Instructions to assemble and install
Edition E0
Page 19 of 69
Confidential and Property of CoeLux S.r.l.
All product components must be carefully cleaned to achieve the best performance from the 45
HC systems.
The 45 HC systems must be assembled indoors, out of bad weather, in a clean, dry environment.
Avoid installing 45 HC systems in a dirty environment, as this could compromise operations. If the
environment is dirty or dusty, you must follow the specific cleaning instructions given below. You
do not need to follow these instructions for a clean environment without any dust, although you
should use polyethylene sheets to cover the floor in the assembly area.
It is of fundamental importance during the assembly phase to take great care to avoid
contaminating each component. Dust deposits on internal surfaces, dirt on the CoeLux® panel or
on the optical parts, for example, could prevent the product from performing at its best. Regular
cleaning is essential to maintain the performance of the equipment (please read paragraph 7
We have prepared specific cleaning instructions to enable you to assemble even in very dusty
environments. These instructions envisage the use of a specific kit, supplied together with the
product (cleaning kit No. 38-00002-01). The kit consists of the following materials:
N° 6 polyethylene sheets (5x4 m) to create a clean chamber, in which to assemble.
N° 1 spray bottle containing a specific dust collector
N° 2 pairs of cotton gloves and
N°15 cotton cloths to handle and clean the optical parts.
The instructions are as follows:
Use the polyethylene sheets to create a clean chamber (preferably beneath the fastening
area) with minimum dimensions 5x4 m.
Then, run the vacuum cleaner and wash the clean chamber floor;
Carry out cycles of dust collection and floor cleaning: spray the special dust collector liquid
inside the clean chamber, wait for approximately 10 minutes, run the vacuum cleaner over
the floor and repeat this procedure 2 - 3 times (depending on the existing level of
Lay two 5x4 m polyethylene sheets (one on top of the other) on the floor of the clean
chamber (place any covers or filling to protect the floor UNDER the aforementioned
polyethylene sheets) and join them to the sheets used for the walls of the chamber.
Spray the dust collector inside the clean chamber once again.
Assemble the
inside the clean chamber.