Service Manual Ponygraphic
Chapter 5
5.1.4. The printer doesn't work properly;
Reference Layouts: mother board
P/N: C01350-01-15
1. Turn off the Pony graphic, remove the printer cover and verify that the paper is jam;
2. Verify if the batteries voltage is between 5.0 and 6.2 volt otherwise recharge the
3. Verify transistors Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q6 and eventually replace the broken ones.
4. Verify if after the replacement of the components U5, U6, U7 and U9 the unit works
otherwise replace the printer.
5.1.5. The Pony graphic is unable to measure properly flow and volume;
Reference Layouts: mother board
P/N: C01350-01-15
1. Take off the turbine from the Optoelectronic Transducer and verify that the rolling blade
is clean from dust, hairs or any external agent, otherwise refer to the "Pony graphic
User's Manual" for cleaning procedures.
2. Blow gently into the turbine and verify if the rolling blade moves freely otherwise
replace the turbine itself.
3. Verify that the turbine is inserted completely into the Optoelectronic transducer (an
incomplete insertion doesn't allow the photo diodes to work properly).
4. Verify that the connector of the Optoelectronic Transducer is properly inserted in its
5. Open the above-mentioned connector and verify the integrity of the contacts (See
Appendix/Optoelectronic Transducer).
6. Perform any test (FVC, VC or MVV) and verify if the pin 10 of U1 is high (NOTE the
enable signal remains high for only 5 seconds if no flow is detected), otherwise replace
7. Perform any test and verify if pin 1 of the Optoelectronic Transducer connector J5 is
about 5 Volts otherwise control L6, L7, L8 and Q4 (photo diodes power supply)
8. Perform any test and, blowing into the turbine flowmeter, verify if both signals on pin 2
and pin 3 of J5 are similar to the following figure: otherwise refer to the "The
Optoelectronic transducer doesn't work" section below;
5.1.6. The Optoelectronic transducer doesn't work;
Reference Layouts: Optoelectronic Transducer Board
P/N: C00609-01-15;
1. Disassemble the Optoelectronic Transducer in order to access the internal PCB. Run
the flow acquisition by pressing FVC, VC or MVV (NOTE the circuitry is powered for
only 5 seconds if no flow is detected).
2. Verify if the voltage of pin E1 is about 5 Volt otherwise check the cable connections.
3. Verify if the voltage of the infrared emitters D1 and D2 is about 1.3 Volt and eventually
replace the PCB.
4. Verify if voltage of the infrared emitter E2 and E3 (without turbine) is about 5 Volt or
eventually replace optoelectronic reader (only PCB is not sold due to alignment problems)
5.1.7. The batteries cannot be recharged or the green led remains off;
Reference Layouts: mother board
P/N: C01350-01-15
1. Connect the AC/DC adapter to the main supply and verify if the output voltage is about
20 Volt DC otherwise verify the wire connection inside the adapter or replace it.
2. Connect the AC/DC adapter to the Pony graphic and verify if the green led is on
3. Open J8 on the mother board and connect (series) to its pins a multimeter in order to
check the charging current (about 800 mA) (if the charging current is correct and the
voltage of the batteries remains lower than 5 Volt, the batteries must be replaced).
4. Verify and eventually replace F1 (1.5 A).
5. Verify the contacts of the connections between the mother board and the power supply
6. Verify if the thermistor RV1 s properly soldered to the mother board;. Even if this is not
visible, the impurities may reduce capacity of the sampling line to de-humid saturate
the humidity elimination capacity.