Rev1.0a | 30/50
5.2 FIFO
CMT2300A provides two separated 32-byte FIFO by default. They are used for RX and TX, respectively. Users can also set
FIFO_MARGE_EN to 1 to merge the two separated FIFO into one 64-byte FIFO. It can be used both under TX and RX. By
configuring the FIFO_RX_TX_SEL to indicate whether it is currently used as TX FIFO or RX FIFO. When the two FIFO are not
merged, users can fill in the TX FIFO while the RX FIFO is used to receive data in the RX mode.
The FIFO can be accessed via the SPI interface. The user can clear the FIFO by setting FIFO_CLR_TXor FIFO_CLR_RX to 1. Also,
the user can re-send the old data in the TX FIFO by setting FIFO_RESTORE to 1, without the need of re-filling the data.