| Receiver (rx)
WARNING! DO NEVER let the bare wire of an antenna
touch PCB boards, carbon fibre parts, electrical/electronic
or metal components. The electronic system may
immediately be destroyed!
10.1 Bind transmitter and receiver
»Transmitter and »Receiver are bound during production.
It may, however, at some point be necessary to manually
intiate the binding. Follow the given instructions.
In simple terms, binding can be described as establishing a communication channel
between »Transmitter and »Receiver.
The »Receiver relies on an external power supply. There are two ways to supply power
during binding:
PPM port on the »NovaX 350
External power source (voltage range: 4.0 to 6.5 V/DC):
5 V/DC BEC regulator RC EYE: UBEC (3A) 90012RC (visit www.rclogger.com
for more information)
10.1.1 PPM port on NovaX350
When using the flight battery for binding, always remove
the propellers before you start.
1. Study the »Receiver statuses table in section
'10.2 Receiver statuses' on page 11
before you start.
2. Remove the canopy from the »NovaX 350.
3. [If »Receiver is installed] Disconnect the PPM cable from the »Receiver. Doing so
eliminates the likelihood of the »NovaX 350 inadvertently starting up.
4. Turn the »Transmitter off.
Install the flight battery into the »NovaX 350.
6. Plug the binding cable into the 3-pin header connector
7. Connect the PPM cable to the 3-pin header connector
on the »Receiver and
the other end to the
socket on the power board.
Connect the flight battery and power cable on the »NovaX 350.
The RED indicator light on the »Receiver starts to flash fast, indicating the binding
10. Press and hold the binding key
on the »Transmitter and slide the power switch
up to turn the »Transmitter on. The LC display
displays “RXBinding..”.
11. Binding is complete when the indicator light
12. Disconnect the »Receiver from the power supply.
13. Turn the »Transmitter off.
14. Remove the binding cable from the »Receiver.
15. Connect the »Receiver to the »NovaX 350's power supply.
16. Turn the »Transmitter on.
17. [If channels are assigned] If you have previously assigned channels, test the
»NovaX 350's functions. If necessary, refer to the corresponding chapters in the
»NovaX 350 operating instructions. If the »NovaX 350 does not function as expected
repeat the binding procedure.