Compaq Smart Array 5i Plus Controller and Battery Backed Write Cache Enabler User Guide
Writer: Amy L. Laffitte File Name: x-index
Codename: Executor Part Number: 266328-001 Last Saved On: 4/18/02 3:03 PM
accelerator ratio setting
in ACU 7-11
in CPQONLIN 7-32
ACU (Array Configuration Utility)
adding spare drive with 7-18
array capacity expansion with 7-21
array creation 7-17
comparison of, with other configuration
utilities 7-2
configuration wizard in 7-4
configuring controller settings 7-17
identifying drives using 7-8
limitations of 7-2
logical drive creation 7-20
logical drive extension in 7-24
manual configuration with 7-17
NetWare and 7-5
RAID level migration with 7-25
running from CD 7-5
running while online 7-5
screen descriptions 7-6
sources of 7-4
stripe size migration with 7-25
using 7-4
ACU-XE (Array Configuration Utility-
ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility)
recognizing hard drive failure D-4
using G-2
hard drive failure 1-6
predictive failure D-3
amber LED
Battery Backed Write Cache
Enabler 1-3
hard drives D-2
ARM (Auto Reliability Monitoring) 1-6
adding hard drives to 7-21, D-11
creating, with ACU 7-17
creating, with CPQONLIN 7-30
defined C-3
expansion of, in ACU 7-21
expansion of, in CPQONLIN 7-33
identifying, using ACU 7-8
mixing drive capacities in 7-1
moving D-10
online spares in C-5
physical limitations of C-4
array accelerator, memory required for stripe
size, change 7-25
array capacity expansion
description of D-11
using ACU 7-21
using CPQONLIN 7-33
Array Configuration Utility
array controller
configuration of 7-1
driver installation for 8-1
drives, types supported G-1
duplexing C-11