CM2-4G-GPS Quick Guide
CM2-4G-GPS Quick Guide
CM2-4G-GPS plug-in module is a 2G/3G/4G cellular modem in combination with a GPS/GLONASS receiver.
The cellular modem can work in two modes of operation based on the settings in the setpoint Internet
Image 1.1 CM2-4G-GPS module
IMPORTANT: Any manipulation with plug-in module shall be done with disconnected power
supply to controller.
CM2-4G-GPS module setup
1. You will need a controller, CM2-4G-GPS module, antenna and SIM card with SMS and packet data
Make sure that your SIM supports the packet data network type you want to use. – i.e. if you
want to use the module in LTE (4G) network you have to confirm with the operator that the particular
SIM card supports 4G network.
2. Contact your mobile operator for getting packet data APN (APN = Access Point Name).
Typical APN name is "internet".
3. Make sure SIM card does not require PIN code. Use any mobile phone to switch the SIM PIN security off.
4. Place the SIM card into slot on CM2-4G-GPS card.
5. Connect the antenna to Cellular module antenna connector. Use secondary "diversity" antenna if you
have troubles with signal/connection quality.
6. If you want to use the built-in GPS receiver connect also an active GPS antenna to the GPS antenna
7. Switch off the controller. Insert CM2-4G-GPS module into controller.
8. Power up the controller.
9. Select the required operation mode of CM2-4G-GPS module by adjusting setpoint Internet Connection.
10. Enter correct APN Name into the setpoint Access Point Name.
11. Adjust AirGate key in InteliConfig.
12. Wait for approx 2 – 4 minutes for first connection of the system to AirGate. AirGate will generate
automatically the AirGate ID value. Then navigate to measurement screens where you will find signal
strength bar and AirGate ID identifier.