CDD6: user manual – rev.07
Page 42/74
P-91: recognized motor type
This parameter permits to check the motor type recognized by the door drive during the self-learning
procedure, in case the P-90=0 that means the self-recognition of the motor is enabled. In case the motor is
recognized successfully, this parameter reports the index of the recognized motor. The P-91 reports in any
case the index of the last recognized motor. Please refer to the previous paragraph for the motor indexes.
P-22: closing rotation sense
The motors installed on the field can have the rotation pulley mounted on the right or on the left respect to
the motor shaft: this means that the motor, to rotate in the correct sense need to rotate in opposite sense
based on the installation type. This parameter permits to configure the correct closing rotation sense, as
reported in the following table:
Parameter value
00 = clockwise
default value
The motor pulley, in frontal view, rotates in
sense when door is closing.
01 = counter-clockwise
The motor pulley, in frontal view, rotates in
sense when door is
The motor rotation is learned during the AUTOSET procedure. Anyway, it is possible to execute the check of
the rotation sense with door operator switched off, or checking the door movement with the door drive in
Inspection mode.
P-05: car door locking device settings
This parameter allows to configure the system to manage the unlocking operation when the car door
locking device is installed, as reported in the table below. The main function executed by the door
controller in case the car door locking device is present is the unlocking movement when main power is off,
to permit the evacuation from the car to the floor.
Parameter value
00 = not present
The car door locking device is not present: in case of black-out, when door is closed,
the controller keeps the skate closed, with the residual energy stored inside the
01 = present
default value
The car door locking device is present: in case of black-out, when door is closed, the
controller tries immediately to open the skate and the panels for at least 20mm, with
the residual energy stored inside the controller.
If the cabin is inside the unlocking zone, this movement permits the unlocking of the
hook, and the consequent possibility to open manually the car and landing door.
If the car is outside the unlocking zone, this movement is not permitted by the hook,
and the car door remains blocked, because the evacuation is not possible.
Pay attention when removing main power during maintenance, motor try to open