4 Operation
User Mode
User-side control is accomplished with six buttons – MODE (Heat, Cool, or Ventilate), FAN
(Auto or On), UP, DOWN, SET, and POWER. There are also options to lock the panel buttons
to limit user access if so required. A large LCD display indicates setpoint, space temperature,
occupancy status, and current mode of operation using graphical icons.
System modes (Cool, Heat, Ventilate) available to the user are dependent on control type
chosen from
Engineering Menu (tyPE)
or BACnet object [
Control Type.
See section
Control Type
of this manual).
System modes and button operation may be limited by installation engineer, especially if the
thermostat is completely controlled over BACnet network.
The first tier of operation includes the following settings as shown below. To operate the
1. The POWER button
toggles between ON or OFF states to start / stop the
thermostat. This will disable control (ON/OFF control can be accomplished over BACnet as
2. At power ON, press any button to start the User Mode operation. Press the MODE button
to toggle between different HVAC operating modes such as Cool, Heat, or
Ventilate@Cool and Ventilate@Heat.
Press the UP/ DOWN buttons
to adjust temperature setpoint or rotate the
values of a setting. Press the FAN button
to toggle fan modes of AUTO or
CONTINUOUS On. If no AUTO icon is displayed, the fan will run continuously until commanded
off using button on thermostat or BACnet command. If AUTO icon is flashing, the fan is
operating under delay timer and will shut off automatically when delay timer expires.
Press the SET button
and use UP/ DOWN buttons
to toggle the
unit between Occupied or Unoccupied states when outside of scheduled operation. Use SET or
MODE to apply (SET button can be locked in applications forbidding occupancy state user
3. Thermostat will return to normal display with the last known setting if there’s no button
pressed for 10 seconds.