml 5 Blockeddirectionalvalvel 5 Returnunitto Searsservicecenter Leaking pumpshaft seal 1 Brokendrive shaft 2 Engine pump misalignment 3 Gearsectionsdamaged 4 Poorlypositionedshaft seal 5 Pluggedoil breathe...

Страница 22: ...A 22 ...

Страница 23: ...26 0214 PushCap 38 732 0583 Compression Spring 39 781 04180 0637 LogTrayBracket 40 710 4484 HexWasherScrew 5 16 18x 750 712 04065 FlangeLockNut 3 8 16 42 781 04179 0637 LogTray 43 981 04040A 0637 FrameAssembly 44 710 0521 HexBolt3 8 16x 3 45 719 0353 CouplingShield 46 714 0122 SquareKey3 16 x 75 47 710 1842 Screw 1 4 20x 38 718 04392 Coupling 500 718 04395 Coupling 875 735 04103 SpiderCoupling 48 ...

Страница 24: ...5O 51 383_ 287 m 27_ 158 j1330 REPAIR MANUAL J 306 2o 1058 OPERATOR S MANUALj 24 ...

Страница 25: ...g Splitter Model 247 77641 425 836 968 m 445 443_ 843_ 365 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 163_137 _ 7_ 633A 633G 61 276_ 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT _ _ _134 _ 633 G _33A 159_ 970 163_ 104 137_ _ 276 Q m 276 Q 692 6aaA 130 95 _ 0 617 m j 276 Q 25 ...

Страница 26: ...78 304 497_ 363_ 455 i 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL J 55 1210_ i 1005 6sI 58 592 s89 _ 9 456 _ 597 _ 6O 26 ...

Страница 27: ...Craftsman Engine Model No 126L02 For Log Splitter Model 247 77641 i1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINEj 505 _ m 8s 27 ...

Страница 28: ... intake 54 691650 Screw IntakeManifold 55 691421 Housing Rewind Starter Ref No Part No Description 58 697316 Rope Starter Cutto Required Length 60 281434S Grip StarterRope 65 690837 Screw RewindStarter 78 691108 Screw FlywheelGuard 81 691740 Lock MufflerScrew 95 691636 Screw ThrottleValve 97 696565 Shaft Throttle 104 691242tt Pin FloatHinge 108 691182 Valve Choke 109 498593 Shaft Choke 117 498981 ...

Страница 29: ... intakeManifold 627 792565 Bracket Stopswitch 633 691321tt Seal Choke Throttle Shaft tlncluded in EngineGasketSet Key No 358 ttlncluded inCarburetorOverhaulKit Key No 121 includedinCarburetorGasketSet Key No 977 Ref No Part No Description 633A 693867tt Seal Choke Throttle Shaft 635 66538 Boot SparkPlug 668 493823 Spacer 670 692294 Spacer Fuel Tank 684 690345 Screw BreatherPassageCover 689 691855 S...

Страница 30: ...are judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonl...

Страница 31: ...ind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July 1...

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Страница 33: RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a ...

Страница 34: ...o perosinestarlimitadas a daSoscausadosporobjetostalescomo piedraso desechosmet_licos materialesdegrantamaSo objetosimpactantesquedoblanel bastidoro el cigOeSal o veloddad excesivadel motor Reparadonesnecesariascausadaspor negligenciadeloperador incluyendo perosin estarlimitadas a daSosel_ctricoso mec_nicoscausa dos poralmacenamiento inadecuado fallaen usarel gradoy cantidadcorrectosde aceitede mo...

Страница 35: ...l yen la m_quina y deben ser entrenados y supervisados por un adulto 5 Nunca permita que los adultos operen esta m_quina sin recibir antes la instrucci6n apropiada 6 Muchos accidentes ocurren cuando m_s de una persona hace funcionar la m_quina Si un pe6n Io est_ ayudando a cargar los troncos nunca active el control hasta que el pe6n se encuentre pot Io menos a 10 pies de distancia de la m_quina 7 ...

Страница 36: ...ncia del alcohol las drogas o un medicamento 4 Nunca permita a nadie operar esta m_quina sin recibir antes la instrucci6n apropiada 5 Siempre opere la m_quina con todo el equipamiento de seguridad en su lugar yen condiciones Asegurese de que todos los controles se ajusten adecuadamente para una operaci6n segura 6 No cambie la configuraci6n del regulador del motor ni acelere demasiado el motor El r...

Страница 37: ...No modifique esta m_iquina de ning0n modo si se realizan modificaciones tales como agregado de una cuerda o alargador a la manija de control o el aumento del ancho o la altura de la cuba se pueden producir lesiones personales graves 10 Seg0n la Comisi6n de Seguridad de Productos para el Consumidor de los Estados Unidos CPSC y la Agencia de Protecci6n Ambiental de los Estados Unidos EPA este produc...

Страница 38: ...Guarde a las personas presentes a los ayudantes y a ni_os pot Io menos 10 pies lejos SOLO OPERADOR Solamente una persona debe funcionar la m_quina a la vez Eladulto que carga y el registro de los asimientos deben serel qui6n funciona la manija de control ADVERTENCIA LfQUIDO PRESURIZADO Nunca compruebe para saber si hay escapes de la manguera con sus manos El liquido de alta presi6n puede escaparse...

Страница 39: ...ode la leng_eta Desconectar el cabledela bujiay conectaratierracontrael motor paraprevenirunarranqueinesperado Fijaci6n del soporte del gato Elsoportedelgato seenvia enla posici6nde transporte 1 Extraerel brochea resortey la clavijade lahorquilla y pivotearel soportedel gatoa la posici6nde operaci6n 2 Asegurarel soportedelgatoen posici6ncon laclavijade la horquillay el brochea resorte Vet lafigura...

Страница 40: 5 No sobrelleney sustituyala varilladeaceiteexpresadabien La varilladeaceitedeberiaserse aprietanantesdequela cimade los hilossea el rubor conlacimadeltubo 6 Si labujfatodaviano est desconectada desconectarelcablede la mismay cebar labomba tirandodelarranquede retrocesopara hacergirarel motor10vecesaproximadamente 7 Reconectarelcablede la bujfa arrancarel motordeacuerdocon Arranquedel Motorenla...

Страница 41: ...osseanarrojados a los ojos Io cualpuede da6arlos gravemente Utilice siempregafas de seguridadpara operar el equipoo mientras Io ajusta o Io repara ii ii BIoqueode la viga vertical J _ DVERTENCIA Familiaricese contodos los con troles y su operaei6n apropiada Sepac6modetener la m_quina y c6mo desengranar los controles r_pidamente Bloqueos de las vigas Existendos bloqueosde posicionesparacadaposici6n...

Страница 42: ...idades de27 onzasaproxirnadarnente Ser precavidoen noIlenarexcesivarnente UnIlenadoexcesivocausa unrnalrendirniento del motor Inspeccionar el niveldeaceiteasegur_ ndose de nofrotarla varillacontralas paredesinteriores deltubo deIlenadode aceite I Retroceso Paravolver lacu_aasu lugar Para detener i la cuba Paracortar Avance madera J Figura 4 2 VolveraIlenarhastala rnarcaFULLenla varillarnedidora si...

Страница 43: ...antes est_ n calientesy puedencausarquemaduras Liberador de la madera Eiliberadorde rnaderaest dise_adoparasacarde lacuba larnadera parcialmentecortada Estopuedesucedercuandosecorta maderade grandi_ metro o que hasidocortadarecientemente ADVERTENCIA No utilicenuncalas rnanosparasacarde lacuba la maderaparcialmente cortada Losdedospuedenquedaratrapados entrela maderacortada 1 Parasacarde lacuba la ...

Страница 44: ...ndogirarel motor con labujiadesconectada 13 Cortarmaderaconel granoen el sentidolongitudinalsolamente NurIcs 1 Usarcuandoel liquidotiene unatemperaturamenorde200F o mayorde 1500 E Figura 4 5 2 Usarunacoples61ido de motor bomba 3 Operara travesdela v_ lvula deescapepor m_ s de varios segundos 4 Jntentar ajustarlasgraduaciones de lav_ lvula de descargao escapesinindicadores de presi6n 5 Operarcon ai...

Страница 45: ...ectuarningQn ajustesinparaprirneroel motor desconectar elcable dela bujiay conectarloatierra contra el motor Ajuste del conjunto de la cuSa A rnedidaqueocurreundesgastenormaly existaunjuegoexcesivo entrela cuSay la viga ajustarlos pernosdel ladodel conjuntode la cuSaparaelirninarelespacioexcesivoentrelacuSay la viga 1 Ajustarlas contratuercas en losdos pernosdeajustedel ladodela cuSa Verla Figura5...

Страница 46: ...i6n est_frentea laaberturaenel protector Noajustarel tornillode posici6n 7 Instalarla ara_a denil6nsobrela rnitaddelacopledel motor 8 Alinearla rnitaddelacoplede labornbacon la ara_a de nil6ngi randoel motorusandola rnanijadelarranque Deslizarla rnitaddel acopleensu lugarrnientrasseguianlos trespernosdernontajea travesde los orificiosen larn_nsulade soportede la bornba 9 Asegurarcon las tuercasext...

Страница 47: ...nprelas reglasde protec ci6n Lagarantiade lacortadoradetroncosnocubrearficulosquehan estadosujetosa abusoo negligenciapot partedeloperador Para recibirun valorcornpleto de la garanfia el operadordebernantener el equiposegQnindicadoen estemanual Pararnantenerbiensu equipo debenefectuarseajustesperi6dica rnente 4 Seguirel prograrnadernantenirniento Vet la Figura5 1 5 Inspeccionar peri6dicarnente tod...

Страница 48: ... Carnbiarel filtrohidr_ ulico cada50horasde operacl6n Usarun filtrohidr_ulicode 10rnicronessolarnente Viga y curia cortadora Lubricararnbosladosde laviga dondeentraen contactocon la curiacortadora antesde cadauso conaceiteparamotor La placadela curiaen lacortadoradetroncosest_disefiadadetal rnaneraquelas chavetaslateralesde la placadela curiapueden extraersey girarsey o darsevueltaparaundesgasteun...

Страница 49: ...todo elaceite volvera colocar bieneltap6nde drenaje 3 Llenarcon aceitefresco usandoel gradorecornendado 4 Volvera colocarla varillarnedidora Servicio del filtro de aire Elfiltrode aireevitael ingresoal carburadorde suciedad polvo etc perjudiciales y evitaquelos rnisrnosseanintroducidosdentrodelmo tor Adern_ s dichofiltroes irnportanteparalavida Otily el rendirniento delmotor No ponganuncaenfuncion...

Страница 50: ...tAfrio Nofurnarrnientras se rnanejael combustible 2 Arrancarel motory dejarlofuncionarhastaquelas tuberiasde combustible y elcarburadorest_nvados IMPORTANTE Nuncausarproductoslirnpiadores de motoro carburadorenel tanquede combustibleyaque puedeocurrirundaSo perrnanente Usarcombustiblefrescola ternporadapr6xirna 3 Extraerla bujfa verter1 2 oz aproxirnadarnente deaceitepara motordentrodel cilindroy ...

Страница 51: ...2 Conectary ajustarel cablede la bujia 3 Limpiarlatuberiadecombustible Llenarel tanqueconcombustible fresco Limpiarel filtrode airesiguiendo las instruccionesenla secci6nde mantenimiento 5 Consultarconel Centrode ServicioSears 4 Parare motor desconectarelcable 4 Restricci6nen elflujo deaire de iabujia moverlaarmaduradel b_tenght to ye_ y Sea_ts NOTA Para reparacionesque no sean los ajustes menores...

Страница 52: ... manguerasdeentrada m entras se ext ende y de labombaest_nlimpiasy desbloqueadas retrae I Usarmangueras deentradascortasy de gran i I di_ metro I 3 Veloci adleptadel motor I 3 Devover a undada Centrode Servc o Sears d II 4 V_ lvula deescapeda_ada I 4 Devolverlaunidadal Centrode ServicioSears 5 Nwelde acelteincorrecto _ 5 Inspeccionar el nivelde aceite Llenarsi fuera necesano I I 6 Drenarel aceite ...

Страница 53: unidadalCentr0de ServicioSearsl baja 3 Motord_b 3 Devover aundada centro de ServCosears 4 Tuber ashidr u icas bl0queada Lavary irnpiare sistern a hidr_ulic0 Elsello del eje de la bomba pierde 5 V_ lvula direccionalbloqueada 1 Ejeirnpulsorrote 2 Motor bornba rnalalineados 3 SeccionesdaSadasdelengranaje 4 Sellodeleje enrnalaposici6n 5 Ventiladerode aceitetaponado 5 Devolverla unidadal CentredeSer...

Страница 54: ...ectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconel funcionamientonormalde unmotor La garantianoest_relacionadaconunapruebadeemisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadasconla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Es una_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seencuentraen ...

Страница 55: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire mayor es JaJimpieza deJmotor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del 1 d...

Страница 56: ...R_pida el apoyotelef6nicode unCharnuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprograrnar el serviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlarnadatelef6nica PuedeIlarnarencualquier mornento deldia o dela nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es unacornprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garanti...

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