Service Manual Ponygraphic
Chapter 5
Careless mistakes during the use of the system
Effects: malfunction of the equipment or unreliable measurements.
While doing a test, ensure that the right height and weight are entered for the subject and
desired predicted values are selected. Ensure proper procedure for doing the test as instructed
in the User manual.
5.1.1. Warning
This chapter contains the indications useful to find out and repair most of the possible troubles
of the Pony graphic. Pay attention to the version of the Pony graphic Unit you are repairing
before following the Trouble-shooting indications (see next paragraph).
Before implementing this chapter it is strongly recommended to read the "Functional
Description" chapter of this manual.
Before trying to solve the trouble, be sure that the battery is charged and the system is in a
steady condition. If the system indicates any malfunction or precautionary messages on the
Display find out the source of error, rectify it and then only proceed with the test.
5.1.2. Tools
Besides the tools normally used by a technician, it is necessary to have:
A Voltmeter to measure voltage.
A screwdriver with a thin point, to adjust the trimmer
5.1.3. The system doesn't operate when switched on;
Reference Layouts: mother board P/N: C01350-01-15
1. Turn-off the instrument, connect the AC/DC adapter to the Pony graphic Unit and verify
if the green led is on otherwise proceed from to "The batteries cannot be recharged or
the green led is off" item.
2. Recharge completely the batteries and remove the rear panel.
3. Turn on the Pony graphic Unit and verify if the voltage of pin 1 of U1 is about 5 Volts,
otherwise proceed from to "The batteries cannot be recharged or the green led is off"
4. Turn off the instrument and verify if voltage on pin 6 of U13 is about 5 Volt (RAM
disabled) otherwise replace U13.5.
5. Verify if the signal on pin 3 of U2 is the same as the following figure
6. otherwise replace X1 (crystal 4.194.304 MHz).
7. Verify if the signal on pin 39 of U1 is the same as the following figure otherwise replace
the RTC U2.
8. Verify if the frequency of the squared waveform on pin 3 of U1 is about 839 KHz
otherwise replace U1.
9. Verify if after the replacement of the EPROM U4, the RAM U3 and the FPGA U9 the
unit works otherwise contact COSMED.