Dear Customer:
Thank you
for purchasing your equipment from Component Playgrounds!!! We are proud of
our commercial grade products made for kids of all ages & sizes, and we are confident that you
will enjoy your equipment for many years.
Because you have purchased a top of the line commercial grade product, you will need to
be aware of some specific shipping requirements that may be different from shipments you
have received in the past through other delivery companies (such as UPS), and you should
follow the guidelines below carefully.
1. In most cases your product will arrive via common carrier truck line directly to your
home with curbside delivery only. This means the driver will facilitate the offloading of the
shipment at the curb, or most reasonable place near the curb and your house. You are then
responsible to
have someone physically capable to help unload the product upon delivery
and note the condition of the product as per below instructions.
2. Your product may arrive on a pallet and upon delivery
—locate the packing list (usually
attached to the hardware box & orange & black in color) and verify that each piece listed is with
the shipment.
*** Please disregard any delivery driver stated “time crunches” or “needs to
leave quickly” and in-speck the product to your satisfaction = this is your product so
make sure it is all there in good condition or noted properly before the driver leaves.***
3. If there are any parts/pieces missing, note this directly on the delivery receipt
you sign
and receive your copy of the receipt, with wording such as “missing xyz part” etc.
Note: some shipments will have more than one pallet so check both before noting missing.
4. Similar to #3 above, also note the condition of the pieces and if any parts have been
damaged in shipping note this directly on the delivery receipt
you sign and get your
copy from the driver (in particular inspect slides for damage).
5. If your shipment appears to have damage and /or missing pieces, a freight claim must
be fi led with the freight company w/in two business days. Component Playgrounds will assist
you with this process if it is necessary. Contact the shipping manager toll free @ 877-530-0222
for claims assistance.
6. Ask your driver to sign or initial the freight slip acknowledging any damage or
7. Get a copy of the signed delivery receipt from your delivery driver BEFORE he leaves.
8. If you are concerned or don’t know what you should do with a certain situation
regarding the shipment, please call the shipping manager toll free @ 877-530-0222 before the
driver leaves.
All shortages and damaged items are the sole responsibility of the carrier. You are
responsible to notify Component Playgrounds of any shortages or damage relating to your
shipment w/in 2 business days of receipt of your equipment. After this time, any claim for
shortage or loss cannot be honored.
Component Playgrounds cannot be responsible for replacement of any parts,
missing or damaged, that have not been properly noted on the delivery receipt.
Component Playgrounds cannot be responsible for damaged or missing pieces due to
the fault of, or loss by the freight company.
Thanks again & remember to tell your friends about your product from Component Playgrounds!
Содержание CH30-10
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