Mains pro 1.6.1 Global Guide
12.3.11 f Sig
Immediate signaling relay – frequency; closes immediately in case of frequency failure (over or under
frequency). Relay opens in case that all parameters are back within limits, but no sooner than after Basic: Imp
Len from its activation. If the relay is closed during trip activation, it opens no sooner than
since trip status activation. Fault reset has no influence on this output. If any frequency protection is
disabled by setpoint (limit set to 0), the output does not signal activation of this protection stage.
12.3.12 !f Sig
Inverse immediate signaling relay – frequency; opens immediately in case of frequency failure (over or under
frequency). Relay closes in case that all parameters are back within limits, but no sooner than after
from its activation. If the relay is open during trip activation, it closes no sooner than Basic: Imp Len
since trip status activation. Fault reset has no influence on this output. If any frequency protection is disabled by
setpoint (limit set to 0), the output does not signal activation of this protection stage.
12.3.13 LOM Sig
Immediate signaling relay – loss of mains; closes immediately in case of loss of mains failure (Vector shift or
ROCOF). Relay opens after
LOM Trp Del, A.LOM Trp Del [s] (page 59)
since the last LOM protection
activation. Fault reset has no influence on this output. If any LOM protection is disabled by setpoint (limit set to
0), the output does not signal activation of this protection stage.
12.3.14 !LOM Sig
Inverse immediate signaling relay – loss of mains; opens immediately in case of loss of mains failure (Vector
shift or ROCOF). Relay closes after
LOM Trp Del, A.LOM Trp Del [s] (page 59)
since the last LOM
protection activation. Fault reset has no influence on this output. If any LOM protection is disabled by setpoint
(limit set to 0), the output does not signal activation of this protection stage.
12.3.15 dU Sig
Immediate signaling relay – asymmetry; closes immediately in case of voltage (amplitude) unbalance, positive
sequence undervoltage, negative sequence overvoltage, or failure (over or under frequency). Relay opens in
case that all three evaluation methods of voltage asymmetry are in fail-free state, but no sooner than after
from its activation. If the relay is closed during trip activation, it opens no sooner than Basic:
Imp Len since trip status activation. Fault reset has no influence on this output. If any asymmetry protection is
disabled by setpoint (limit set to 0), the output does not signal activation of this protection stage.