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Target Description & Application Manual
Two layer Base Board exclusively assembled with through-hole components
for 2SC0435T SCALE™-2 driver for 1200V and 1700V IGBT modules or
MOSFETs with an electrical interface for 2-level, 3-level and multilevel
converter topologies with paralleling capability
The 2RT0435T is a dual-channel Base Board for CONCEPT’s SCALE™-2 driver core 2SC0435T, a low-cost
SCALE-2 dual-driver core for the reliable driving and safe operation of IGBTs. This Base Board is assembled
only with THT-components using a two-layer PCB.
The Base Board is suitable to drive almost all available dual IGBT modules up to 1700V like 62mm IGBT
modules, 130mm x 140mm IGBT modules and others. The plug-and-play capability (only the gate resistors
are missing) makes it ready to operate immediately after mounting. The user needs invest almost no effort in
designing or adjusting it to a specific application.
Fig. 1 2RT0435T Base Board with driver 2SC0435T