Notes on the operating instructions
Function of the display and operating
Operating of the operating and display unit 6
Interrogation of the operating information
Interrogation of unit information
Interrogation of the malfunction history list 11
Interrogation of the maintenance
Launching the unit settings menu
Selecting the dialogue language
Setting the short cycle delay time
4.1..10 Setting operating range for multiple units
4.1..11 Configuring internal control settings
4.1..11.1 Setting the humidity setpoint
4.1..11. Setting the proportional range in %
for the internal P/PI controller
4.1..11. Setting the integral time in minutes
for the internal PI controller
4.1..11.4 Setting the upper limit value in %rh
4.1..11.5 Setting the limit range in %rh
4.1..11.6 Setting the damping time
for the limit signal in seconds
4.1..11.7 Switching on and off the
4.1..11.8 Setting the upper humidity alarm value
4.1..11.9 Setting the upper humidity alarm value
Setting the capacity limitation
Selecting the type of drain water cooling
Setting the tank draining rate
operation for full tank draining
Setting the fill rate correction Configuring float check function
Setting the unit for steam production
Enabling/Disabling an individual burner
Setting the maintenance interval time
Performing the tank drain function
Performing the tank pre-clean function
Resetting the maintenance counter
Resetting the fault indication