This radio is designed to be used by both the beginning novice who is not
familiar with DMR and is intimidated by terminology such as Color Code,
Repeater Slot, Tx Contact, Rx Group List, Four Level FSK, Convolution
Encoding and Decoding, Cyclic Redundant Coding, and other terms related to
Digital Communication as well as the experienced HAM who knows what most of
those terms mean.
This radio has two modes. The first mode is for the novice that allows you to
work on all the networks including Brandmeister and DMR-MARC without ever
looking past this page and without ever having to turn on a computer.
The Second mode is for the more advanced HAM who knows what these terms
mean and is not intimidated with programming the radio using a computer but
also wants the ability to do things on the fly.
Getting on the air quickly
Press the Top side button for three seconds (Not the PTT)
When you hear a station you want to respond to, press the left button just
below the screen. If you want to try another station, press the right button
just below the screen and repeat above until you find a station and
conversation you want to join.
Press the PTT key to transmit and release it to receive.
When you get a chance change your ID from Connect System to your own
by going to the DMR MARC website explained later in the manual.