ESD Caution
Connections to other pieces of equipment are made at the rear of the Codonics Virtua Medical Disc Publisher.
These connectors are marked with a precautionary ESD warning symbol, as shown below. Do not touch any of
the pins of these connectors. When making connections to the device, it is best done while the device is plugged
in but not powered on. ESD may cause erratic behavior of the device when powered on. Should this occur, power
to the device may have to be cycled. It is recommended that all staff involved in making connections to the device
be aware of these ESD precautions.
ESD labels at rear of Controller
Fuse Label
The fuse label is located beneath the Controller rear connector panel.
Fuse label at rear of Controller
Potential for Radio Frequency Interference on Device Operation
Both portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical equipment, including the
Codonics Virtua Medical Disc Publisher. Keep such RF communications equipment out of the immediate area.
Potential for Radio and Television Interference
The Codonics Virtua Medical Disc Publisher generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and
used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio
and television reception. Do not change the Display refresh rate, which is set for 75 Hz. The device has been type
tested and found to comply with Class B emission limits for a computing device in accordance with the
specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against
such interference when operating in a commercial environment. Operation of the equipment in a residential area