Engine Description
Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
2-3.2.1. Break-in Oil
NOTE: SAEJ1966 Mineral oil contains a corrosion preventive
additive and must not be used for more than 25 hours or six
months, whichever occurs first. If oil consumption has not
stabilized within the break-in period, drain and replenish the
mineral oil and replace the oil filter.
2-3.2.2. Recommended Ashless Dispersant Aviation Engine Oils
Lubricating oil qualified under SAEJ1899 or SAEJ1966 shall be considered qualified
under MHS-24. Lubricating oils classified by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) Standardization Agreement (STANAG) as interchangeable with oils qualified
under J1899 or J1966 and assigned NATO Codes 0-123 and 0-128 shall be considered
qualified under MHS-24.
2-3.3. Performance Data
Refer to the applicable TCM Detailed Model Specification For complete engine technical
specifications, installation requirements, certification data, and engine test stand
The performance charts included in this manual indicate
uninstalled engine performance under controlled conditions
and will vary from installed performance. The charts are
neither intended nor suitable for installed performance
specifications or flight planning. Consult the Airplane Flight
Manual or Pilot’s Operating Handbook for installed aircraft
performance specification.
IOF-240 Series Engine Maintenance Manual
Change 1
31 August 2007