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Содержание 247.299321

Страница 1: ...ON Before using this product read this manual and follow aJl safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www craftsman com FORMNO 769 08106A 5 29 2012 ...

Страница 2: ...Expendableitemsthatcan wearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod suchas the blades tines orbelts Productdamageresultingfromuserattemptsat productmodification or repairorcausedby productaccessories Repairsnecessarybecauseof accidentorfailureto operateor maintainthe productaccordingto all suppliedinstructions Preventivemaintenance or repairsnecessarydueto improperfuel mixture contaminated or stale...

Страница 3: ... can resultin seriousinjuryto the operatorand or bystanders Forquestions call 1 800 4MY HOME Befamiliarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadul...

Страница 4: ...fic Do notcarry passengers Neveroperatethe machineat hightransportspeedson hardor slipperysurfaces Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling Lookdownand behindandusecare whenin reverseor pulling machinetowardsyou Startthe engineaccordingto the instructionsfoundinthis manual and keepfeetwell awayfromthe tinesat all times Afterstrikingaforeignobjector ifyour machineshouldstart mak inganunusualnoiseo...

Страница 5: ...uryordeath donot modifyenginein anyway Tampering withthe governorsettingcan leadto a runawayengineand causeit to operateat unsafespeeds Nevertamperwithfactorysetting of enginegovernor NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS EngineswhicharecertifiedtocomplywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulations for SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment are certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the followin...

Страница 6: ... put hands or feet near rotating parts Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide an odorless and deadly gas WARNING HOT SURFACE Engine parts especially the muffler be...

Страница 7: ...ntendedstarting 1 Tipthe tiller forwardso thatit restson thefrontcounterweight 2 Unthreadthe T knobfromthe topof the depthstakeand remove theflat washerand hexbolt Removethecotter pinfromtheclevis pin SeeFigure1 Cotter Pin Fiat Washer Hex Bolt Depth Stake Figure1 3 Raisethefine shieldhingeflapassemblyand insertthe depth stakeassemblyinthe slot underthe fineshieldandup through the tine shieldassemb...

Страница 8: ... handlemounting bracketsandunderneaththe handle 3 Pushthe cablethroughthe holein the centerof the handleand snapinthe plasticfitting SeeFigure6 Threaded Tube Figure6 Removethe machinescrew flangelocknut andtwoflatwashers fromthe clutchbail See Figure7 Machine Screw Clutch Control Flat Washer Range Nut internally Threaded Tu be Figure7 5 Fastenthe threadedeyeboltontothe bailby securingit fromthe to...

Страница 9: ...omotive gasoline unleadedor lowleadedto minimizecombus tion chamberdeposits witha minimumof 87 octane Gasolinewith up to 10 ethanolor 15 MTBE MethylTertiaryButylEther can be used Neverusean oil gasolinemixtureordirty gasoline Avoidgetting dirt dust or waterinthe fuel tank DO NOTuse E85gasoline Refuelina well ventilated areawiththe enginestopped Do not smokeorallowflamesor sparksin the areawherethe...

Страница 10: ...andthen retightenthe nut againstthetube SeeFigure10 Internally ThreadedTube Handle The handleshouldbeadjustedso thatwhenthe tiller is digging3 4 intothe soil the handlefallsto aboutwaste high Rotatethe handle adjustmentlock rearward movethe handleto thedesiredpositionand then lockintoplace by rotatingthe handleadjustmentlockforwardto securethe handle SeeFigure11 Loosen tighten Handle ustment Lock ...

Страница 11: ...E Thishandleisusedto startthe engine AiR FILTER The throttlecontrolregulatesthe speedof the engineandwill shutoff the enginewhenit ismovedintothe stop_ position Thethrottle controlmovesbetweenthe FAST _ rabbit SLOW_ turtle and STOP_ positions CHOKE CONTROL Theair filterisadeviceonthe engineair intake thatpreventsdustand dirt enteringthe engine SeeFigure12 MUFFLER Engineexhaustexitsthe enginevia th...

Страница 12: ...IELD Theside shieldis usedto maintainclearevenrowsandmaybe adjustedto oneof fivedifferentpositions SeeFigure12 TINES Yourtiller stinesarea seriesof hoesarrangedona revolvingpower drivenshaft TO START ENGINE 1 Attachsparkplugwireandrubberboot to sparkplug 2 Filltankto no morethan 1 2 belowbottomof fillerneckto providespacefor fuelexpansion 3 Placethe gearselectionleverin NEUTRAL 4 Movethe chokeleve...

Страница 13: ...ionof the turn Afterturning slowlylowerthe tinesinto the soil to resumetilling SETTING THE DEPTH Tillingdepthis controlledbythe depthstakewhichcan be adjustedto fivedifferentsettings Adjustthe sideshieldsas you adjustthe depth stake Whenusingthe tillerfor the firsttime usethe secondadjustment holefromthetop 1 of tillingdepth Whenbreakingup sodandfor shallowcultivation usethe setting whichgives1 of...

Страница 14: ...emalongbyliftingup slightlyonthehandlebar onehand palmup worksmosteasily Avoidthetemptationto pushdown onthe handlebarsinan attemptto forcethetiller to digdeeper Doingso takesthe weight off the poweredwheels causingthemto losetraction Without the wheelsto holdthe tillerback the tineswill attemptto propel towardsthe operatororawayfromthe operator Whencultivating breakingupthesurfacesoilaroundthe pl...

Страница 15: ...y 1 Till onlyon moderateslopes neveron steepgroundwherethe footingisdifficult 2 Tillingupand downslopesis recommended overterracing Tilling verticallyon aslopeallowsmaximumplantingareaandalso leavesroomfor cultivating NOTE Whentillingon slopes be surethe correctoil levelismain tainedin theengine checkeveryone halfhourof operation The incline of the slopewill causethe oilto slantawayfromitsnormal l...

Страница 16: ...oll the tiller intoandout of the vehicle Twoor morepeopleare neededto do this The rampsmustbe strongenoughto supportthe combined weightof the tiller andanyhandlers The rampsshouldprovide goodtractionto preventslipping theyshouldalsohaveside rails to guidethe tilleralongthe ramps andtheyshouldhavea locking deviceto securethemto the vehicle The handlersshouldwearsturdyfootwearthatwill helpto prevent...

Страница 17: ...Change 1 Change 2 Change 1 Runengineuntilit stopsfromlackof fuel oradda gasolineadditiveto the gas in thetank Changeoileverytwentyfivehourswhenoperatingengineunderheavyloadorin hightemperatures ENGINE MAINTENANCE Alwaysstopengineanddisconnectsparkplugwirebeforeperforming lany maintenance or adjustments Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring _operation orwhile performing any adjustmentsor repairs GENERAL RE...

Страница 18: Filter Cover Filter Figure22 4 Checkthatthe sparkplugwasheris ingoodconditionandthread the sparkplugin by handto preventcross threading 5 Afterthesparkplugis seated tightenwitha sparkplugwrenchto compressthe washer NOTE Wheninstalling a newsparkplug tighten1 2turnafterthe spark plugseatstocompressthewasher Whenreinstalling a usedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4 turnafterthesparkplugseatsto compress the...

Страница 19: ... isunlikelyunlessyou handleusedoil ona daily basis itis stilladvisableto thoroughlywash yourhandswithsoapandwateras soonas possibleafter handling usedoil 2 WithengineOFFbut stillwarm disconnectsparkplugwireand keep itawayfromsparkplug 3 Placea funnelunderthe oildrainto avoidgettingoil onthe tiller frame SeeFigure25 Drain Figure25 4 Removeoil drainendcap locatedat the baseof the engine and drainoil...

Страница 20: ...hine waitfor all partsto stopmovinganddisconnectthe sparkplugwire Failure to followthis instruction couldresultinpersonalinjury or property damage Checkfor looseor missinghardwareafterevery10operatinghours andtightenor replace as needed beforereusingthe tiller Be sureto checkthe screwsunderneaththe tillerhoodthatsecurethe transmissioncoverandthe DepthRegulatorLeverto thetransmission BELT REPLACEME...

Страница 21: ...itionof thetinesfor reinstallationof the newfine assemblies 3 To removeafine assembly simplyremovethe internalcotter pin securingthe clevispin SeeFigure29 Clevis Pin _ J Figure29 4 Removethe clevispin andslidethe assemblyto the outsideof the unitandoff of the fine shaft 5 Beforereinstalling the fineassembly inspectthe tine shaftfor rust roughspotsorburrs Lightlyfile or sand as needed Applya thinco...

Страница 22: ...theclutchcontrolbaildisengaged thenan adjustmentis necessary 1 Disconnectandgroundthe sparkplugwire againsttheengine 2 Removethebelt coveras describedunderBelt Replacement earlierinthissection 3 Removethecotterpin andspringwasherfromthe idlerpulleyrod SeeFigure31 F idler Pulley Pin idler Pulley Figure31 4 Movethe idlerpulleyrodto the lowerholeinthe idlerbracket 5 Replacethespringwasherandhairpincl...

Страница 23: ...nder Replacesparkplugandcrankit slowlyto distribute oil 4 Cleandebrisfromaroundtheengineandthe muffler Touchup any damagedpaint andcoatotherareasthatmayrustwitha light filmof oil 5 Storein a clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromany ap pliancethatoperateswitha flameorpilot light suchas a furnace waterheater orclothesdryer Alsoavoidany areawitha spark producingelectricmotor orwherepowertoolsare op...

Страница 24: ...ionwearor damage 1 Tine holdermountinghardwaremissing 2 Bolt looseintransmissionpulley 3 Internaltransmission wearor damage 1 Worntines 2 ImproperDepthRegulator setting 3 Incorrectthrottlesetting 4 ForwardDriveBeltslipping 1 Reconnect wire 2 Putleverin STARTposition 3 Filltankwithclean freshgasoline 4 Cleanor replacefilter 5 Clean adjustgap or replace 6 Contactyour SearsParts RepairCenter 7 Contac...

Страница 25: ...25 ...

Страница 26: ...Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No 247 299321 17 6 23 21 14 _ 7 28 7 10 46 32 3O 44 3O _10 27 10 39 43 10 4O 54 p_36 18 25 49 _ 51 50 34 26 ...

Страница 27: ... ClutchBail 48 23 784 0190 HandleAdjustmentCrank 49 24 784 0191 HexNutRetainerBracket 50 25 786 0120 0637 TillerDepthControl 51 26 786 0181 0691 ShaftRodLever 52 735 0127 914 0104 686 0044B 0691 710 0176 710 0376 710 3022 710 04482 750 0194 712 04065 712 0421 926 0106 736 0204 Washer 33x 87x 125 CotterPin 072x 1 12 EndCoverAssembly HexScrew 5 16 18x 2 75 HexScrew 5 16 18x 1 00 HexScrew 3 8 16x 2 7...

Страница 28: ...Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No 247 299321 28 3S Q _ 31 38 iO 22 24 43 26 14 4 34 32 28 ...

Страница 29: ...x 095 42 19 938 0876 ShoulderNut 7 16 20 43 20 746 1117 ClutchCable 44 21 747 1159 IdlerPulleyRod 45 22 954 0434 Belt 46 23 756 0405 FiatIdlerPulley 3 75 24 756 0971 EnginePulley InnerHalf 756 0972 EnginePulley Outer Half 26 756 1162 input Pulley 4 x 8 594 27 786 0064A Idler PulleyBracket 786 0185A 0637 786 0187 0637 786 0193 0637 686 0109A 710 0653 936 0253 712 0392 915 0120 Belt KeeperBracket Sh...

Страница 30: ...Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No 247 299321 16 29 _ 37 10 11 50 46 _13 4O 42 16 29 12 30 16 3O ...

Страница 31: 500 46 21 717 0853A ClutchCollar 47 22 717 1582A GearSpur 44T 48 23 717 1583 GearSpur 30T 24 717 1584 GearSpur 30T 25 717 1585 GearSpur 44T 26 717 1587 GearSpur 44T 717 1594 GearSpur 16T 921 0378 ShaftSeal 1 0 721 0379 ShaftSeal 75 786 0238 Positioner GearBracket 726 0277 TaperedCap Plug 732 04778 Compression Spring 230 936 0163 936 0171 936 0226 936 0351 736 0407 736 0518 736 3088 686 04129 06...

Страница 32: ...06 712 04213 951 14068 951 14069 951 14070 750 05314 D I I AirCleanerHousing Nut Self Tapping BoltM4 2x16 CarbonCanister SilencerPlate RubberShockPad 951 10794 951 14071 951 14072 951 14073 951 14074 AirFilterAssembly AirFilterCover PrimerHose Clamp ExhaustPiping 32 ...

Страница 33: ... Incl h l j m n o p q r s u w 951 11177 n a n a n a n a n a 736 04638 n a ControlLever Choke ChokeShaft ChokePlate ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 LockWasher IdleJetAssembly m m k I m n o P q r s t U V W X n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a n a 951 11589 n a 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 m O O Gasket ThrottlePlate IdleSpeedAdjustingScrew MixtureScrew Carburetor Body FloatPin Emuls...

Страница 34: ...Craftsman Engine Model 170 VU For Tiller Model 247 299321 72 71 129 Gasket Kit External 130 Gasket Kit Complete 131 Complete Engine 61_ 60 _ 75 77 34 ...

Страница 35: ...14 951 12126 951 12573 951 12572 952Z170 VU m O O PistonRingSet PistonPinSnapRing Piston PistonPin Bolt M6x12 Air Shield ConnectingRodAssembly GovernorArm Shaft Washer5 2xl 9 GovernorSeal CotterPin CamshaftAssy RadialBallBearing 6205 CrankshaftAssembly WoodruffKey GovernorGear ShaftAssembly DowelPin7x14 DowelPin9x14 Crankcase CoverGasket CoverComp LeftCrankcase Bolt M8x32 OilPlug OilSeal 25x41 25x...

Страница 36: ...Craftsman Engine Model 170 VU For Tiller Model 247 299321 128 Cylinder Head Service Kit 129 Gasket Kit External 130 Gasket Kit Complete 131 Complete Engine 126 2 _ 1 1 2O 7 36 ...

Страница 37: ...alve RockerArm Bolt Pivot PushRodGuide Retainer In ValveSpring Adjuster ExhValve Retainer Ex Valve Spring ValveSpring IntakeValveSeal BoltM8x55 CylinderHeadAssembly m 2O 46 47 48 49 5O 51 126 128 129 130 131 951 10292 951 11572 951 10648 951 11899 715 04108 951 10647A 951 10647A 951 11063A 951 10819 951 12573 951 12572 952Z170 VU D O Incl6 8 17 19 22 29 30 46 50 51 SparkPlug F6Rtc Gasket CylinderH...

Страница 38: ...40 951 10792 710 04919 951 10805 951 10934 951 10911 712 04209 710 04915 951 11583 736 04455 710 04974 951 12418 710 04918 951 11109 D O O Air FlowShield BoltM6xlO IgnitionCoil Assembly BoltM6x25 Flywheel Fan Cooling Pulley Starter Nut Special M14x1 5 BoltM6x12 BlowerHousing Washer BoltM6xlO RecoilStarter BoltM6x20 BlowerHousingShield 38 ...

Страница 39: ...ottleLinkageSpring ThrottleLinkage GovernorArm NutM6 GovernorArmBolt FuelLineKit FuelHoseClamp BoltM6x12 Rollover Valve m 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 120 121 122 123 951 11914 710 04905 710 04915 951 12482 951 11381 951 11913 951 11904 951 11912 951 12535 951 14076 751 14139 951 14077 951 11933 951 10651 712 04212 D O e DipstickDecorationCover Bolt Bolt M6x12 DipstickAssembly Oil F...

Страница 40: ...ller IViodel 247 299321 26 23 27 22 24 21 m 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 951 14063 951 11289 712 04214 951 14067 951 14078 951 14079 951 12865 D W O StudM8x38 ExhaustPipeGasket Nut M8 MufflerAssembly ExhaustPipeShield DuctBolt SecondaryAirValve 4O ...

Страница 41: ...May Cre_e Sparks That Start Fires Around Dry Vegetattsn A Spark Arrestor May Be Required The Operator Should Contact Local Fire Agencies For Laws Or Regulations TO Fire Prevention Requirements 777120358 777D15447 777123259 777123174 777D15452 777123106 777X43688 DONOT USEE85 ORFUEL CONTAINING MORE THAN10 ETHANOL 41 ...

Страница 42: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Страница 43: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 44: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Страница 45: ...l usonormalenel periodode garantia comolas cuchillas dientes o cinturones DaSosenel productoresultantede los intentosdel usuariode modificaci6n del productoo la reparaci6no causadosporaccesoriosde productos Las reparaciones necesariasdebidoa un accidenteo falla paraoperaro mantener el productoseg0nlas instruccionessuministradas Mantenimiento preventivoo reparaciones necesariasdebidoa la mezcladeco...

Страница 46: operadory oa los observadores Ante cualquierduda Ilarneal 1 800 4MY HOME Farniliaricese contodoslos controlesy su correcto funcionarniento Sepac6rnodetenerla rn_ quina y c6rno desconectarloscontrolesr_ pidarnente No perrnitanuncaque losni_os rnenoresde 14a_osutilicen estarn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osenadelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny norrnasdeseguridad contenidasen este...

Страница 47: ...austed Arranqueel motordeacuerdocon lasinstruccionesdel manualy aleje los piesde losdientesen todo momento Si golpeaalgQnunobjeto extra_oo si la m_quinacomienzaa emitir unsonidopococomL no a vibrar apagueel motordeinmediato Desconecteel cablede labujia p6ngalohaciendomasacontrael motor y siga los pasossiguientes a Inspeccionela m_quinaparavet si est_da6ada b Repareo reemplacelas piezasda_adas c Co...

Страница 48: ...s motoresque est_ncertificadosy cumplenconlas regulacionesde emisionesfederalesEPAy deCaliforniaparaSORE EquiposSmallOff Road Equipment est_ncertificadosparaoperarcongasolinacomL nsin plomoy pueden incluirlos siguientessistemasde controldeemisiones Modificaci6n de motor EM catalizadoroxidante OC inyecci6nde airesecundaria SAI y catalizadordetres vias TWO si est_nequipadosdeesamanera AMORTIGUADOR D...

Страница 49: ...os pies cerca de piezas giratorias El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede ocasionar en la amputaci6n de manos o pies ADVERTENClA LA GASOLINA ESINFLAMABLE Deje que el motor se enfrie pot Io menos dos minutos antes de cargar combustible ADVERTENCIA MONOXIDO DE CARBONO Nunca encienda el motor en espacios cerrados o en una zona con poca ventilaci6n El escape del motor contiene mon6xido de carbono...

Страница 50: ...motorparaevitarquese enciendaaccidentalmente 1 Inclinela cultivadorahaciaadelantehastaquedescansesobreel contrapesofrontal 2 Desenrosque la perillaen T dela partesuperiorde laestacade profundidad y retirelaarandelaplanay el pernohexagonal Saque elchavetadel pasadordehorquilla Veala Figura1 Aranclela Chaveta plana hexagonal Chaveta de 3 Levanteel montajede laaletacon bisagrasdel protectorde dientes...

Страница 51: ...Figura5 ManUa selectora de eatables Chaveta Soportedel indicador Figure5 ACOPLE DEL CABLE DEL EMBRAGUE 1 Quiteel pernodeojo roscadoy la tuercadelextremodel cable 2 Conduzcael cabledelembragueporel ladoderechode las m_nsulasde montajedela manijay pordebajode lamanija Figure6 Retireeltornillodecabezaranurada latuercay las dos arande lasplanasdelganchodelembrague Veala Figura7 Arandelas Control de _l...

Страница 52: ...el combustible Utilicegasolinaparaautom6viles sinplomoo bajocontenidode plomoparaminimizarlosdepSsitosen lacAmaradecombusti6n con un minimode87 octanos Sepuedeusargasolinacon hastaun 10 de etanolo un 15 de MTBE etermetilicoterciario butilico Nunca use unamezdade aceitey gasolinanigasolinasucia Evitequese introduzca suciedad polvoo aguaenel tanquedecombustible NO utilicegasolinaE85 Carguecombustibl...

Страница 53: ...ianza comprornetida sedebeajustar potdesen roscar eltuboconrosca interna enelextrerno delcabledeunparde vueltas hacialaderecha alestardepieenlaposici6n deloperador y luegovolver a apretar latuercacontra eltubo WaselaFigura10 7 Silas ruedasnogirancon el tirn6nen adelante ajustepor desenroscarel tuboen elextrernodelcablede unparde vueltas a la izquierda al estarde pieenla posici6ndeloperador y luego...

Страница 54: ...carel motor FILTRO DE AIRE Elfiltrode airees undispositivode latornadeairedel motorque irnpidelaentradadepolvoy suciedadenel motor Veala Figura12 SILENCIADOR Elescape delmotor saledelmotoratraves delsilenciador VealaFigura 12 CONTROL DE EIVIBRAGUE Elcontroldel ernbrague est ubicadodebajodela rnanija Para engranarlos rnecanisrnos delas ruedasy de latransrnisi6nse aprieta elcontroldelernbrague contr...

Страница 55: deajustede la rnanija luegornoviendolasbarrasdela rnanijaa la posici6ndeseaday luegovolviendoa trabarlatrabade ajustede la rnanija Veala Figura12 PROTECTOR DE DIENTES TRASERO Elprotectorde dientestraseroprotegealoperadordelos deshechos quevuelany al rnisrnotiernpoaplananel sueloreci_nlabrado Veala Figura12 PROTECTOR LATERAL Elprotectorlateralsirvepararnantenerhilerasdefinidasy parejasy se puede...

Страница 56: ...suelo parareiniciarla labranza AJUSTE DE LA PROFUNDIDAD La profundidad de labranzaest controladaporla estacade profundidadquese puederegularen cincoposicionesdiferentes Ajustelos protectoreslateralesal regularlaestacadeprofundidad Cuandouse lacultivadoraporprimeravez utiliceel segundo orificiode ajustedearriba 1 de profundidadde labranza Parafracturarel c_spedy paracultivosuperficial utilicela pos...

Страница 57: ...ta AyOdelas levantando ligeramentelabarradecontrol una mano la palmahaciaarriba funcionacon muchafacilidad Evitelatentaci6ndehacerpresi6nsobrelas barrasdecontrol paraforzara lacultivadoraacavarm sprofundo Estoquita pesoalas ruedascon potencia haci_ndolesperdertracci6n Sinlas ruedaspararetenerlacultivadora los dientesintentar n propulsarlacultivadorahaciaeloperadorodistanci ndose del operador AI re...

Страница 58: ...radas nunca en terrenodernasiadoernpinado dondeseadificil rnantenerla estabilidad 2 Se recorniendalabrarsubiendoy bajandolas pendientes en lugar de hacerloen forrnadeterrazas La labranzaverticalen una pendienteperrniteun_ reamaximade plantaci6ny adern_ s deja espacioparael cultivo NOTA Cuandorealice lalabranza enpendientes asegurese dernantener el niveldeaceitecorrecto enel motor controle cadamedi...

Страница 59: ...ajarladel vehiculo Para realizarestose necesitandos o rn_ s personas Lasrarnpasdebenser Io suficienternente fuertescornopara soportarel pesocornbinadode lacultivadoray de loscargadores Lasrarnpasdebenproporcionarbuenatracci6nparaevitar resbalones debentenerrieleslateralesparaguiarlacultivadora a Io largodelas misrnasy debenestarequipadascon un dispositivode sujeci6nquelas sujetealvehiculo Loscarga...

Страница 60: ...n lasetiquetasdel productoyen este manualdeloperadora partirde laCgina 3 Lagarantiadeestacultivadornocubreelernentosquehan estadosujetosal rnalusoo negligenciadel operador Pararecibir el reintegrototalde lagarantia el operadordeber_ rnantener elequipotal cornose indicaen estemanual Algunosajustesdebenser realizados peri6dicarnente parael mantenirniento adecuadodela unidad Reviseperi6dicarnente tod...

Страница 61: ... Electrodo 0 02 0 03 pulg _ _ 0 60 0 80 mm Figura22 4 Verifique quelaarandeladela bujfaest_en buenascondiciones y coloquelabujiaenrosc_ ndola a rnanoparanoestropearla rosca 5 Unavezquela bujiaest asentadaen sulugar ajustecon una Ilaveparabujiaparacornprirnirlaarandela NOTA Cuando instale unabujfanueva unavezasentada labujia ajuste 1 2 vuelta paracomprirnir laarandela Cuando vuelva acolocar unabuji...

Страница 62: ... dfas sinembargoes recornendable lavarsebienlasrnanoscon aguay 1 Dreneel combustibledeltanquehaciendofuncionarel motor hastaqueel tanqueest_vado AsegQrese deque latapa de Ilenadodecombustiblees seguro 2 Con el motorapagadoperoaQncaliente desconecteelcablede bujiay rnant_ngalo alejadode labujia 3 Coloqueunernbudoen eldrenajedeaceiteparaevitarqueel aceiteenel marcodetirn6n Wase la Figura25 Drenaje d...

Страница 63: ... rn_ quina dejequetodaslas piezassedetengany desconecte el cablede la bujia Sino seobservanestasinstruccionesse puedenproducir lesionespersonales o daEosrnateriales Verifiquesi hayherrajessueltoso faltantescada 10horasde operaci6ny ajQstelos o c_ rnbielos segQnsea necesario antesde volvera usarla cultivadora AsegOrese de inspeccionarlostornillos queest_ n debajode la cubiertadela cultivadoraquesuj...

Страница 64: ...retirarunconjuntodedientes sirnplernente saquela chavetade ret_ninternaque sujetala chavetadehorquilla Vea la Figura29 Pasador interne Pasadorde herquilla Figura29 J 5 Retirela chavetadehorquillay desliceel conjuntohaciaafuera de launidady lejosdelejede los dientes Antesde volvera instalarel conjuntodedientes inspeccione eleje delos dientesparaverificarsi hay 6xido asperezaso rebabas Limeo lije li...

Страница 65: ...ntrolde motor desembragado a continuaci6n un ajustees necesario 1 Desconectey conecteelcablede la bujfacontrael motor 2 Retirela tapade lacorreacomosedescribeen sustituci6nde la correaantesenestasecci6n 3 Quitela chavetay laarandelade lavarillade lapoleaIoca Consultela Figura31 f Polea Iota Soporte de la Polea Loca polea Iota Chaveta Polea Loca Soporte dela polea Iota Figure31 4 Muevelabarrade lap...

Страница 66: ...Vuelvaa colocarla bujfay d_ rnarchaalmotor lentarnente paradistribuirelaceite 4 Lirnpiela suciedadde las _ reas del motory del silenciador RetoquelapinturadaSada y revistaotras_ reas que puedan oxidarsecon unapelfculadelgadadeaceite 5 Alrnaceneen unsectorlirnpio secoy bienventilado lejosde cualquierartefactoquefuncionecon unaNarna o luz pilotocorno un homo calentadorde aguao secadorde ropa Tarnbi_...

Страница 67: ...6n 1 Pernosuelto en la poleade transmisi6n 2 Trasmisi6ninternadesgastadao dafiada 1 Falta piezametalicapara montarel soportede dientes 2 Pernosuelto en la poleade transmisi6n 3 Trasmisi6ninternadesgastadao dafiada 1 Dientesdesgastados 2 Configuraci6nincorrecta del reguladorde profundidad 3 Configuraci6nincorrecta del regulador 4 Deslizamientode la correa de transmisi6nde marcha directa El motor re...

Страница 68: ...68 ...

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