20. Record physician’s instructions for feeding and administration of prescribed medications in
Gastro-Jejunal Patient Care Manual.
21. Perform abdominal x-ray following placement of J-tube to verify proper tube position.
Tube Removal
Note: Prior to removal, we recommend purchase of a new G-J tube, or universal adapter to plug
into Cook PEG tube if only PEG tube feeding is desired.
Caution: If replacement tube is desired, it must be placed immediately after removal. External
tube removal may result in minimal trauma or bleeding that may require treatment.
G-J Tube Removal
1. Unplug G-J adapter from PEG tube, then gently pull G-J tube to remove it completely from
PEG tube.
2. Dispose of G-J tube per institutional guidelines for biohazardous medical waste.
3. To resume PEG feeding, place universal adapter or bolus adapter into PEG and resume
feeding as prescribed.
PEG Tube Removal (External/Traction Method)
The PEG tube is designed for removal using the external/traction method shown below. If this
method is not possible, another method of removal such as endoscopic or surgical should
be utilized.
Feeding tube may be removed without need for endoscopy in following manner:
1. Remove twist lock or cable tie and bolster from PEG tube.
2. Grasp gastric feeding tube near stoma site. While slowly rotating tube, gently push 1-2 cm
of tube into stomach to separate tube from stoma tract. Warning: If tube does not rotate
freely within tract, do not attempt to use traction as a method of removal.
3. Hold gastric tube near stoma site and apply counter pressure by placing fingers of other
hand around base of tube.
4. Loosely cover stoma site with either a towel or a drape.
5. Holding gastric feeding tube straight, apply steady traction to tube until internal dome
emerges through abdominal wall. Caution: Tube must be pulled straight out of stoma tract.
6. Stoma tract should heal and close within 24 hours.
Upon completion of procedure, dispose of device(s) per institutional guidelines for
biohazardous medical waste.
Toto zařízení je určeno pro perkutánní endoskopické umístění pro dodávání enterální výživy
pacientům vyžadujícím nutriční podporu.
1 gastro-jejunální výživová sonda, 1 vodicí drát v délce 240 cm, 1 Twist Lock, 1 úvaz kabelu,
1 vzduchová zátka, 2 balení. Ve vodě rozpustný lubrikant (pouze USA), 1 příručka s pokyny,
1 návod pro péči o pacienta.
Nepoužívejte tento prostředek pro žádný jiný účel, než pro který je určen.
Skladujte na suchém místě, chraňte před extrémními teplotami.
Tento prostředek smí používat pouze vyškolený zdravotnický pracovník.
Systém také umožňuje dekompresi podle předpisu lékaře.