Craftsman 247.289841 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.289841

Страница 1: ...nes Before you start the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual iMPORTANT Read and foJlow aJJSafety RuJes and instructions before operating this equipment For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 5am 5 pro Mort Sat Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 507A ...

Страница 2: ...ww craftsman corn Inall casesabove if part repairor replacementis impossible the ridingequipmentwill bereplacedfreeof chargewiththe sameor anequivalent model ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsinmaterialandworkmanship Warrantycoveragedoes NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptfor battery thatcan wearoutfromnormalusewithinthe warrantyperiod includingbut not limitedto blades sparkplugs air cleaners belts andoi...

Страница 3: ...etyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys a...

Страница 4: ...esrequire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution ...

Страница 5: ...suseextracautionwhentowingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spille...

Страница 6: ...ediately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthis manual Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromisesafety Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposal...

Страница 7: ...k Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE...

Страница 8: page as a guideto determine slopes where you may not operate safely Donot operateyourlawnmoweron suchslopes Do notmowon inclineswitha slope inexcessof 15degrees a rise of approximately 2ol 2 feetevery10feet A riding mowercouldoverturnand causeseriousinjury Operateridingmowersupanddownslopes neveracrossthe faceof slopes ...

Страница 9: ...rty of yourself and others Readand followall instructionsin this manual before attempting to operatethis machine Failureto comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury When you see this symbol HEED ITSWARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machineto personswho read understand and followthe warnings and instruc tions inthis manualand on the machine AVO D SER OUS HJ...

Страница 10: ...2 f _ Figure2 Figure1 2 Pullthe hydrostaticbypassrodoutward then up to lock itin place NOTE The transmissionwill NOTengagewhenthe hydrostatic bypassrodis pulledout Returnthe rodto itsnormalpositionpriorto operatingthe tractor 2 Whileholdingthe dischargecoverchutedeflectorwithyourleft hand removethe shippingbracewithyourright handby grasping it betweenyourthumbandindexfingerandrotatingit clockwise ...

Страница 11: ...tionthe redrubberbootoverthe positivebatteryterminalto helpprotectit fromcorrosion NOTE Ifthe batteryis put intoserviceafterthe dateshownontop sided battery chargethe batteryas instructedinthe Serviceand Maintenancesectionof this Operator sManualpriorto operatingthe tractor Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon thesidewall of the tire Do notoverinfiatetires Checksidewallof tiresfor maxi m...

Страница 12: ...eck rollerbracketsup ordownthroughthe slots onthe rearof the deckuntildesiredpositionisreached then reattachwiththe clevispinsand hairpinclipsjust removed Becertainthatthe leftrollerbracketandthe rightroller bracketareset inthe sameposition Referto Levelingthe DeckintheServiceand Maintenance section of thismanualfor moredetailedinstructions regardingvariousdeck adjustments f Gasoline and Oil The f...

Страница 13: ... BRAKE PEDAL Thebrakepedalis locatedonthe leftfront sideof the tractorabovethe drivepedal alongthe runningboard Thebrakepedal can beusedfor suddenstopsor settingthe parkingbrake NOTE The brakepedalmust befullydepressedto activatethe safety interlockswitchwhenstartingthetractor THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER The throttlecontrolis locatedonthe left sideof the tractor sdashpanel Thislevercontrolsthe speedof ...

Страница 14: ...lts on its LCDfor approximately fiveseconds afterwhichit displaysan hour glassandthe hoursof tractor operation Oncethe tractoris started the monitorcontinually displaysan hourglassandthe 0 I o r o hoursof tractoroperationon itsLCD NOTE Hoursof tractoroperationarerecordedanytimethe ignition keyis rotatedout of the STOPposition regardless of whetherthe engineis started The IndicatorMonitorwillalso r...

Страница 15: ...E CRUISE CONTROL LEVER Locatedinthe centerof the tractor sdash panelbelow the steeringwheel the ParkingBrake Cruise Control leveris usedto engagethe parkingbrakeandthe cruise control Referto the Operationsectionof thismanualfor detailedinstructionsregardingthe parkingbrake NOTE The parkingbrakemustbe setif the operator leavesthe seatwiththe enginerunningorthe engine will automatically shutoff NOTE...

Страница 16: ...eferredto as anelectricchoke No actionis requiredto activatethe choke Simplyplacethe throttle inat minimum50 orhigherto startthe engine Turnthe ignition keyclockwiseto the STARTposition After theenginestarts releasethe key Itwill returnto the NORMAL MOWINGposition Do NOTholdthe keyinthe STARTpositionfor longerthan ten secondsat a time Doingso maycausedamageto yourengine s electricstarter STOPPING ...

Страница 17: ...nexcessof 15degrees a rise approximately 2 1 2feetevery10feet The tractorcouldoverturnanc causeseriousinjury Mowupanddown slopes NEVERacross Exerciseextremecautionwhenchangingdirectionon slopes Watchfor holes ruts bumps rocks or otherhiddenobjects Uneventerraincouldoverturnthe machine Tallgrasscan hide obstacles Avoidturnswhendrivingon a slope If a turnmustbe made turn downthe slope Turningupa slo...

Страница 18: ...he throttleleverin the FAST rabbit positionforthe mostefficientuseof the cuttingdeckorother separatelyavailable attachments OFF J Figure9 To helpavoidbladecontactora thrownobjectinjury keepbystand ers helpers childrenand petsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area The followinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthe cuttingdeck withyourtractor Planyou...

Страница 19: ...Airfilter sprecleaner 2 Airfilter 3 Mid steeringarms pivot shafts andaxles 4 Frontwheelbearings 5 Frontdeckwheels 1 Engineoil 2 Muffler 1 Airfilter 2 Airfilter spre cleaner 3 Sparkplug 4 Aircoolingsystem 5 Fuelfilter 6 SteeringGears 7 RearWheels 1 Hood Dashair vents 2 Batteryterminals 3 Mid steeringarms pivot shafts andaxles 4 Frontwheelbearings 5 Frontdeckwheels 6 Deckspindlesandidler bracket 7 P...

Страница 20: ...thebelt for it to be easilyre movedfromtheelectric PTOclutch cardully inserta 3 8 driveratchet wrench setto loosen intothe squareholefound inthe Idt handdeck idlerbracketand pivotit towardthe tractor srightsideto relievetension on the belt SeeFigure11 Avoidpinchinginjuries Neverplaceyourfingersonthe idlerspringor betweenthe beltanda pulleywhileremovingthe belt DeckIdler Bracket Insert Ratchet Here...

Страница 21: ...TheV beltsfoundon yourtractorarespeciallydesignedto engage anddisengagesafely A substitute non OEM V beltcan bedanger ous by notdisengagingcompletely Fora properworkingmachine use factoryapprovedbeltsas listedinthe PartsListof thismanual All beltsonyourtractoraresubjectto wearandshouldbereplacedif any signsof wear arepresent Tochangeor replacethe deck belton yourtractor proceedas follows 1 Removet...

Страница 22: ...ltguardintothe beltguardslotof the PTOpulley See Figure10 CUTTING BLADES Shutthe engineoff andremoveignition keybeforeremovingthe cuttingblade s for sharpeningor replacement Protectyourhands usingheavygloveswhengraspingthe blade Periodically inspectthe bladeand orspindlefor cracksordamage especiallyafter you vestrucka foreignobject Do notoperatethe machineuntildamagedcomponents are replaced To rem...

Страница 23: the battery alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE Red wire to it terminalfirst followedbythe NEGATIVE Black wire 1 Connectpositive cableto positive postof your tractor s dischargedbattery 2 Connectthe otherendof the positivecableto the positive post of the jumperbattery 3 Connectthe negative cable to the negative postof the jumperbattery 4 Connectthe otherendof the negativecableto the engineblockof the tra...

Страница 24: ...pingsfromthe deck s undersideandpreventthe buildupof corrosivechemicals Complete thefollowingstepsAFTEREACHMOWING 1 Drivethe tractorto a level clearspotonyour lawn nearenough for yourgardenhoseto reach 4 Attachthe hosecouplerto thewaterporton yourdeck ssurface See Figure 20 j 6 Figure20 Turnthe wateron Whilesittingin the operator spositionon the tractor start the engineand placethe throttleleverin...

Страница 25: ...onregard ingtirepressure Leveling the Deck Front To Rear The frontof thecuttingdeckis supportedby a stabilizerbarthatcan beadjustedto levelthe deckfromfrontto rear The frontof thedeck shouldbe between1 4 inch and3 8 inchlowerthan the rearof the deck Adjustif necessaryas follows 1 Parkthe tractorparkedon afirm levelsurfaceand placethe deck liftleverin thetop notch 2 Rotatethe bladenearestthe discha...

Страница 26: ...justment instructions Beforeoperatingthe tractor makesurethe seatis engagedin the seat stop Engagethe parkingbrake Standbehindthe machineand pullbackon seatuntilitclicksintoplace Steering Adjustment Ifthe tractorturnstighterinonedirectionthanthe other or if the ball joints arebeingreplaceddueto damageorwear the steeringdrag linksmayneedto beadjusted Adjustthe draglinksso thatequallengthsof each ar...

Страница 27: ...he corresponding holesof both the leftand rightrollerindexbrackets ENGINE MAINTENANCE Checking the Engine Oil Onlyusehighqualitydetergent oil ratedwithAPI serviceclassification SF SG SH orSJ Selectthe oil sSAEviscositygradeaccordingto the expectedoperatingtemperature Followthe chartbelow Colder _ _ 32 F Warmer _ Oil Viscosity Chart Althoughmulti viscosity oils 5W20 10W30 etc improvestarting incold...

Страница 28: ... localauthori tiesoror contact1 800 4 MY HOME fora listof safedisposal recyclingfacilities 6 Reconnectsparkplugwire Air Cleaner Iffilters orcoversarenot installedcorrectlyseriousinjuryor death couldresultfrombackfire Do notattemptto start theenginewith themremoved Figure28 3 Removethe pre cleanerfromthe filter 4 To loosendebris gentlytapthe filteron a hardsurface If thefilter is excessively dirty ...

Страница 29: ...treplacement filter 5 Securethe fuel lineswiththe clamps Temperature of mufflerandnearbyengineareasmayexceed150 F 65 0 Avoidcontactwiththeseareas Inspectmufflerperiodically andreplaceif necessary Replacement partsfor the mufflermustbethe sameandinstalledin the same positionas the originalparts Clean Engine Donot usewaterto cleanengineparts Watercouldcontaminate fuel system Usea brushor dry cloth D...

Страница 30: ...elfromthe tankby disconnect ingthe fuel linefromthe in linefuelfilterneartheengine SeeToDrainthe Fuelonpage28 Gasolineis extremelyflammableandcan beexplosiveundercertain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoringtheequipmentfor extended periods Drainfuelonly intoan approvedcontaineroutdoors away fromanopenflame Allowengineto cool Extinguishcigarettes cigars pipes andother sourcesof ignitionpriorto drai...

Страница 31: ...arkplug 1 2 Dirtyair cleaner 2 Excessivevibration 1 Cuttingbladeslooseor unbalanced 1 2 Damaged dull or bentcuttingblade 2 1 Placeknobindisengaged OFF position 2 Engageparkingbrake 3 Connectwireto sparkplug 4 PlaceThrottleleverto FASTposition 5 Filltankwithclean fresh lessthan 30daysold gas 6 Replacefuel line Seea Searsorotherqualified servicedealer Replacefuel filter Seethe Service andMaintenance...

Страница 32: ...ce at a highcuttingheight then mowagain at desiredheightor makea narrowercuttingswath 4 Sharpenor replaceblade 1 Performside to sidedeckadjustment 2 Sharpenor replaceblade 3 Checktire pressureinallfour tires NEED MORE HELP Find this and air your other product manua s online Get answers from our team of home experts Get a persona ized maintenance p an for your home Find information and tools to hel...

Страница 33: RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a ...

Страница 34: ...Steering and Axle B IViodel No 247 289842 13 32 39 37 35 34 ...

Страница 35: ...12 3004A FlangelockNut 5 16 18 29 748 04065 0637 SteeringBlock 10 717 1550F SteeringGear 30 748 04068 Spacer 71IDx 125ODx 56LG 11 717 1554 SteeringPinionGear 31 750 05280 Spacer 385x 1 00x 1 5075 12 923 0448A BallJoint 7 16 20 32 631 04415 SteeringWheel 13 936 3004 FlatWasher 406x 875x 105 33 731 06825 SteeringWheelCap 14 736 3084 FlatWasher 51x 1 12x 06 34 731 05674 BumperCap 15 783 06043 0637 St...

Страница 36: ...Hood and Dash B IViodel No 247 289842 21 8 36 ...

Страница 37: ...0 LHTankSupportRod 11 726 3046 RatchetClip 250DIA i36 951 12179 FuelCap 12 731 07456 Dash i37 951 11650 FuelTank 13 731 07550 ControlKnob i38 925 1649 LampSocket 14 732 04580 ExtensionSpring 500DIAx 2 733LG i39 725 04992 KeySwitchModule 15 735 0271A Bumper i40 735 04170 FuelTankGasket 16 735 04076 AccessoryNet i41 946 1100 ThrottleControl 17 747 05280 ControlRodLatch i42 731 07495 P StylePlen 18 7...

Страница 38: ...Seat and Fender B IViodel No 247 289842 39 33 23 2 25 32 38 ...

Страница 39: ...70x 063 i30 710 0599 TaptiteScrew LockWasher 1 4 20 0 500 10 738 0138A ShoulderScrew 437x 470 5 16 18 i31 710 0895 Hi LoScrew LockWasher 1 4 15 0 750 11 938 0380 ShoulderBolt 500x 270 3 8 16 i32 731 05837 LH FenderCover 12 941 0225 HexFlangeBearing i33 731 06754 RHFenderCover 13 746 0968 LiftCable 16 16LG i34 736 3078 FlatWasher 344x 1 00x 063 HDN 14 747 04962A Lift Handle i35 783 06118 0691 Fende...

Страница 40: ...Drive and Rear Wheels B Model No 247 289842 69 7O 7 i 11 42 49 18 58 5_ 61 55 4O ...

Страница 41: ...isPin 5 16x 3 985 18 914 0111 CotterPin 3 32 1 0 i54 714 04040 Bow Tie CotterPin 19 725 0157 CableTie 3 16x 05x 7 4 i55 726 0214 PushCap 20 725 04791A JumperHarness 56 732 04587 ExtensionSpring 63 DIAx 4 95LG 21 725 1644 ShortSpringSwitch i57 735 04118A ForwardPedalPad 22 926 0154 PushMountCableTie 7 5LG i58 735 04135 ReversePedalPad 23 926 0320 InsulatorNutPlate i59 735 04136 BrakePedalPad 24 931...

Страница 42: ...Engine Accessories B IViodel No 247 289842 14 42 ...

Страница 43: ...r 3 8 16 1 000 4 710 0599 Taptite Screw Indented Washer 1 4 20 0 500 5 710 1314A SocketHeadScrew 5 16 18 750 6 712 0271 SeresNut 1 4 20 7 721 0460 ExhaustGasket 8 725 0157 CableTie 3 16x 05x 7 4 9 726 0205 HoseClamp 490 DIA 10 751 10542A Muffler 11 783 06378A HeatShield 12 751 0564B MufflerDeflector 13 751 10349 FuelHose BS 49M877 14 1047 G5 Replacement Engine 43 ...

Страница 44: ...PTO and Battery B IViodel No 247 289842 22 15 7 18 44 ...

Страница 45: ...710 3005 HexHeadScrew 3 8 16 1 25 10 712 04065 Flangelock Nut 3 8 16 11 738 04058 Shoulder Spacer 38x 1 0x 70 12 747 04121A BatteryHolderRod 13 783 0349 0637 BatteryTray 14 783 06089 0637 SeatFrameBracket 15 i725 05088 Battery 16 i710 0653 TaptiteScrew 1 4 20 0 375 17 712 04064 FlangelockNut 1 4 20 18 725 04363 interlockSwitch 19 i725 04439 Solenoid 12V 20 i738 04237A ShoulderScrew 10 32 500 21 71...

Страница 46: ...Deck B Model No 247 289842 51 22 _10 10 68 54 9 25 I _17 _ _23 46 ...

Страница 47: ...5462 Anti swayRod 19 911 0332 ClevisPin 50 DIAx 78 LG 59 747 1116 DeckReleaseHandleRod 20 911 3314 RollerPin 1 2DIAx 7 31LG i60 950 0212 Spacer 82 IDx 1 00OD x 53 21 912 0206 HexNut 1 2 13 i61 750 04597 Spacer 380x 900x 1 313 22 712 0229 PushNut 3 8 i62 750 0933 Spacer 385 IDx 88 x 64 23 712 04063 FlangelockNut 5 16 18 i63 954 04083 V Belt 24 712 04065 FlangelockNut 3 8 16 64 756 04129B IdlerPulle...

Страница 48: ...3 G5 For Model 247 289842 48 SHORT BLOCK 1058 OPERATOR S MANUAL I 1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 850 3 i i i i 9 L _ 718 250 582 _ 212 i 505 252 448 1373_ 1028 4OO o 829 4 12 552 691 1024 i_ _ ii 1027 512 J J _ b 524 _ j 48 ...

Страница 49: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 491Vi777 0853 G5 For IViodel 247 289842 25 _ _ _ _ _ _ i _x_t i 27 dT_i i o j 146C7 i f 240 212 50 163 O _ _ _ Z _ _j 51A 51A L 49 ...

Страница 50: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 491Vi777 0853 G5 For IViodel 247 289842 1022 883 45 1026 _ _ 85O 914 868 1O22 1029 635 1 914 50 ...

Страница 51: ...raftsman Engine IViodel 491Vi777 0853 G5 For IViodel 247 289842 654 53 i 1169 163 418 _ _ _ _ 672 X _ 130 F_ S 987 _ 15o _j i 118 14361 1437_ 117 i947 276 _ 1124 _ _ 1438 318_ P i_ ii i i 385 _ lJ 24O 51 ...

Страница 52: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 491Vi777 0853 G5 For IViodel 247 289842 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL 467 305 _ 305A _ 1040 7O3 304 431 186A _ J i 163 964 d b 573 306 186B 918A 964 186A 52 ...

Страница 53: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 491Vi777 0853 G5 For IViodel 247 289842 74_ 334 o35 _ i i 1005 1070 1119 G_ _ 23 640 1439 _ _ 222 789 789A 729 216 520 501 1051 _ 783 801 310I i i 8O2 53 ...

Страница 54: ...Craftsman Engine Model 491Vi777 0853 G5 For Model 247 289842 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 276 C_ I 150 633 0 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 51A 842_ 163 12 524 691 _ _ 2O 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 163 883 51A 1O22 54 ...

Страница 55: ...09 798921 211 691019 34 793556 Valve Intake 35 694865 Spring Valve Intake 36 694865 Spring Valve Exhaust 42 499586 Keeper Valve 45 690977 Tappet Valve 46 796853 Camshaft 48 797511 Short Block 50 796878 Manifold Intake 51 796876 Gasket Intake 51A 690949 Gasket Intake 53 690951 Stud Carburetor 54 699816 Screw IntakeManifold 73 494439 Screen Rotating 74 698425 Screw RotatingScreen D 0 0 691056 Washer...

Страница 56: ...x 62 448 796865 Bracket OilCooler 467 790697 Knob AirCleaner 474 696458 Alternator 493 797176 Bracket Mounting ElectronicChoke Module 501 797375 Regulator 505 691029 Nut GovernorControlLever D O O 696541 Drive Starter 512 796530 Hose OilDrain 513 692024 Clutch Drive 523 691036 Dipstick 524 691032 Seal DipstickTube 525 691037 Tube Dipstick 523 697551 Screw Regulator 552 796638 Bushing Governor Cran...

Страница 57: ...ocker Label Emissions Availablefroma Briggs 1036 StrattonAuthorizedDealer 1040 791237 Plate Trim 1051 691265 Ring Retaining 1054 280275 Tie Cable 1058 278776 Operator sManual 1059 698516 Kit Screw Washer Alternator 1070 791680 Screw FlywheelFan 1090 691293 Retainer Brush 1095 796920 GasketSet Valve 1000 791959 Pivot Rocker Arm 1119 691183 Screw Alternator 1124 841653 Seal ORing FuelTransferTube 11...


Страница 59: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Страница 60: ...fectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyexten...

Страница 61: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Страница 62: ... warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkplug ...

Страница 63: ...17 ovisiteelsitioweb www craftsman com Entodosloscasos anteriores silareparacbn o reemplazo deunaparteesimposible elequipo deequitacbn ser_reemplazado deforma gratuita conelmismo o equivalente Esta garantacubrelosdefectos SOLO demateriales yfabricaci6n Lagarantanoincluye Laspartes consumibles excepto labateria quepuede gastarse porelusonormal dentro delperiodo degaranta incluyendo peronolimitado a...

Страница 64: ...ueseaarrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadosporla acci6nde lascuchillas Losobje...

Страница 65: ...esped altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse o hacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes a 3n cuandolos frenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga la rn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornend...

Страница 66: ...ernolque y II_neloen el suelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactocon elhordedel dep6sitode combustible o con la aberturadel recipienteentodo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy ot...

Страница 67: ...strucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas norrnasreferentesa ladisposici6ncorrectay las reglarnentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicarnbiente SegOn la Cornisidn de Seguridadde Productosparael Consu rnidordelos EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Proteccidn Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotiene una vida Qtilmediade siete 7 a_os 6 390horasdefuncionarniento AIfinalizarla...

Страница 68: ... PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a nihos pot Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n e...

Страница 69: ... manera segura Nooperelacortadoradecespedendichaspendientes Nocorteen inclinaciones mayoresde 15grados elevaci6naproximada de2 1 2pies pot cada 10pies Eltractor cortacespedpodriavoltearsey causarlesionesgraves En laspendientesoperecon lostractorescorta cespedhaciaarribay abajo nuncadeformatransversal ...

Страница 70: ...Esta pgtginase march6 intencionadamenteen blanco 70 ...

Страница 71: ...eoperarel tractor AsegQrese de queel motordeltractorcortac_spedest_apagado coloqueel frenodemanoy quite la Ilavede encendidoantesde retirarlatrabade seguridadutilizadaenel envio Extracci6n de la traba de seguridad utilizada en el envio AsegQrese dequeel motordel tractorcortac_spedest_apagado coloqueel frenode manoy quitela Ilavedeencendidoantesde retirarlatraba deseguridadutilizadaen el envio 1 Lo...

Страница 72: ...nto Esposiblequelos neurn_ ticos de tractorhayansidoinfladosen excesoparadespacharlo Reduzca a presi6nde losneurn_ ticos antes de operarel tractor Consuiteen los ateralesdelos neurn_ ticos a presi6nrn_ xirna en psi Ajuste del asiento Paraajustarla posici6ndel asiento firelohaciaarribay sostengala palancadeajustedel asiento Desliceel asientohaciaadelanteo haciaatr_ sa la posici6ndeseada luegosuelte...

Страница 73: ...osicionelas rn_nsulas del rodillode la plataforrna hacia arribao haciaabajoatravesde las ranurassobrelaparte posteriorde la plataforrna hastaquese hayaalcanzadola posici6ndeseada luegovuelvaacolocarconlos pasadores dechavetay horquillaqueextrajoantes AsegQrese de quela rn_nsuladel rodilloizquierdoy la rn_nsuladel rodillo derechoest_ncolocadasen larnisrnaposici6n Consultela secci6nNivelaci6n de la ...

Страница 74: ...cconespuedecausares onespersonaes I PEDAL DE FRENO Elpedaldefrenoest ubicadoadelantea la izquierdadel tractor por encimadelpedal detransmisi6n sobreel estribo Elpedal defreno se puedeusarparadetenciones bruscaso paracolocarelfreno demano NOTA Sedebepresionartotalmente el pedaldelfrenoparaactivarel interruptor del dispositivodeenclavamiento alencenderel tractor PALANCA DE CONTROL DEL REGULADOR Elco...

Страница 75: ...ART encendido el monitor indicadorde sisternasrnuestra lasalidade labaterfa en voltios en su LCD pantalla de cristalIfquido durante aproxirnadarnente cinco segundos y despu_srnuestra unrelojdearenay las horas o o P o de funcionarniento del tractor Unavezquehayaarrancadoeltractor el monitorcontinuarnente rnuestraunrelojdearenay las horasde funcionarniento deltractorensu LCD NOTA Lashorasde funciona...

Страница 76: ...tilizaparaengancharelfreno dernanoy elcontrolde crucero Consultela secci6n Funcionarniento deestemanualparavet instrucciones detalladassobreelfrenode rnano NOTA Si eloperadorabandonael asientoy dejael motorfuncionando deber colocarel frenodernano o el motorse apagar de forrnaautorn tica NOTA ElcontroldecruceroNOpodr activarsea lavelocidadabsolutarn sr pidadeltractor Siel operadorintentaactivarloen...

Страница 77: ...tor 4 Activev_ lvula de adrnisi6nparacorrerponiendo NOTA Elrninirnoqueponenorecornendado 5 Girela Ilavede encendidoen el sentidodelas agujasdel reloj hastala posici6nSTART encendido Unavezquearranqueel motor sueltela Ilave Volver_ a laposici6nde CORTENORMAL NOrnantengala Ilaveen laposici6nSTART encendido durante rn_ s de diez segundosporvez Si Iohace puedeocasionarda_osal arrancadorel_ctricodel mo...

Страница 78: ... Nocorteel cespedeninclinacionesrnayores de 15grados elevaci6n aproxirnada de 2 1 2piescada 10pies Eltractorpodrfavoltearsey causarlesionesseveras Enlas pendientes cortehaciaarribay haciaabajo NUNCAen forrnatransversal Tengarnuchocuidadoalcarnbiarde direcci6nen unapendiente Esteatentoa los hoyos surcos baches rocasuotrosobjetos ocultos El terrenodesnivelado puedevoltearlarn_ quina El c_spedalto pu...

Страница 79: ...ra hastalaposici6n ON conectada VealaFigura 9 NOTA Hagafuncionarel tractorsiernpreconla palancadel regulador enla posici6nFAST r_ pido representada porunaliebre para unuso rn_ s eficazdela plataforrna decorteo de otrosaccesorios tponibles porseparado ON encendido Figura 9 OFF apagado J enfuncionamiento Detem ulense acerca Lasiguienteinforrnaci6n ser_ de utilidadcuandouse la plataforrna de cortecon...

Страница 80: ...4 Rodarnientosdelasruedas deianteras 5 Ruedasdelanterasdela plataforrna 1 Aceitedelmotor 2 Silenciador 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Prefiltrodel filtrodeaire 3 Bujiadeencendido 4 Sisternadeenfriarniento 5 Filtrode combustible 6 Engranajesdeladirecci6n 7 Ruedastraseras 1 Respiraderosdelcap6 tablerode instrurnentos 2 Bornes 3 Brazosdernando interrnedios ejesdel pivote y ejes 4 Rodarnientosdelasruedas deianteras...

Страница 81: ...cilmente delcebadordela PTOelectrica inserte cuidadosamente unaIlavede aprietede trinquete de 3 8 pulgadas ajustada paraapretar dentrodelorificiocuadradoencontrado en la mensula intermedia de laplataformaizquierda y girarlahaciael lado derechodeltractorparaliberarla tensi6nen lacorrea Veala Figura11 Evitelas lesiones porcompresi6n AIextraerla correa nocoloque nuncalos dedosenel resorteintermedio o...

Страница 82: ...oparaque le carnbiela correade transrnisi6n CAiVlBIO DE LA CORREA DE LA PLATAFORIVIA Apagueel motory extraigala Ilavedecontactoantesde retirarlas cuchillasdecorteparaafilarlaso reernplazarlas Protejasusrnanos utilizandoguantesreforzados cuandosujetelascuchillasy las poleas Lascorreas enVdeltractorest_ n disefiadas especialmente paraquese engranen y desengranen sinriesgos ElusodeunacorreaenVsustitu...

Страница 83: ...poleay lacorreahastaquelacorrease enrolletotalrnenteenla poleade la potenciadearranque PTO 12 Vuelvaa colocarel protectorde la correade la poleade la PTO 13 Reernplace al guardiade cintur6nde Poleade PTOquitadoen el paso4 de ELIMINACION CORTANTE de PLATAFORMA NOTA Insertealguardiade cintur6nen la ranuradeguardiade cintur6nde la poleade PTO VeaFigura10 f Correade la potencia de arranque PTO polea F...

Страница 84: ...e cab e NEGAT VO negro 1 1 Conecteel cable positivo al bornepositivo de labateria descargadade sutractor 2 Conecteel otro extrernodelcableal bornepositivo de la bateriaconel puenteconector 3 Conecteel cable negativo al bornenegativo dela bateria con el puenteconector 4 Realicela conexi6nfinal enel bloquedel motordeltractor lejos de la bateria Acoplea unapartesin pinturaparaasegurarsede que hayauna...

Страница 85: ... Sistemade lavadode la plataforrna paralavarlaparte inferiorde laplataformay quitar los restosde c_spedrecortadoe impedirlaacumulaci6nde sustancias quimicascorrosivas Realice los siguientespasosDESPUES DE CADACORTEDECESPED 1 Dirijael tractora unazona niveladay despejadadelcesped que se encuentresuficientemente cercade unacanilladeaguaal alcancedela mangueradeljardin AsegOrese deque elcanal dedesca...

Страница 86: ...delante arras Elfrentedela plataforma decorteest sostenido_orunabarra estabilizadora quesepuedeajustarparanivelarlaplataforma desdela partedelanterahaciala partetrasera Lapartefrontaldelaplataforma debeestarentre1 4de pulgada y 3 8 depulgadam_ s abajoquela parte posterior Desetnecesario realiceunajustedela siguiente manera 1 Estacioneel tractorsobreuna superficiefirme niveladay coloque la palancad...

Страница 87: ...llas instruccionespara el ajustedelasiento Antesdeoperarel tractor asegOrese de queel asientoest_en ganchadoen el topedelasiento Coloqueel frenode rnano P_ rese detr_ sdela rn_ quina y tire delasientohaciaatr_ shastaqueencaje en su lugarhaciendoclic Ajuste del volante Sile cuestagirarel tractoren unadirecci6nrn_ s queen la otra o si se reernplazan lasjuntasde r6tuladebidoa da_oso desgaste puedeser...

Страница 88: ...s trinquetes VealaFigura25 NOTA Lospasadoresdehorquilladebenestarenlos orificios correspondientes delas rn_nsulas divisorastantoderechacorno izquierda MANTENIMIENTO DEL MOTOR Control del aceite del motor Usesolarnenteunaceitedetergentedealta calidadcuyaclasificaci6n de servicioAPI sea SF SG SH o SJ Seleccione el gradode viscosidadSAEdelaceitesegQnlaternperatura deoperaci6n esperada Curnplala tabla...

Страница 89: ...rrectamentelos filtroso lascubiertas las explosionesdelcarburadorpuedencausarbsiones graveso la muerte No intentearrancarel motorcuandono est_ n puestos Paraextraerelfiltrode aire levanteelextremodel filtro Veala Figura28 are Filtro Prdiltro Bancadade motor J Figura28 3 Extraigael prefiltrodelfiltro 4 Paraaflojarlos residuos golpeesuavemente el filtrocontrauna superficiedura Siel filtroest muysuci...

Страница 90: ...decombustibleporunfiltrode recarnbiode equipooriginal 5 Sujetelas lineasde combustible con abrazaderas Laternperatura del silenciadory de las_ reas cercanasdel motor puedesuperarlos 150 F 65 C Eviteel contactocon estas_ reas Inspeccione peri6dicarnente el silenciador y reernpl_ celo de set necesario Los repuestosdelsilenciadordebenserlos rnisrnosy se debeninstalaren la rnisrnaposici6nquelas piezas...

Страница 91: ...neade combustible del filtrode combustible en Ifneaquese encuentracercadel motor Vea Paradrenarel combustibleenla p_ gina 89 Lagasolinaes sumamente inflamable y puedesetexplosiva enciertas condiciones Vacfela antesdealmacenar elequipoduranteperfodos prolongados Dreneelcombustible unicamente dentrodeun recipiente aprobado y al airelibre lejosdecualquierllamaexpuesta Dejeque el motorse enfrfe Antesd...

Страница 92: ...ujfade encendidoest sucia 2 Eldepuradorde aireest sucio 1 Lascuchillasde corteest_ n fiojaso desbalanceadas 2 Lacuchillade corteest da_ada desafilada odoblada 1 Coloquela perillaen laposici6ndedesconexi6n OFF 2 Coloqueelfrenode rnano 3 Conecteelcable a labujia 4 Coloquela palancadel regulador en la posici6n FAST r_ pido 5 Lleneel dep6sitocon gasolinalirnpiay nueva de rnenosde30 dias 6 Lirnpiela li...

Страница 93: ...ada 3 Presi6nde neum_ ticosdesigual 1 Coloqueelcontroldelestrangulador en laposici6n FAST velocidadr_ pida representada poruna liebre 2 No proceseabonocuandoel pastoest mojado 3 Corteunavezcon alturadecorteelevaday luego vuelvaa cortarel cespeda laalturadeseada o haga unapasadade cortem_ s angosta 4 Afileo cambiela cuchilla 1 Hagaunajustede la plataformadeladoa lad 2 Afileo cambiela cuchilla 3 Ver...

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