Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.
Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow
instructions to use a product exactly.
The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.
513-11, Sangd aewon-dong, Jungwon-gu, Se ongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do , Korea
Int’l Bu siness Dept. Tel . : +82-31-73 93-540~550 Fax . : +82-31-7 45-2133
Web site : www .commax. com
Thank you for purchasing COMMAX products.
Please carefully read this User’s Guide (in particular, precautions for safety) before using a product and follow
instructions to use a product exactly.
The company is not responsible for any safety accidents caused by abnormal operation of the product.
Color video door phone
User Manual