PLC Communication Settings
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
LINK Configuration
Add Link
From the PLC setting page, click the [Add Link] to open the Link configuration page in the bottom.
To edit existing link settings, select the specified link display and the "link" setting contents can be
shown for editing at the bottom of the screen.
Set each item, then click the [Add], [Change] or the [Delete] button. Setting details are explained in
the table below.
Link Configuration Page
1 Link Name
Decide a link name.
0 to 32 of one-byte alphanumeric letters, [_] underline, and [-] hyphen.
The name cannot be set with only numbers.
2 Maker
Select a maker name of PLC to communicate.
3 Communication
Select Ethernet or Serial in accordance with the used PLC.
4 Format
Select a format from the list in accordance with the used PLC.
5 Frame
Select a frame from the list in accordance with the used PLC.
6 Link Type
The link type is allocated automatically correspond to selected maker name,
communication method, format and frame.
7 IP Address
When the communication method is Ethernet connection, enter IP address of
8 Port Number
When the communication method is Ethernet connection, enter PLC port number.
* Displayed setting contents differ depending on the communication methods.
- The setting differences between Ethernet communication and Serial communication