M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
M2M Gateway Features
Monitor PLC device memory
The setting values and control results can be read and monitored from PLC device memory. (I/O status, data register, link register,
file register, and so on.)
With simple configurations, data can be collected and sent to cloud.
Multi-vendor support.
M2M Gateway series can collect data from several different PLC units of various makers and even in the
environment where multiple interfaces are used.
PLC communication can be performed at any timing by setting communication properties and utilizing VTC functions.
Monitor facilities remotely through cloud
The device memories in PLC units can be collected all at once through cloud.
Facilities in a remote location or overseas can be monitored.
New business can be created by accumulated performances of devices.
Collect data on-premises
Data can be summarized easily with data collecting software for Windows PC provided free of charge.
Collected data can be used with Modbus/TCP communication supported SCADA
Multi-vendor support. PLC units of various makers or
devices with Modbus functions are supported
The controller supports Mitsubishi MELSEC -FX / -A / -Q / -L / iQ-F / iQ-R series, OMRON Sysmac C / CPM / CS / CJ / CP series.
JTEKT TOYOPUC series are also supported. Furthermore, communication with Modbus devices of various makers are supportable.
Visit the CONTEC website for further information.