EU - Declaration of conformity | 14
Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 ATEX | Version 1-en
79 / 88
EU - Declaration of conformity
We, the manufacturer
Faulenbachweg 63
3700 Spiez
declare under our sole responsibility
that the product of the series
CMVpro 125-400 ATEX
Plastic industrial fan
CMVpro 125 ATEX
CMVpro 160 ATEX
CMVpro 200 ATEX
CMVpro 250 ATEX
CMVpro 315 ATEX
CMVpro 400 ATEX
to which this declaration refers is in conformity with the provisions of the follow-
ing EU directives and harmonized standards as of the date of issue stated:
EU Directives
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU
Harmonized standards
EN ISO 12100: 2011
EN ISO 12499: 2008
EN 60204-1: 2019
EN IEC 61000-6-4:2019
EN 1127-1: 2019
EN ISO 80079-36: 2016
EN ISO 80079-37: 2016
EN 14986: 2017
Name and address of the
document manager
Andreas Roth
Faulenbachweg 63
3700 Spiez
Spiez, 6/7/2021
U. Moser (Division manager)