How To Use Collection Data
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
Data Writing
When "Write" is set in the PLC Communication Settings (Device config), writing Modbus memory
value into the specified device such as PLC is performed at the set scan cycle.
Changing Modbus memory with "CONPROSYS VTC" can control the writing value into PLCs.
How to change Modbus memory value in order to change PLC writing values is explained here.
The "Output Modbus" is used to change Modbus memory.
- Output Modbus
Assign TAG value into the specified Modbus memory information.
Modbus memory = TAG[xx]
* TAG : Variables used in the CONPROSYS
- Property
Property Name
Modbus address (Dec) *1
Modbus address (Hex) *2
Fixed value
Specify Modbus memory address to assign the TAG
(variables) information. Specify the offset value from
The specification method (decimal / hexadecimal)
differs depending on the firmware versions. *1,*2,*3
Size (the number of tags)
Fixed value
Specify the access size in decimal.*3
Specify TAG (variables) to assign into Modbus
Data type
Unsigned data
Specify the data type to set into Modbus memory.
Signed / Unsigned and 16-bit / 32-bit are available.
Word order
Displayed only when the data
type is selecting 32-bit.
Little endian
Little endian : The specified address is used as the
lower word.
Big endian : The specified address is used as the
upper word.
*1 Specify in dec : V1.20 or later versions / Gateway Firmware V2.6.0 or later versions
*2 Specify in hex : V1.19 or earlier versions / Gateway Firmware V2.5.1 or earlier versions
*3 Specifying with variables (TAG) is also available in addition to the fixed value.