User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 120
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
Doubl e lines
This is useful if the file contains duplicate lines or elements that should not be milled / lasered. By
checking the box marked "Show deleted" only the already deactivated elements are displayed.
Navigate the graphic
While holding down the mouse button, you can move the image in the graphic, while holding down
the right mouse button, you can zoom in. Click on the button "Reset Pan / Zoom" to restore the
original state.
Opti mize the draw ing file
For files that consist of countless small line segments, it may be useful to sort the segments again
and chain them together. This can be triggered by the "Optimize path" button. Unfortunately, this
option is NOT reversible, so if an unexpected result arises, for example, with double lines, the
import is to be repeated again.
The conve rsion:
After confirming the button Start conversion, the data will be converted into G-code and
automatically loaded as a program. The converted data is documented for better understanding:
(Kinetic-NC DXF Import Filter)
(Filter Version: V1.0)
(converted from: C:\DXF\samples_dxf\hasen.dxf)
(circle mode JK relative)
N10 G64 (constant velocity mode)
N20 G21 (metric)
N30 G90
N40 G0 Z50 (move to secure Z-hight)
(Processing vector data from layer EBENE_1)
(Tool Change)
N50 Z55
N60 M6 T1
N70 M3 S1000
N80 G0 Z50
(Processing segment: 0, containing 603 elements)
X-1.45876 Y4.08865