How To Use Collection Data
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
Trigger Reading and Writing
When "TriggerRead""TriggerWrite" are set in the PLC Communication Settings (Device config), writing
and reading of the specified device are performed with "CONPROSYS VTC" at the timing of the "PLC
communication trigger" explained below.
The information obtained by reading will be set in Modbus memory. As for writing data, the
information set in Modbus memory area will be written.
PLC R/W Trigger
Select the device name of the set R/W Trigger and perform reading and writing.
Property Name
Trigger device
Select the device name for R/W Trigger.
The name can be selected from the
"TriggerRead"/"TriggerWrite" set in the Device config
(PLC Communication Settings).
If you change the "Device Name" or "Modbus
Address" of the Device config after setting this
property, the trigger will not operate properly.
Reset this property on the "CONPROSYS VTC" screen.
Before performing R/W Trigger, it is necessary to link to Modbus I/O processing that is explained
*Read Trigger
*Write Trigger
Trigger to read
Set information to be written in
Modbus memory.
Assign the result to TAG.
Trigger to write