PABX mode
PABX mode
Outgoing phone call from Intercom system
Phone call by dialling channel manually
At the Intercom station, dial the call number of a channel of the Gx-IAX card.
As soon as the call to the respective channel is set up, the Intercom station receives the “dial tone”
signal. Now, you can (after) dial the desired call number.
After dialling at VoIP phone
For outgoing phone calls in PABX mode built up by dialling the respective channel manually, no after
dialling is possible at the VoIP phone by default (i.e. also no ending of the call by pressing the button
“#”). By means of a configuration via CCT 800, it is possible to activate the after dialling function indi-
vidually for the several channels (
see “After dialling at telephone – outgoing phone call” on page 31
Phone call by direct outward dialling
It is possible to define several call numbers per IAX channel (via the “PA function“), which can be di-
alled directly at the Intercom station without the need to pre-dial the number of the respective channel
of the Gx-IAX card.
Including a range of numbers via wildcards
To simplify the configuration via CCT 800 (
), it is possible to define a range of call numbers
as “wildcards”. Per wildcard, max. 41 entries are possible. The call numbers included by those wild-
cards can be dialled at the Intercom stations as explained
NOTES: Phone call by direct outward dialling
via CCT 800, 41 call number entries per channel are possible.
By means of “wildcards”, it is possible to integrate several call numbers with only one entry via 800
This function is only available for max. 4-digit call numbers (PA codes, max. 4-digit, see manual
PRO 800 Basic
A “dummy” relay contact is required.
In spite of this configured function, a call however can be built up by dialling the channel manually
PA code via CCT 800
Call number range
4000 to 4999
6300 to 6399
3450 to 3459
50 to 59
ATTENTION: Collisions
Avoid collisions with Intercom call numbers and function codes (i.e. in case of a defined range of
“2***”, e.g. the Intercom call number “210” cannot be dialled).