ClosureRFG Radiofrequency Generator
Export—RF Treatment Data Storage
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USB Data Structure
The file names on the USB are determined with this scheme:
• YY – last two digits of the year
• MM – month (1-12)
• DD – the day of the month (1-31)
• Time – Hour, minute, second in 24-hour format of when the export was done
The data format on the USB is ‘CSV’, which can be imported into a spreadsheet
application, for example. The columns are: RF treatment date, RF treatment start time (24-
hour format), type of catheter, total RF treatment time, and number of RF cycles.
SD Cards
The SD card stores ClosureRFG radiofrequency generator treatment data for
troubleshooting (these records are not saved in the ClosureRFG generator if the SD card is
not present). Logging occurs without notification to the operator. The data is accessible
only to a qualified Covidien Service Representative.
The SD card should be left in the ClosureRFG generator at all times. However, if necessary to
remove/replace the SD Card:
1. Use a tool, such as a small screwdriver, to carefully pry off the rubber port cover on the left side
2. Press the card in to unlatch it from the connector, and then pull the card out.
3. Insert another card if appropriate.
4. Attach the rubber port cover.
5. The screen shows the Not Installed icon if the SD card is not recognized