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Operating instructions CMVpro 125-400 ATEX | Version 1-en
Siphon height [mm]:
At least 1/10 of the maximum static fan pressure p
Height difference between casing drain and siphon overflow:
If the siphon height “h“ is not observed, the condensate will not drain and will be
directed to the fan.
When planning for and mounting the siphon, observe a minimum installation
height of 2 x H.
Instructions for execution of the siphon
• For negative pressure operation of the fan: If the siphon is insufficiently di-
mensioned or not filled with water, there is a risk that false air will be sucked
• Ensure functionality of the siphon: It is imperative to fill it with water before
placing in service or after an extensive downtime period.
• For outside mounting, ensure frost-resistant execution of condensate drain
and siphon.
• If there are space limitations (siphon height), mount siphon in a floor open-
Final inspection
• Check that all screw connections on the fan and all fastening elements of
the foundation (baseplate) or mounting surface are tight.
• Inspect splinter protection
• If present in ductwork:
• Shut-off dampers for inlet and outlet connections are closed.
• Service openings are shut.
• Complete ATEX test report