ComatReleco push-in relay socket family | User Manual | 89809-060-54-001 | 2
Important information
ComatReleco reserves the right to alter, correct, and/or improve the technical documentation and the products described in the technical docu-
mentation at its own discretion and without giving prior notice, insofar as this is reasonable for you. The same applies to any technical changes
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In general, the provisions of the current standard Terms and Conditions of ComatReleco apply exclusively, in particular as concerns any warranty
This user manual contains important information for the commissioning, operation, maintenance and disposal of the device. You will also receive
information and important tips for your safety and help with any issues. The user manual must be made physically or electronically available
with the equipment and must be included in the supply when the equipment is transferred. It is also available on the ComatReleco web portal.
ComatReleco has made every effort to make these instructions as clear, complete, and correct as possible. The information provided in this
documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This doc-
umentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user
applications. It is the duty of any user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation, and testing of the products
with respect to the relevant specific application or use thereof. Neither ComatReleco nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be responsible
or liable for misuse of the information that is contained herein. Contact us if you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or
have found errors in this publication. This documentation is subject to technical changes without prior notice.
This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright protected. Any changes to the contents or the publication of extracts of
this document is prohibited.
ComatReleco reserves the right to register its own intellectual property rights for the product identifications of ComatReleco products that are
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Other product identifications may be afforded legal protection, even where they may not be indicated as such.
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