45 HC
User's manual
Edition E1
Page 8 of 13
The 45 HC systems are innovative lighting equipment. They use a LED source, an optical system and
the CoeLux
panel to produce an artificial window to light the room naturally, as though it were a real
sunlit window.
Read the technical sheet and information provided by CoeLux S.r.l. to exploit the product potential to
its best.
You must not install light controlling equipment (dimmers, colour control, etc.).
If you look directly at the LED light source, you may be dazzled. To avoid being dazzled, take special
care NOT to look inside the window when the unit is being switched on.
If installed correctly, 45 HC systems are not hazardous for the human eye and sight.
The LED light source is classified as RG1 according to the EN 62471 standard due to the blue light it
emits. However, no hazard signs are required according to the IEC/TR 62471-2 standard. To prevent
any irritating reactions (dazzling, after image, etc.) which are, nevertheless, temporary and normal,
we recommend you do not stare at the light source for a long time, and do not allow people with
limited cognitive ability or mobility (children, elderly, disabled, bedridden, etc.) to do the same.
Once connected and switched on, the projectors 74-00062-01 and 74-00063-01 are preset to emit
100% of the permitted light intensity. It is, however, possible to control the light intensity (permitted
range 50% - 100%) of the 45 HC systems with these projectors using the DALI standard.
Only the intensity and not colour of the light can be changed in any way.
Two cables for the DALI signal can be connected via the terminals inside the special junction box
Some DALI parameters have been preset on the projectors:
To avoid any discomfort, CoeLux recommends setting the fade-time for the change in intensity to over
2 sec.
In the event of installations of HC and LC systems side by side in the same room, in order to obtain a
similar light from the sky and beam projected to the ground we recommend you configure the intensity
of switch on and/or of the same DALI scenario as follows: LC systems 70%, HC systems 85%.