Instructions to assemble and install
Edition E0
Page 11 of 69
Confidential and Property of CoeLux S.r.l.
All assembly, installation and fastening operations for the 45 HC systems and structural elements
must be carried out according to the laws, regulations, technical standards and codes in force in
the country in which the product is installed.
The guarantee is not valid and CoeLux declines any liability for any damage which may arise, if
this instruction is breached.
The 45 HC systems must be fastened to the existing structure by qualified personnel, selected by
and under the responsibility of the installer or user.
The 45 HC systems were designed to be installed in internal rooms with a minimum floor
thickness of 3,200 mm (126 in). Subject to any different, specific legislation, the recommended
end height of the false ceiling is between 2,200 (86.6 in) and 3,200 mm (126 in).
You must check the minimum permitted height of the false ceiling in every room.
The 45 HC systems are not suitable for installation in open areas exposed to bad weather and in
places, which do not comply with the environmental requisites given in Table No.1.
If the 45 HC systems are used in environments subject to specific legislation (undergrounds,
tunnels, etc.), an assessment must be made by competent personnel. Contact CoeLux S.r.l. to
receive guidelines for any specific project.
The 45 HC systems light space very differently compared to traditional lighting and imitate a
permanently sunny window. Prior to installation, you need to calculate where the main beam
will be directed, as it will not be possible to subsequently modify the direction of the light.
To use the product correctly, we advise you to ensure the artificial lighting is compatible with
the natural light, to which the space in question is exposed (from any windows, skylights, etc.)
When you are preparing to install the 45 HC systems, you must envisage an access trapdoor in
the false ceiling (closed by a locked door) and the relevant space above it to permit
maintenance operations (see Paragraph 5 LIFTING, FASTENING, CONNECTIONS AND CHECKS).
The 45 HC systems must be fastened to the ceiling via a system consisting of a sub-structure
hanging from the aforementioned ceiling, on which you will place the 45 HC systems.
Procedures to assemble, lift, fasten and start up the 45 HC systems must comply with the
instructions in this manual. They must also comply with the relevant, applicable legislation in
force on installation and on health and safety in the work place.