6. Functions
AIO-160802GY-USB, AI-1608GY-USB
Digital Input Function
Input bit
Individual digital input points are called input bits.
When the number of input points of a device is 4, the bits are determined as bit 0 - bit 3.
Input in Bits
The state 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF) of each input bit can be obtained by specifying the bit.
Input in Bytes
Individual input bits can be input in byte units.
When the number of input points of the device is 4, the individual input bits are arranged as shown
below and the byte data to be input is a value between 0 and 15 depending on the states of the bits.
EX. Input of bit 3 (OFF), bit 2 (ON), bit 1 (OFF), bit 0 (ON)
Byte data = 05(5H)
Digital filter
A digital filter can be used on the input bits.
The filter time can be set to "don't use", 1
s by software.
Bit 0
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 3
Bit 2 Bit 1
Bit 0