The projector may operate at 208, 230 or 240 V.at 50 or 60 Hz.
c o e m a r
factory presets (barring specific requests), a voltage of 240v and a frequency of 50Hz.
The operating voltage and frequency of the unit is noted in the appropriate space on the label affixed to the base of the
projector (electronics voltage) and internally on the ballast (lamp voltage and frequency).
If the operating voltage or frequency does not match that of the country in which you are operating the unit, proceed as
The operating voltage and frequency must be set both on the ballast (lamp voltage) and the transformer (electronics volta-
An error in setting the correct
operating voltage or frequency
may cause serious damage to the unit.
5.1Selecting the operating voltage and frequency for the lamp
This procedure will set the operating voltage or frequency for the lamp after the initial ignition of the lamp; the unit draws
upon initial startup 17,3 Amps.
You must set the operating voltage or frequency suitable for the country in which the projector is being used.
1) Open up the ballast by removing the 4 hex screws with an M 5 allen key
2) Locate the terminal strip marked with a sticker showing 208/230/240 V and 50 or 60Hz; the cables attached here at those
which you will need to move.
3) Cable 19 determines operating voltage, move it to either of the 208, 230 or 240V terminals.
4) Cable 1 determines operating frequency, move it to either the 50 or 60Hz terminals.
5) After having moved the cables to the required position, re-close the ballast as per its original condition.
To maintain the protection rating of the unit, the 4 screws need to be refastened gradually and firmly to ensu-
re that they seal the unit but do not damage the seal.
factory set main at:
5. Operating voltage and frequency