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Important Cautions
Important Cautions
Important Cautions
Important Cautions
◆This is a delicate measuring instrument
This is a delicate measuring instrument
This is a delicate measuring instrument
This is a delicate measuring instrument;;;; please take care not to drop it or subject it to physical shock.
please take care not to drop it or subject it to physical shock.
please take care not to drop it or subject it to physical shock.
please take care not to drop it or subject it to physical shock.
◆The impedance bridge of this instrument is immediately inside the antenna connection point. Because there is no
The impedance bridge of this instrument is immediately inside the antenna connection point. Because there is no
The impedance bridge of this instrument is immediately inside the antenna connection point. Because there is no
The impedance bridge of this instrument is immediately inside the antenna connection point. Because there is no
protection for the bridge,
protection for the bridge,
protection for the bridge,
protection for the bridge,
be absolutely certain not to apply power from an
be absolutely certain not to apply power from an
be absolutely certain not to apply power from an
be absolutely certain not to apply power from an external transmitter
external transmitter
external transmitter
external transmitter
◆Strong local RF fields (in a multi
Strong local RF fields (in a multi
Strong local RF fields (in a multi
Strong local RF fields (in a multi----station environment, for example) may cause unstable SWR readings.
station environment, for example) may cause unstable SWR readings.
station environment, for example) may cause unstable SWR readings.
station environment, for example) may cause unstable SWR readings.
◆In order to protect the detector elements in this unit, please be sure to discharge any static electricity buildup
In order to protect the detector elements in this unit, please be sure to discharge any static electricity buildup
In order to protect the detector elements in this unit, please be sure to discharge any static electricity buildup
In order to protect the detector elements in this unit, please be sure to discharge any static electricity buildup
on the antenna by shorting the center pin of the connector on the coax line to ground before testing.
on the antenna by shorting the center pin of the connector on the coax line to ground before testing.
on the antenna by shorting the center pin of the connector on the coax line to ground before testing.
on the antenna by shorting the center pin of the connector on the coax line to ground before testing.
◆This unit is normally powered by six
This unit is normally powered by six
This unit is normally powered by six
This unit is normally powered by six AA alkaline or NiMH cells. You may also apply external DC in the range of 8
AA alkaline or NiMH cells. You may also apply external DC in the range of 8
AA alkaline or NiMH cells. You may also apply external DC in the range of 8
AA alkaline or NiMH cells. You may also apply external DC in the range of 8----16V.
The external DC supply shou
The external DC supply shou
The external DC supply shou
The external DC supply should be well regulated, and capabl
ld be well regulated, and capabl
ld be well regulated, and capabl
ld be well regulated, and capable of at least 250 mA of current. Be absolutely certain
e of at least 250 mA of current. Be absolutely certain
e of at least 250 mA of current. Be absolutely certain
e of at least 250 mA of current. Be absolutely certain
not to exceed the 16V maximum voltage limit. Do not apply AC
not to exceed the 16V maximum voltage limit. Do not apply AC
not to exceed the 16V maximum voltage limit. Do not apply AC
not to exceed the 16V maximum voltage limit. Do not apply AC voltage of any kind.
voltage of any kind.
voltage of any kind.
voltage of any kind.
◆If using AA alkaline cells to power this unit, when the battery voltage becomes low the LCD display will falter
If using AA alkaline cells to power this unit, when the battery voltage becomes low the LCD display will falter
If using AA alkaline cells to power this unit, when the battery voltage becomes low the LCD display will falter
If using AA alkaline cells to power this unit, when the battery voltage becomes low the LCD display will falter
and measurements will become unstable. Replace all six batteries with fresh ones (do not mix old and new). If you
and measurements will become unstable. Replace all six batteries with fresh ones (do not mix old and new). If you
and measurements will become unstable. Replace all six batteries with fresh ones (do not mix old and new). If you
and measurements will become unstable. Replace all six batteries with fresh ones (do not mix old and new). If you
do not
do not
do not
do not use the meter for a long time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from leakage.
use the meter for a long time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from leakage.
use the meter for a long time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from leakage.
use the meter for a long time, remove the batteries to prevent damage from leakage.
■When not using NiMH batteries, please turn OFF the Charge switch on the battery case. Failure to do so might resu
When not using NiMH batteries, please turn OFF the Charge switch on the battery case. Failure to do so might resu
When not using NiMH batteries, please turn OFF the Charge switch on the battery case. Failure to do so might resu
When not using NiMH batteries, please turn OFF the Charge switch on the battery case. Failure to do so might result
in battery rupture or leakage if you apply charging voltage to alkaline cells.
in battery rupture or leakage if you apply charging voltage to alkaline cells.
in battery rupture or leakage if you apply charging voltage to alkaline cells.
in battery rupture or leakage if you apply charging voltage to alkaline cells.
●This product is intended for amateur radio measurement applications only (not certifiable professional testing).
This product is intended for amateur radio measurement applications only (not certifiable professional testing).
This product is intended for amateur radio measurement applications only (not certifiable professional testing).
This product is intended for amateur radio measurement applications only (not certifiable professional testing).
Calibration of this unit for amateur applications is availa
Calibration of this unit for amateur applications is availa
Calibration of this unit for amateur applications is availa
Calibration of this unit for amateur applications is available (fee will apply).
ble (fee will apply).
ble (fee will apply).
ble (fee will apply).
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
Thank you for your purchase of this instrument. It was built under tight quality
control standards and procedures; however, there is always the possibility
of damage during shipping. Should this occur, please notify the dealer from
whom you purchased it immediately so they can initiate the damage claim process
with the shipping company. Please read this manual completely before beginning
operation, so as to understand its features and capabilities fully.
●The CA-500 MarkII has a wide-range signal oscillator covering 1.8-500 MHz, enabling measurement of important antenna system
parameters including impedance and Standing Wave Radio (SWR).
●The dual analog meter, combined with the LCD display, allows simultaneous display of SWR and impedance.
● The color TFT display permits easy viewing of frequency and band information, even in the dark.
●The Band Sweep function allows you to measure SWR across the selected ham band and view it on the display graph.
You can also define a center frequency and frequency span for display of the SWR characteristics.
●The programmable Auto Power Off function preserves battery capacity in case you forget to turn the meter off.
●You can use 6 AA alkaline or Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries to power the meter. Up to ten hours of operation
are possible using alkaline AA cells.
●External 8-16V DC power may be used to power the meter; this also allows trickle charging of a NiMH battery.
●A hand strap is provided, for ease of use and to minimize the chance of dropping the CA-500 MarkII.