fmGenie Tx & MicroMLxS/MLxS
Fast Track Guide
Fast Track Guide
takes you through the basic steps required to
get an fmGenie transmitter working with a Phonak MLxS receiver.
The fmGenie transmitter is worn by the teacher/tutor and their voice is
transmitted to the MicroMLxS/MLxS receiver which attaches to a direct
input shoe and then to the user’s own direct input hearing aid.
Part 1
fmGenie batteries
The fmGenie uses standard size AA batteries. Rechargeable batteries are
the recommended option and, once fitted, are charged ‘in situ’ – just like
a mobile phone.
Rechargeable batteries – nickel metal hydride (NiMH)
New rechargeable batteries require charging before use.
To fit the batteries, slide open the battery
cover and insert as shown. The technique is a
combination of ‘squeeze, thumb and wiggle’
– you won’t break it and the firm fit stops the
battery cover accidentally falling off.
Do NOT turn on the fmGenie.
Plug one lead from the twin tail charger into the
socket marked ‘Chg’, rolling battery bars should be
visible on the right of the status display.
The spare lead from the twin tail charger can be left dangling
or neatly coiled and secured with a rubber band.
The equipment will be given an initial 4 hour
charge – enough for a few days’ use.
When display goes blank, fmGenie is ready for use.
After this initial charge, your fmGenie will automatically
take either a full or top up charge as required.
Alkaline batteries
The fmGenie can also be used with alkaline AA batteries
– which can be useful in an emergency – you could even
borrow some from your TV remote controls!
The performance is the same whatever type of AA battery is used.
Page 55 – fmGenie User Guide (3rd Edition)