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7.3 Device Control Panel
Basic Mode and Advanced Mode
The RFPDK has two configuration modes: Basic Mode and Advanced Mode.
Basic Mode
A few fundamental settings of the selected device are available for the users to easily get started with their design.
Advanced Mode
All settings of the selected device are available for the users to configure the device more flexibly.
The details of each feature/setting are described in “AN112 CMT2150A Configuration Guideline”, “AN118 CMT2250A
Configuration Guideline” and “AN119 CMT2251A Configuration Guideline”.
In both Basic and Advanced modes, default configurations can be loaded for direct use, or as a starting point to further
customize the chip in the differentiating RF systems.
Configuration List and Chip Parameters
The control panel contains a Configuration List area and a Chip Parameters area.
Configuration List
It lets the users to select predefined chip configuration from the list, including the default configurations provided by
CMOSTEK or the customized configurations save by the user. For the non-default configurations, the user can add notes
to the “List Type” column by double-clicking the cell, as shown in the below figure.
Figure 33. Add Note to User-saved Configurations
Chip Parameters
This area contains the parameters to configure the device.
List, Export and Burn
Saving the configurations, generating the EEPROM image file for manufacturing and programming the configuration to the
device can be done by pressing the List, Export and Burn buttons on the panel, respectively.
The users can click the List button to save a new configuration to the “Configuration List”.
The user can click the Export button to export the current configurations to an EEPROM image file suffixed by “.exp”. The
file can be loaded by the manufacturing programmer in mass production phase to program the CMOSTEK NextGenRF
Once all the parameters are properly set and all the hardware are correctly connected, the user can click the Burn button