White Paper
December 1998
Prepared by High Availability
Products Group
Compaq Computer Corporation
Managing Changes to Drive
Ordering .....................................3
Symptoms ................................3
When does this situation
occur? ......................................3
Preventing the Issue .................4
Simplifying Detection of the
Issue ........................................4
What Oracle Component is
Affected? ..................................4
Removing a Shared Storage
Array ...........................................8
Adding a Shared Storage
Array ...........................................9
Adding or Removing Drives
from a Shared Storage Array ...11
Replacing a Failed Drive .........11
Adding a Drive to Increase
Storage Capacity ....................12
Modifying Physical Cluster
Resources in a Compaq Parallel
Database Cluster
At some time during the life of a Compaq Parallel
Database Cluster it is likely that some modifications to the physical
resources of the cluster will be required. This paper describes how to
perform some of the more likely modifications, such as:
Managing Changes to Drive Ordering
Removing a Shared Storage Array
Adding a Shared Storage Array
Adding or Removing Shared Storage Drives
Additional scenarios are described in Chapter 5 of the
Parallel Database Cluster Administrator Guide