Instructions to assemble and install
Edition E0
Page 22 of 69
Confidential and Property of CoeLux S.r.l.
The installation kit supplied by CoeLux S.r.l. consists of:
metal panels and frames painted matt black with gaskets and knives installed,
pair of mirrors,
small box with small items, flanged nuts and screws
small box containing spare gaskets, lamp plate and caps
silica-gel for passive internal air conditioning
LED projector
box containing the moon module (optional)
The ventilation kit (supplied by CoeLux s.r.l with UL certified products) contains the projector air
manifolds and the insulated pipes to connect them.
Follow the various assembly procedures in the correct order and always pay close attention to
the instructions and details below. All the pieces must be removed from their packaging outside
the clean chamber, whereas they have to be assembled inside the latter.
When you have completed the cleaning instructions, open the wooden box containing the
sheets of metal.
Make sure the pieces are not dusty or damaged and dust them with a damp cloth, if
necessary (NOT provided in the cleaning kit). Avoid leaving ring marks or streaks. The box
with the mirrors and the box with the CoeLux® panel must be opened only when they have
to be assembled: the mirrors in Step 10 and 11, and the CoeLux® panel in Step 3. The folded
part of the metal sheets must always lie outside the box.
While you assemble the box, check for the presence of any dirt and clean as described
Insert the bolts in the same direction in each section and always make sure they are securely
During the assembly stage, complete the installation sheet (document 65-00070-01) provided in
two copies together with this manual. Then, send one completed copy to CoeLux S.r.l.