Plantronics Wireless Headset Installation Guide
F o r S e r v i c e C a l l : ( 8 0 0 ) 5 9 5 - 8 8 8 2 / E m a i l : d i s p a t c h @ o k t e l e p h o n e . c o m
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Take the AC Power Supply adapter and plug one end into your wall outlet or power strip. The
other end will plug into the back of the headset base, as shown in the following picture. Place
the headset into the base. You will feel a snug pull when the two magnets pull ensuring a
perfect fit. The charging LED will flash green when charging and turn solid green when fully
charged. They will vary in time, fully charge prior to set up. After that, put on charger when
not using. Battery will beep when it is getting low.
If not using a
handset lifter
toggle this switch
to the right so
that headset
turns on
when taken out
of base
Basic Set Up:
Flashing Green = Charging
Solid Green = Fully Charged
Locate the Telephone Interface Cable. It will have plastic modular plugs on each end
and a black connector in the middle of the cable. Take the larger modular plug and
insert it into the base that shows a picture of a telephone.
Plug the Telephone Interface Cable into the headset port (usually located on the bottom
of the phone)
You will have to program a headset Key on your phone using this option. To program a headset
button, without lifting the handset, press
, Enter
, Touch the key you are going to
program, enter
, press
. A headset key is not required when using a handset lifter.