Craftsman 247.240192 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 247.240192

Страница 1: ...ules and instructions before operating this equipment For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 05633G November 27 2012 ...

Страница 2: ...tedagainst anydefects inmaterialorworkmanship Adefective productwill bereplaced freeof charge Forwarrantycoverage detailsto obtainfreereplacement visit thewebsite www craftsman com This warrantyisvoidifthisproductiseverusedwhileprovidingcommercial services orifrentedto anotherperson Thiswarrantygivesyouspecific legalrights andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state SearsBrandsManagemen...

Страница 3: ...n operation Stop machineif anyoneentersthe area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys and otherforeignobjectswhich couldbepickedupand thrownby the blade s Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury Alwayswearsafetyglassesor safetygogglesduringoperationand while performinganadjustmentor repairto protectyoureyes Thrownobjects whichricochetc...

Страница 4: ...ry then turn slowlyand gradually downhill ifpossible 2 Do notmowneardrop offs ditchesor embankments The mowercould suddenlyturn over if a wheelis overthe edgeof a cliff ditch or if an edge cavesin 3 Do nottry to stabilizethe machineby puttingyourfooton theground 4 Do notusea grasscatcheronsteepslopes 5 Do notmowonwet grass Reducedtractioncouldcausesliding GENERAL SERVICE 1 Beforecleaning repairing...

Страница 5: ...4 Adjustgaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 10odashedline If there is a gapbelowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machineon slopes in excess of 10degrees All slopes requireextra caution if yo...

Страница 6: ...t Hinge Cover Pin Upright Support Bag Support Assembly Two Hardware Packs Detailed Pictured on next page F RH Mount 789 00052 LH Mount 789 00054 Rear Attachment Bracket 789 00053 Carriage Bolts 4 710 0276 Flange Lock Nuts 4 712 04063 Hitch Bracket Kit _ 3 Pcs Hardware Pack Mountin Bracket Kit e_ ljl _ Includes the LH Bracket 783 05890 0637 4 Hex Bolts 710 04484 2 Flange Lock Nuts 712 04065 2 Shoul...

Страница 7: ...llustrations below The quantitiesforeachitemislistedinparenthesis whilethepartnumberis listedneareachitem Customer Reference Number 689 00319 Customer Reference Number 689 00313 4 712 04063 711 0309A t 1 4 710 3008 720 04122 714 0117 2 1 732 04510A 1 711 05049 1 711 05063 1 736 0204 1 714 04040 1 712 3027 2 736 0176 723 04008A 1 7 ...

Страница 8: ...usingfourself tappinghexscrews included with yourkit SeeFigure 2 Assemble Mounting 8rackets Toassemble thebagger mountingassembly locatethehitchbracketkitandfollow thesesteps I Attachtheright handandleft handriderhitchbracket to theuniversal rear attachmentbracketusingthefour carriage bolts 710 0276 andflangelock nuts 712 04063 packed with themountingbrackets Position thebrackets with thehooksonth...

Страница 9: ...htenthe bracket at thistime Thiswill fadlitatethemountingprocess inlatersteps whichwill thenrequirefullytighteningofthishitchsupport bracket MountAssembly on Tractor Installthemountingassembly onthetractorasfollows 1 Place thehooked endsofthe bagger mountingassembly overtheshoulder bolts asinFigure 5 onthetractorandlineupthehitchsupportholeonthe mountingassembly with theholeonthetractor shitch Fig...

Страница 10: ...hex bolt 710 3008 andflangelocknut 712 04063 packed with theupright mountingbracket Thesupport assembly mountsintherightsidemounting holeasseenin Figure 8 Installthehanger assembly ontotheuprightsupportbracketusingthe5 16 carriage boltpacked loosely with theuprightmountingbracket Simply discard the flangenutpacked with thecarriage bolt andreplace itwith the wing knob 720 04122 packed inhardware pa...

Страница 11: ...ontportionof theupperchutesupporttothebagsupportrailas seenin2 of Figure 10 Slidethehingepin intothe holelocated onthe mounting tab asinFigure 12 Use thecut outwindow See insetin Figure 12 to lineupthehingepin ontheothersideandpushpinallthewayinuntil it reaches theend stop At this pointthepin clipsintoplaceandissecured byatabinthe bagger cover SeeFigure 13 Figure12 3 f Figure 10 Installthegrasscat...

Страница 12: ... Ifyourdeckhasamountingstudpresent then youhavea newerdeckmodelandyouwouldfollowtheinstructionsbelow Ifnostudispresent referto theinstructions titledOnTractors With Older DeckConfigurations laterinthissection Withthetractor sdischarge chuteraised upandheldopen 1 installthe chuteelbowbyplatingthechuteelbowmountingrodintotheholeprovided ineitheryourdeckwheelbracket orchutemounting tab 2 asseenin Fig...

Страница 13: ...allthedeckmountingpin 711 05049 upintothechuteelbowusing two flatwashers 736 0176 fromhardware pack 689 00313 andsecure withaflange locknut 712 3027 asseen inFigure 18 Withthetractor sdischarge chuteraised upandheldopen install thechute elbowoverthechuteopeningbyplacingthedeckmountingpinin thehole provided asseeninFigure 19 thensecure theelbowto thedeckbyhooking theretainerstraptorsionspringhookov...

Страница 14: ...tynowto wigglethedischarge chutetubebackandforth slide itoverthechuteelbowmountedonthecuttingdeck asshownin Figure 24 Figure22 Withthegrasscatcher coveropen install theupperdischarge chutethrough thedischarge chuteopening asseeninFigure 23 Figure23 Figure24 Continue toworkthedischarge chutedownoverthechuteelbowuntil the grooveonthedischarge chutealignswith theupperchutesupport asseen intheinsetof ...

Страница 15: ...bwith your right hand asseenin 1of Figure 27 andlifting with yourleft handinthe rearcenter 2 Remove thegrass bagsbylifting themup 1inFigure 28 andawayfromthe bagsupportassembly 2 Figure 27 Figure28 4 Empty thegrass clippingsat aproperdisposal site Grasp thehandleat the bottomof thebagwith onehand andwiththeotherhandsteadythebag andemptythecontents 5 Replace grassbags close lid flip downseat restar...

Страница 16: ...LT _eries MountKit i 34 _1 I_ 2O 29 J 12 _27 23 10 16 ...

Страница 17: ...6 17 18 Hex Head Screw 5 16 18 x 75 Clevis Pin 62 Dia Attachment Pin 1 4 x 0 66 Lg Clevis Pin 5 16 x 75 Lg Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Internal Cotter Pin 148 x 3 00 Bow Tie Cotter Pin 72 Chute Strap 6 00 Lg Bagger Discharge Chute Elbow Wing Knob 5 16 18 Torsion Spring Hook Flat Washer 265 x 938 x 120 Flat Washer 344 x 62 x 033 Mounting Bracket LH Mounting Bracket RH Universal B...

Страница 18: ...ode obra Un producto defectuososer_reemplazado sin cargo Paraquedetallesde lacoberturadegarantiaobtenerun reemplazo libre visiteel sitioweb www craftsman com EstagarantiaserAnulasi esteproductose utilizamientrasqueproporcionaservicioscomercialeso Sialquilaa otra persona Estagarantiale otorgaderechoslegalesespecificos y ustedtambi_npuedetenerotrosderechosquevariandeestadoa estado Sears Brands Manag...

Страница 19: ...s cuchillas Los objetos arrojados por la m quina pueden causar lesiones graves 4 Para protegerse los ojos utilice siempre galas o lentes de seguridad mientras opera la m quina o mientras la ajusta o repara Los objetos arrojados que rebotan pueden causar lesiones oculares graves 5 Nunca opere la cortadora de c_sped sin tenet bien colocada la cubierta de descarga o el colector de c6sped Si falta o e...

Страница 20: ...asegurarse de que el equipo est_ en condiciones seguras de operaci6n 3 Nunca intente violar el sistema de bloqueo de seguridad u otros mecanismos de seguridad de la cortadora Controle peri6dicamente que funcionan correctamente 4 No intente nunca hacer ajustes o reparaciones a la cortadora mientras el motor est_ en marcha 5 Los componentes del colector de c6sped y la cubierta de descarga est_n suje...

Страница 21: ...ltarFigura1 andFigura2 Ajusteel pendiente decalibrearribao haciaabajohastalos toquesesquinaizquierdael pendiente consultarFigura1andFigura2 Sihayun espaciopordebajodela pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpaporoperaciOn segura consultarFigura2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesionesgraves o la mu...

Страница 22: ...iva Soporte superior delatolva Sujetador delatapadebisagra Soporte vertical Saco desoporte Dospaquetes de Hardware detallada y representadoen lap inasiguiente f Kit de a m_nsuia de enganche 3 piezas y paquete de herrajes Montajederecho 789 00052 Montajeizquierdo 789 00054 Mensuladeuni6n posterior 789 00053 Pernosdel caro 4 710 0276 Tuercasde seguridadconbrida X 4 712 04063 A _ _4_ Conjunto de mont...

Страница 23: ...tradones Las cantidades paracadaartkuloaparece entrepar_ntesis mientras queelnumerodepieza cotizacercadecadaelemento Customer Reference Number 689 00319 Customer Reference Number 689 00313 4 712 04063 I 711 0309A I 1 4 710 3008 l 720 04122 714 0117 1 732 04510A 1 711 05049 1 1 711 05063 736 0204 1 714 04040 1 712 3027 2 736 0176 723 04008A 1 23 ...

Страница 24: ... del ladoderecho yladoizquierdo delapodadora mirandohacia abajo ylaslengiJetas delam_nsula deuni6n traserauniversal mirando haciaarriba VealaFigure 3 Figure3 Nora Esta unidaddelam_nsula demontajeuniversal est_diseffadao parafuncionar conotrosaccesorios comoeseljuegodecontrapesos que seusa junto conlacuchillaparanieveoel accesorio quitanieve Utilicela informaci6n decontacto delatapadeestemanual oco...

Страница 25: ...trodudrel pasador dehorquillaenelorifido dela placa deenganche y asegure conel broche dehorquillaenlapartesuperior 3 Instalelosdospernos dehorquillaconclipsdehorquillaconservados antes comosemuestra enlafigura6 paraasegurar lapartesuperior delaunidad deapoyo delenganche 4 Aprietetodaslaspiezas quesujetanelsoporte deenganche eneste momento Instaleelsoporte verticalenelensamble demontajeeneltractor ...

Страница 26: ...ior ensulugarenganchando laparte lateralenelrieldesoportedelabolsaconelbordedelacaracteristica de ajustealineada conlalinearoja 1 tal comosemuestra enel recuadro dela Figure 10 2 Coloque lapartedelantera delsoporte superior del conducto alabarrade soporte delabolsa comoseveenla2delaFigure 10 Instalelacubiertaderecogedor dehierbaenelconjuntodesoportedela bolsa comoseveenlaFigure 11 Lacubiertadel co...

Страница 27: ...como seveenlaFigure 15 ybajar elborde posterior 2 hasta queencaje enlaAsamblea k _ Figure 13 5 Abra elcap6 empujando lapestaffa trasera lado derecho con lamano derecha como seve enla1delaFigure 14 ylevantar latapa conlamano zqulerda enla parte posterior decentro delatapa delcontenedor 2 Figure15 Figure 14 27 ...

Страница 28: ...egoma delpaquete detornilleria689 00313 enelcododeconductoutilizando el pasador dehorquilla 711 05063 laarandela 736 0204 ypajaritapasador 714 04040 del paquete de tornilleria689 00313 Vealafigura18 Sujete elextremodelacorrea utilizando elagujerom_salejado delfinal inserteelgancho deresorte de torsi6n 732 04510A enelotroextremo Nora En cubiertasconruedasfrontaldelaplataforma lavarilladesoporte dea...

Страница 29: ...olsado enunacubiertam_santigua sedejar_unaperillaextra ques61o esnecesario enlasinstalaciones en cubiertas denuevos Desprenda elrespaido delatiradeespuma autoadhesiva 721 04388 que hasidoincluida dentrodesucart6ndecontenido Aplica a latolvasuperior al rascontraelreborde comosemuestraenlaFigure 22 Figure 22 Conlatapadelcolectordehierbaabierto instale el conducto dedescarga superior a tray sdelcondu...

Страница 30: ...and forth slide itover the chute elbow mounted on the cutting deck as shown inFigure 24 4 Figure 24 Continue to workthedischarge chutedownoverthechuteelbowuntil the grooveonthedischarge chutealignswith theupperchutesupport asseen intheinsetof Figure 25 Figure25 30 ...

Страница 31: ...ra ladoderecho dela fichaconsumanoderecha comoseveenlaFigure 1 29 ydelevantarconla manoizquierda enelcentrodelapartetrasera 2 Eliminar loscubos delahierbaporlevantarlas hasta 1enla Figure 2 yfuera delaasamblea deapoyobin 2 Figure 1 Figure2 Vacie losrecortes depastoenunprediodeeliminad6n adecuado usela manijadelfondodecadacubodec sped Para vadarelcontenido sostenga firmementeelcubo Vuelvaacolocar l...

Страница 32: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your bagger 32 ...
