Audio streaming
Audio streaming by feed-in (4T, 6T)
The channels of the Gx-IAX card can be configured for feed-in of audio signals (e.g. music, news or
stock exchange information). The respective audio signal can be switched on at multiple “receivers”
(depending on the configuration), i.e. only one channel is occupied for e.g. an MP3 stream.
Type of audio feed-in
The channels can be used for the following types of feeding in audio:
Music feed-in (4T)
Radio conference feed-in (6T)
Schematic illustration of an audio feed-in (e.g. from a web radio)
Definitions for use of audio streaming
The desired channel is configured for feeding in music (4T) or feeding in a radio conference (6T).
For the channel feeding in,
has to be configured as “trigger” for the correspond-
ing “dial number” for activation of the e.g. MP3 stream on the VoIP server. This also means this “dial
number” is configured as “call number” (
see also ”Trigger: auto-dialler mode”
In case of a radio conference feed-in (6T), additionally the appropriate “receivers” have to be config-
Switching on audio signal at “receiver” (4T, 6T)
The respective audio signal can be switched on (at the receiver) by dialling the respective function
code of the Intercom Server, e.g. “4T2” or “6T1”.
The reception of the respective audio signal can be cancelled by “4T0”or “6T0” (or, if configured,
also by pressing the button
for at least 1 second).
ATTENTION: Telephony functions
The channels feeding in will not be available for ordinary telephony functions anymore.
NOTE: Further information
For further information about the feed-in (and reception) of audio signals, see manual “
PRO 800
Intercom station
VoIP system
Feed in
Web radio
Switching on the
audio signal
4T, 6T
MP3 stream
Intercom Server
IP network