guarantees the absence of structural defects in their products and the
equipment with their brand, the absence of structural defects. This because before
being placed on the market, the products are regularly tested to iden�fy any
anomalies. The warranty covers the normal use of the products and is understood as
The respect of these obliga�ons ended our guarantee. We are exempt from any liability
for any damage direct or indirect, and any other �tle with no exclusions or excep�ons.
The warranty period is two years from the sale date.
The warranty covers product def
ects not a�ributable to incorrect or improper use
of the equipment.
The warranty is not valid for defects
caused by a different use or incompa�ble
power devices than those indicated in the instruc�on.
The CostaLab products are handmade with high engineering standards. Possible,
but not desirable, defects due to construc�on errors, will be repaired free of
Only the cost to delivery products to and from our workshop for repair are to be
understood by the customer.
Are excluded from
the warranty: rubber parts, knobs, and parts that wear out
with normal use.
The warranty is vo
id automa�cally if the customer, without our wri�en
permission, tamper with equipment in an a�empt to repair or to make changes
or modifica�ons to the original product.
V I N T A G E G A I N , M O D E R N S O U L